Merge remote branch 'kc/master' into new/bug_5940
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / en / modules / admin / preferences / staff_client.pref
1 Staff Client:
2     Appearance:
3         -
4             - Use the
5             - pref: template
6               choices: staff-templates
7             - theme on the staff interface.
8         -
9             - "The staff client is located at http://"
10             - pref: staffClientBaseURL
11               class: url
12             - .
13         -
14             - Include the stylesheet at
15             - pref: intranetstylesheet
16               class: url
17             - on all pages in the staff interface, instead of the default. (This should be a complete URL, starting with <code>http://</code>.)
18         -
19             - "Include the following CSS on all pages in the staff client:"
20             - pref: IntranetUserCSS
21               type: textarea
22               class: code
23         -
24             - Include the stylesheet <code><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="themelang" -->/css/</code>
25             - pref: intranetcolorstylesheet
26               class: file
27             - on all pages in the staff interface. (Leave blank to disable.)
28         -
29             - Use include files from the
30             - pref: intranet_includes
31               class: file
32             - directory in the template directory, instead of <code>includes/</code>. (Leave blank to disable)
33         -
34             - "Show the following HTML in its own column on the main page of the staff client:"
35             - pref: IntranetmainUserblock
36               type: textarea
37               class: code
38         -
39             - "Show the following HTML in the More menu at the top of each page on the staff client (should be a list of links or blank):"
40             - pref: IntranetNav
41               type: textarea
42               class: code
43         -
44             - "Include the following JavaScript on all pages in the staff clien:"
45             - pref: intranetuserjs
46               type: textarea
47               class: code
48         -
49             - Use the image at
50             - pref: IntranetFavicon
51               class: url
52             - for the Staff Client's favicon. (This should be a complete URL, starting with <code>http://</code>.)
53         -
54             - Show biblio records on result page in the staff client
55             - pref: XSLTResultsDisplay
56               choices:
57                   yes: using XSLT stylesheets.
58                   no: normally.
59         -
60             - Show item details pages in the staff client
61             - pref: XSLTDetailsDisplay
62               choices:
63                   yes: using XSLT stylesheets.
64                   no: normally.
65         -
66             - Use the Yahoo UI libraries
67             - pref: yuipath
68               choices:
69                   local: "included with Koha (faster, will work if internet goes down)."
70                   "": "from Yahoo's own servers (less demand on your servers)."
71         -
72             - pref: StaffAuthorisedValueImages
73               choices:
74                   yes: Show
75                   no: "Don't show"
76             - images for <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/">authorized values</a> (such as lost statuses and locations) in search results.
77     Options:
78         -
79             - pref: viewMARC
80               choices:
81                   yes: Allow
82                   no: "Don't allow"
83             - staff to view records in plain MARC form on the staff client.
84         -
85             - pref: viewLabeledMARC
86               choices:
87                   yes: Allow
88                   no: "Don't allow"
89             - staff to view records in labeled MARC form on the staff client.
90         -
91             - pref: viewISBD
92               choices:
93                   yes: Allow
94                   no: "Don't allow"
95             - staff to view records in ISBD form on the staff client.
96         -
97             - pref: HidePatronName
98               choices:
99                   no: Show
100                   yes: "Don't show"
101             - the names of patrons that have items checked out or on hold on detail pages or the "Place Hold" screen.
102         -
103             - pref: intranetbookbag
104               choices:
105                   yes: Show
106                   no: "Don't show"
107             - the cart option in the staff client.