#!/bin/bash # # koha-create -- Create a new Koha instance. # Copyright 2010 Catalyst IT, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . set -e # include helper functions if [ -f "/usr/share/koha/bin/koha-functions.sh" ]; then . "/usr/share/koha/bin/koha-functions.sh" else echo "Error: /usr/share/koha/bin/koha-functions.sh not present." 1>&2 exit 1 fi usage() { local scriptname=$0 cat < "$2" } getmysqlhost() { awk ' /^\[/ { inclient = 0 } /^\[client\]/ { inclient = 1 } inclient && /^ *host *=/ { print $3 }' \ /etc/mysql/koha-common.cnf } getinstancemysqlpassword() { xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/pass' "/etc/koha/sites/$1/koha-conf.xml" } getinstancemysqluser() { xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/user' "/etc/koha/sites/$1/koha-conf.xml" } getinstancemysqldatabase() { xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/database' "/etc/koha/sites/$1/koha-conf.xml" } check_apache_config() { # Check that mpm_itk is installed and enabled if ! /usr/sbin/apachectl -M 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'mpm_itk'; then # Check Apache version APACHE_DISABLE_MPM_MSG="" if /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -v | grep -q "Server version: Apache/2.4"; then # mpm_event or mpm_worker need to be disabled first. mpm_itk depends # on mpm_prefork, which is enabled if needed. See # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=734865 if /usr/sbin/apachectl -M 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'mpm_event'; then APACHE_DISABLE_MPM_MSG=" sudo a2dismod mpm_event ;" elif /usr/sbin/apachectl -M 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'mpm_worker'; then APACHE_DISABLE_MPM_MSG=" sudo a2dismod mpm_worker ;" # else mpm_prefork: a2enmod mpm_itk works fi # else Apache 2.2: a2enmod mpm_itk works fi cat 1>&2 < /dev/null | grep -q 'rewrite_module'; then cat 1>&2 <\n \n EOF` END_BIBLIOS_RETRIEVAL_INFO=`cat <\n <\/xi:fallback>\n <\/xi:include> EOF` BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE="dom" ZEBRA_BIBLIOS_CFG="zebra-biblios-dom.cfg" ;; "grs1") START_BIBLIOS_RETRIEVAL_INFO=" " END_BIBLIOS_RETRIEVAL_INFO=" <\/retrievalinfo>" BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE="grs1" ZEBRA_BIBLIOS_CFG="zebra-biblios.cfg" ;; *) die "Error: '$indexing_mode' is not a valid indexing mode for bibliographic records." ;; esac } set_authorities_indexing_mode() { local indexing_mode=$1 local marc_format=$2 case $indexing_mode in "dom") START_AUTHORITIES_RETRIEVAL_INFO=`cat <\n \n EOF` END_AUTHORITIES_RETRIEVAL_INFO=`cat <\n <\/xi:fallback>\n <\/xi:include>\n EOF` AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE="dom" ZEBRA_AUTHORITIES_CFG="zebra-authorities-dom.cfg" ;; "grs1") START_AUTHORITIES_RETRIEVAL_INFO=" " END_AUTHORITIES_RETRIEVAL_INFO=" <\/retrievalinfo>" AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE="grs1" ZEBRA_AUTHORITIES_CFG="zebra-authorities.cfg" ;; *) die "Error: '$indexing_mode' is not a valid indexing mode for authority records." ;; esac } set_memcached() { local instance="$1" if [ "$CLO_MEMCACHED_SERVERS" != "" ]; then MEMCACHED_SERVERS=$CLO_MEMCACHED_SERVERS else if [ "$MEMCACHED_SERVERS" = "" ]; then MEMCACHED_SERVERS=$DEFAULT_MEMCACHED_SERVERS # else: was set by the koha-sites.conf file fi fi if [ "$CLO_MEMCACHED_PREFIX" != "" ]; then MEMCACHED_NAMESPACE="$CLO_MEMCACHED_PREFIX$instance" else if [ "$MEMCACHED_PREFIX" != "" ]; then MEMCACHED_NAMESPACE="$MEMCACHED_PREFIX$instance" else MEMCACHED_NAMESPACE="$DEFAULT_MEMCACHED_PREFIX$instance" fi fi } # Set defaults and read config file, if it exists. DOMAIN="" OPACPORT="80" OPACPREFIX="" OPACSUFFIX="" INTRAPORT="8080" INTRAPREFIX="" INTRASUFFIX="" DEFAULTSQL="" ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT="marc21" ZEBRA_LANGUAGE="en" ADMINUSER="1" PASSWDFILE="/etc/koha/passwd" # memcached variables USE_MEMCACHED="no" MEMCACHED_SERVERS="" MEMCACHED_PREFIX="" # hardcoded memcached defaults DEFAULT_MEMCACHED_SERVERS="" DEFAULT_MEMCACHED_PREFIX="koha_" # Indexing mode variables (default is DOM) BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE="dom" AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE="dom" START_BIBLIOS_RETRIEVAL_INFO="" END_BIBLIOS_RETRIEVAL_INFO="" START_AUTHORITIES_RETRIEVAL_INFO="" END_AUTHORITIES_RETRIEVAL_INFO="" if [ -e /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf ] then . /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf fi [ $# -ge 1 ] && [ $# -le 16 ] || ( usage ; die "Error: wrong parameters" ) TEMP=`getopt -o chrpm:l:d:f:b:a: -l create-db,request-db,populate-db,use-db,use-memcached,help,marcflavor:,auth-idx:,biblio-idx:,zebralang:,defaultsql:,configfile:,passwdfile:,database:,adminuser:,memcached-servers:,memcached-prefix:, \ -n "$0" -- "$@"` # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential! eval set -- "$TEMP" # Temporary variables for the command line options