Date Description Tags 1999 HLT have a proprietary library system, with a y2k bug 1999 HLT send out RFP, no responses that would actually work over dialup links 1999 HLT and Katipo look for Opensource ILS, can't find one September 6 1999 Work starts on Koha September,October,December 1999 Katipo work with HLT to write an ILS. 1999 Olwen Williams does at lot of work on data conversion. January 3 2000 Koha goes live after many sleepness nights and a few hundred commits July 2000 Koha written about in Library Life NZ July 13 2000 First post to the koha mailing list July 21 2000 Koha 1.00 put up for download release August 9 2000 Koha 1.01 released release August 17 2000 First request for internationalisation from Poland translation Auguest 19 2000 Koha 1.03 released release October 9 2000 Koha 1.06 released release October 17 2000 Koha wins 3M Innovation in Libraries award award October 24 2000 "WebMedia, E-Loan collect awards",koha October 27 2000 Koha wins "The best example of interactive media specifically made for community and not for profit organisations." Interactive NZ Award award December 16 2000 Glen Stewart sends the first patch for Koha (outside of Katipo) December 16 2000 Steve Tonnesen begins work on non-acquistions based cataloguing interface December 21 2000 Chris Cormack returns from annual leave and Koha 1.07 is released award December 21 2000 Koha is set up on January 6 2001 Steve Tonnesen becomes the 5th committer to Koha and the first outside of Katipo, Koha has 874 commits at this point January 13 2001 Glen Stewart sends patches to fix some bugs with acquisitions January 19 2001 Steve Tonnesen begins work on web based circulations February 16 2001 Koha developers mailing list set up February 27 2001 Koha 1.1.0 released includes Web based circulations release May 18 2001 Glen Stewart leaves his job and working on Koha, gives us cuecat decoding code as a parting gift. June 15 2001 Work begins on importing/exporting MARC to/from koha June 23 2001 Benedykt P. Barszcz working on translations translation, community, poland June 24 2001 Pawel Skuza working on a script to automate translations translation June 27 2001 Chris Cormack commits the script to automate translations translation July 12 2001 Pawel Skuza becomes the 2nd committer outside of Katipo, and 6th overall and commits his translation script. July 17 2001 Koha 1.1.1 released, including new translation script release August 15 2001 Steve Tonessen has 5 Schools in BC using Koha September 5 2001 Pawel Skuza submits new Polish images for use with Koha translation,poland September 25 2001 Gerrit Niestijl installs Koha using Oracle September 27 2001 Debian package available for debian deb local main apt-get update apt-get install koha October 23 2001 Nicolas Rosasco starts work on a FAQ November 1 2001 Can use Z3950 from Koha now November 2 2001 Can successfully import MARC records November 7 2001 Nicholas Rosasco publishes FAQ for Koha November 8 2001 Steve Tonessen succeeds Chris Cormack as Release manager January 24 2002 First message to the main koha list from Stephen Hedges at NPL February 1 2002 First message to the main koha list from Paul Poulain February 22 2002 Paul Poulain sends an email saying he will work on Koha March 6 2002 Paul becomes the 7th committer to Koha March 13 2002 Katipo's new developer Finlay Thompson becomes the 8th committer to Koha March 14 2002 First email from Joshua Ferraro March 20 2002 Roger Buck sets up the first Koha wiki March 30 2002 Nicholas Rosasco begins work on a documentation site April 2 2002 Pat Eyler introduces himself to the community April 9 2002 Pat Eyler becomes 8th committer to Koha April 14 2002 Chris Cormack asks Nicholas Rosasco to help coordinate the developers with him April 10 2002 Gynn Lomax (of Katipo) becomes 9th committer to Koha April 20 2002 irc channel #koha set up on April 21 2002 Roger Buck becomes 10th committer to Koha April 24 2002 Chris Cormack branches cvs to make rel-1-2 