Bug 7112 - Having two prices in 020$c causes basket creation to fail from staged marc import
The root problem here is that the price is being pulled from the MARC record
and is then run through Number::Format::unformat_number. This routine is
really being misused, and should only be used to reverse the effects of
Number::Format on a number string. We are apparently using it to strip
out currency characters and the like.
Number::Format::unformat_number will choke if there is more than one period (.)
in the price field. MARC standards do not limit this field to a single period,
so unless there is only one period, we should skip number unformatting.
Examples of that break unformat_number include '18.95 (U.S.)', and
'$5.99 ($7.75 CAN)', both of which are perfectly valid.
This commit adds the function MungeMarcPrice that will better handle
find a real price value in a given price field. It does a very good
job at finding a price in any currency format, and attempts to find
a price in whichever currency is active before falling back to
the first valid price it can find.
The variable $price may fail to have an actual price, in which case
the price then defaults to '0.00', which would be rarely if ever the
correct price. To combat this, I have added highlighting to any
price in the Order Details table that begins with 0 ( i.e. '0.00' ).
Also, fixed the incomplete table footer, adding a new td with a
span of 3 to fill in the nonexistant cells.
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com> Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>