CLO_ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT="" CLO_ZEBRA_LANGUAGE="" CLO_DEFAULTSQL="" CLO_ADMINUSER="" CLO_BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE="" CLO_AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE="" CLO_MEMCACHED_SERVERS="" CLO_MEMCACHED_PREFIX="" while true ; do case "$1" in -c|--create-db) op=create ; shift ;; -r|--request-db) op=request ; shift ;; -p|--populate-db) op=populate ; shift ;; -u|--use-db) op=use ; shift ;; --use-memcached) USE_MEMCACHED="yes" ; shift ;; --memcached-servers) CLO_MEMCACHED_SERVERS="$2" ; shift 2 ;; --memcached-prefix) CLO_MEMCACHED_PREFIX="$2" ; shift 2;; -m|--marcflavor) CLO_ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -l|--zebralang) CLO_ZEBRA_LANGUAGE="$2" ; shift 2 ;; --auth-idx) CLO_AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE="$2" ; shift 2 ;; --biblio-idx) CLO_BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -d|--defaultsql) CLO_DEFAULTSQL="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -f|--configfile) configfile="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -s|--passwdfile) CLO_PASSWDFILE="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -b|--database) CLO_DATABASE="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -a|--adminuser) CLO_ADMINUSER="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -h|--help) usage ; exit 0 ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) die "Internal error processing command line arguments" ;; esac done # Load the configfile given on the command line if [ "$configfile" != "" ] then if [ -e "$configfile" ] then . "$configfile" else die "$configfile does not exist."; fi fi # Make sure options from the command line get the highest precedence if [ "$CLO_ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT" != "" ] then ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT="$CLO_ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT" fi if [ "$CLO_ZEBRA_LANGUAGE" != "" ] then ZEBRA_LANGUAGE="$CLO_ZEBRA_LANGUAGE" fi if [ "$CLO_DEFAULTSQL" != "" ] then DEFAULTSQL="$CLO_DEFAULTSQL" fi if [ "$CLO_ADMINUSER" != "" ] then ADMINUSER="$CLO_ADMINUSER" fi if [ "$CLO_PASSWDFILE" != "" ] then PASSWDFILE="$CLO_PASSWDFILE" fi if [ "$CLO_BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE" != "" ]; then BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE=$CLO_BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE fi set_biblios_indexing_mode $BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE $ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT if [ "$CLO_AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE" != "" ]; then AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE=$CLO_AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE fi set_authorities_indexing_mode $AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE $ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT name="$1" if [ "$USE_MEMCACHED" = "yes" ]; then set_memcached $name elif [ "$CLO_MEMCACHED_SERVERS" != "" ] || \ [ "$CLO_MEMCACHED_PREFIX" != "" ]; then MSG=`cat < /dev/null then die "User $username already exists." fi if getent group "$username" > /dev/null then die "Group $username already exists." fi adduser --no-create-home --disabled-login \ --gecos "Koha instance $username" \ --home "/var/lib/koha/$name" \ --quiet "$username" # Create the site-specific directories. koha-create-dirs "$name" # Generate Zebra database password. zebrapwd="$(pwgen -s 16 1)" # Future enhancement: make this configurable for when your db is on # another server. mysql_hostname="localhost" # Set up MySQL database for this instance. if [ "$op" = create ] then mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/koha-common.cnf < "$name-db-request.txt" << eof Please create a MySQL database and user on $mysqlhost as follows: database name: $mysqldb database user: $mysqluser password: $mysqlpwd Thank you. eof echo "See $name-db-request.txt for database creation request." echo "Please forward it to the right person, and then run" echo "$0 --populate-db $name" echo "Thanks." fi fi if [ "$op" = create ] || [ "$op" = populate ] then # Re-fetch the passwords from the config we've generated, allows it # to be different from what we set, in case the user had to change # something. mysqluser=$(getinstancemysqluser $name) mysqldb=$(getinstancemysqldatabase $name) # Use the default database content if that exists. if [ -e "$DEFAULTSQL" ] then # Populate the database with default content. zcat "$DEFAULTSQL" | sed "s/__KOHASITE__/$name/g" | mysql --host="$mysqlhost" --user="$mysqluser" --password="$mysqlpwd" "$mysqldb" # Change the default user's password. staffpass="$(pwgen 12 1)" staffdigest=$(echo -n "$staffpass" | perl -e ' use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64); while (<>) { print md5_base64($_), "\n"; }') mysql --host="$mysqlhost" --user="$mysqluser" \ --password="$mysqlpwd" < /dev/null 2>&1 || a2ensite "${name}.conf" > /dev/null 2>&1 }; then echo "Warning: problem enabling $name in Apache" >&2 fi service apache2 restart # Start Zebra. koha-start-zebra "$name" fi if [ "$op" = request ] then koha-disable "$name" fi echo <