branch April 24 2002 Pat Eyler starts a who's who page on the wiki May 1 2002 Chris announces 1.2.0-rc1 May 8 2002 Paul Poulain sends his MARC support proposal to the devel list May 11 2002 Steve Tonnesen outlines a structure for HTML::Template and the Koha templates May 14 2002 Chris Cormack branches cvs and creates rel-1-4-marc branch for work on MARC May 15 2002 Steve Tonnesen makes the irc logs publicly available May 18 2002 Alan Millar becomes 11th committer to Koha May 27 2002 Mike Mylonas becomes 12th committer to Koha May 23 2002 Steve Tonnesen makes searchable logs of the irc channel available May 23 2002 Koha 1.1.2rc1 released May 28 2002 Rachel Hamilton-Williams puts up Katipo's Koha work on the wiki to avoid duplication of effort May 30 2002 Meeting to elect Kaitiaki - Pat Eyler elected June 6 2002 Chris Cormack announces Koha 1.2.0-rc2 June 7 2002 Pat sends his first from the Kaitiaki report June 9 2002 Rachel Hamilton-Willams of Katipo sends access to the katipo cma to edit the new site June 14 2002 First email to the koha-announce list June 15 2002 First bug lodged in at 1.15pm June 15 2002 First bug in bugzilla fixed at 2pm June 15 2002 Koha 1.2.0 Released - Contains templates to make translation easier, Chris takes over release maintenance while Paul and Steve begin work for 1.4.0 June 17 2002 Koha mentioned in an article by Ben Ostrowsky about Linux/Open Source June 18 2002 Pat Eyler starts a kohabiz mailing list June 20 2002 Koha 1.2.1rc1 put up on June 24 2002 Koha 1.2.1rc2 put up on June 25 2002 Koha 1.2.1rc3 put on June 28 2002 Pay for support page started on July 5 2002 Koha 1.2.1 Released July 10 2002 First email to the koha-translate mailing list July 12 2002 Nicholas sets up a translation section on the wiki and a mailing list July 19 2002 Koha mentioned in Linux Weekly News July 26 2002 Koha 1.2.2 Released August 2 2002 Koha translations of the README file in Bangla and Hindi received August 5 2002 Rachel and Rosalie interviewed on National Radio in NZ August 26 2002 Nelsonville public library announce their intention to migrate to Koha September 3 2002 Nelsonville RFP's gain traction September 11 2002 Philanthropy Australia goes live with koha September 12 2002 Article about Koha and NPL in computerworld,koha September 19 2002 Dorian Meid becomes the 13th committer to Koha September 22 2002 Andrew Arensburger becomes the 14th committer to Koha, with the neat C4::Context September 22 2002 Koha and NPL written about in Computerworld NZ September 25 2002 Koha 1.3.0 released - Mulitple MARC flavours supported September 27 2002 Koha mentioned in Biblio-Tech review October 14 2000 Koha 1.3.1 released October 16 2002 David Strainchamps 15th committer to Koha October 16 2002 Koha 1.3.1 released October 23-25 2002 NPL (Joshua Ferraro, Stephen Hedges & Owen Leonard) plus Chris Cormack at Ohio Library conference, Columbus October 30-31 2002 Chris Cormack speaks at Think Linux Toledo, Chris, Joshua Ferraro and Stephen Hedges man a stand November 14 2002 Henri-Damien Laurent becomes 16th committer to Koha Novemer 21 2002 Kohausers page is started November ?? 2002 Chawner, Brenda. 2002. Koha: an open source success story. November 30 2002 Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso 17th committer to Koha December 2 2002 Koha 1.3.2 released ?? Decemeber 6 2002 Koha mentioned in an article about opensource in American Libraries December 6 2002 First known install in france ND-Dombes Abbey December ?? 2002 Koha 1.2.3 released December 13 2002 Rob Weir posts links to his Windows32 packages, begins the lifelong task of preparing windows packages January 6 2003 Andy?? becomes 18th committer to Koha January 8 2003 Koha 1.3.3 released January 12 2003 Benedict finishes the translation of the templates into polish translation, polish January 19 2003 Ambrose Li becomes the 19th committer to Koha February 1 2003 Article from Pat Eyler about Koha in linux Journal February 4 2003 Koha Cafepress shop opens. February 5 2003 Koha 1.9.0 is released, 2.0.0 becomes much closer February 13 2003 "Open source library system a welcome gift",koha February 17 2003 Mike Hansen becomes the 20th committer to Koha February ?? 2003 Nicolas Morin tells us that Koha was mentioned in the French monthly periodical ARCHIMAG February 26 2003 Helena Gironès begins work on a Catalan translation translation, catalan March 11 2003 Ingrid Lacis appointed QA Manager March 11 2003 Steve Tonnesen appointed Release Manager for 2.1/2.2, Paul Poulain later takes over this role March 28 2003 Koha-testing mailing list set up April 5 2003 Al Banks becomes the 21st committer to Koha April 5 2003 Koha 1.9.1 released April 11 2003 Rob Weir updates the Koha windows packages, now a few clicks to do an install April 12 2003 Koha 1.9.2 released April 16 2003 Paul Poulain presents on Koha at "Open Source Software in Libraries" at enssib (the French National School for librarians - May 3 2003 Dorian Meid translate the opac into German translation, german May 9 2003 Ingrid resigns as QA manager May 15 2003 Pat Eyler, Steve Tonnesen and Chris Cormack add RSS support to Koha May 21 2003 M J Ray becomes the 22nd committer to Koha May 22 2003 Paul Poulain commits new bulkmarcimport tool to Koha May 22 2003 Koha 1.9.3 released May 26 2003 Koha wins Trophee Du Libre Award June 8-23 Rachel and Chris from Katipo go to Vienna to do Koha training for UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) June 17 2003 Serge Renaux becomes the 23rd committer to Koha June 20 2003 Jerome Vizcaino becomes the 24th committer to Koha June 21 2003 Paul Gear makes available rpm's of all of Koha's dependencies June 23 2003 Michel Lerenard becomes the 25th committer to Koha June 24 2003 Koha 2.0.0pre1 released June 24 2003 Joshua Ferraro becomes the 26th committer to Koha July 9 2003 Pierre Cauchois becomes the 27th committer to Koha July 11 2003 Koha 2.0.0pre2 released July 17 2003 Students at ESIEE develop a feature to allow Koha to use LDAP to authenticate July 17 2003 Ecole des mines de Paris commit to using Koha July 17 2003 The University of Buffalo decide to use Koha as a teaching tool for Library and Information Studies Students August 19 2003 NPL announces they are live with Koha August 26 2003 Richard Anderson (at Katipo) becomes the 28th committer to Koha September 9 2003 Koha 2.0.0pre3 released September 23 2003 Koha 2.0.0pre4 released October 1 2003 Koha mentioned by Prime Minister of NZ when she was talking to the Chamber of Commerce October 3-5 2003 Open communication for open source software develoment: the Koha experience. Paper read at LITA National Forum, at Norfolk, VA. October 25 2003 Koha 2.0.0pre5 released November 1 2003 Owen Leonard becomes the 29th committer to Koha November 7 2003 2 articles about Koha on webjunction New Zealand Leads the Way: the Horowhenua Open Source Story and Nelsonville Public Library: Questions and Answers About Open Source December 4 2003 Koha 2.0.0rc1 released December 5 2003 Paul Poulain commits a new translation tool December 12 2003 Koha has been used as an example in a recent study of Open Source Development commissioned by the World Bank Group December 16 2003 Chris Cormack branches cvs creates rel_2_0 branch Jan 6 2004 Joshua Ferraro begins work on installation manual Jan 10 2004 Joshua Ferraro adds a simple z3950 server Jan 21 2004 Koha 2.0.0rc2 released Jan 29 2004 Paul Poulain announces release of 2.0.0rc3 Feb 11 2004 Paul Poulain announces release of 2.0.0rc4 Feb 19 2004 Stephen Hedges provides his migrating to Koha documentation to the community Mar 7 2004 Installation guide improved and released in pdf format Mar 30 2004 Baiju M provides a neat migrating from CDS/ISIS to Koha document April 1 20004 Koha 2.0.0 released April 17 2004 Nicholas S. Rosasco resurrects and updates the FAQ April 17 2004 Seminar on Koha at Cairo University, Egypt May 13-16 2004 Zeki Celikbas presents Koha at a linux festival in Ankara, Turkey May 25 2004 doXulting becomes the 30th committer to Koha May 29 2004 Brooke adds the Newbie Guide to the wiki, newbies around the world rejoice May 31 2004 "When profit's not the only goal",koha June 3 2004 M J Ray (release maintainer for 2.0.x) starts expirementing with using arch for Koha version control June 4 2004 Paul commits first cut at online help June 23 2004 Ecole des Mines de Nantes funds the development of a suggestions module, to work with acquisitions June 24 2004 "And the winners are ...",koha June 25 2004 Koha wins Computerworld excellence in IT for nonprofit Award June 30 2004 Koha 2.1.0 released June 30 2004 MJ Ray announces Koha 2.0.1beta2 released June 30 2004 Christopher Brown-Syed emails to tell us Koha and University of Buffalo are continuin their relationship July 7 2004 Paul Poulain uses some of the suggestions from University of Buffalo to improve MARC support in Koha August 18 2004 Stephen Hedges becomes the 31st committer to Koha August 19 2004 Koha 2.1.1 released August 26 2004 Katipo installing Koha at Lianza conference (as well as presenting) September 1 2004 Martín Longo starts work on translating Koha to spanish translation, spanish September 24 2004 Rachel Hamilton-Williams elected Kaitiaki September 29 2004 Koha 2.1.2 released September 29 2004 Joshua Ferraro presents at OLC October 2 2004 Paul Poulain announces the birth of his 3rd son :) October 20 2004 Koha 2.1.3 released October 29 2004 Koha 2.0.2beta released October 29 2004 Gerry Arthus starts work on a Turkish translation translation, turkish November 17 2004 Koha 2.2.0rc1 released November 17 2004 M J Ray releases Koha 2.0.2 November 20 2004 Koha 2.2.0rc2 released November 23 2004 Koha 2.2.0rc3 released December 9 2004 Koha 2.2.0rc4 released December 21 2004 Koha 2.2.0rc5 released January 2 2005 New document on "Installing Koha on Fedora" by Joshua Ferraro January 6 2005 Koha 2.2.0 released January 18 2005 Rachel Hamilton-Williams designs a new Koha logo February 1-3 2005 Chris Cormack, Rachel Hamilton-Williams and Russel Garlick demonstrate Koha and man a stand at Alia Online, in Australia. Irma Birchall helps out also. February 6 2005 Koha 2.2, Software Overview and Description of Features -- is now available on February 7 2005 Paul Poulain announces he has hired Henri Damien Laurent to work with him on Koha February 10 2005 "Koha Architectural Study" by Nicholas Rosasco and Erik Bakke. New doc on February 22 2005 Koha 2.2.1 released March 10 2005 Matti Lassila writes to say work is continuing on a Finnish translation translation, finnish April 7 2005 Lars ?? translates the MARC21 labels to swedish translation, swedish April 8 2005 Koha 2.2.2 released April 13 2005 Liblime announce they are providing Koha support April 19 2005 Shaun Evans becomes the 32nd committer to Koha April 24 2005 Set Parameters and Migrate Your Data to Koha 2.2, English translation of Paul Poulain's Paramétrer et migrer, by Regula Sebastiao. On April 26 2005 Koha 2.2.2b released May 2 2005 Koha translated to Swedish translation,sweden May 6 2005 Argentinian start work on customising Koha for use in Argentinian Universities Argentina May 8 2005 Stephen Hedges starts work on 2.2 Users guide May 15 2005 New document on "Command-line scripts," Jared Jennings' translation of Paul Poulain's original French document. Look for it in section 2.3 "Maintenance and Troubleshooting." May 20 2005 Stephen Hedges publishes his Koha Diary on May 20 2005 Joshua Ferraro appointed Release Manager for 2.4 May 20 2005 Russel Garlick updates May 23 2005 Website Design committee mooted May 23 2005 Koha mentioned in Linux Today May 25 2005 #koha-fr channel started on irc community, french May 25 2005 Chris Cormack commits some Plucene scripts in cvs Head and Joshua Ferraro does some testing search, fulltext May 26 2005 Koha webdesign IRC meeting website May 31 2005 Bugsquashing session June 2 2005 Waylon Robertson becomes the 33rd committer to Koha June 3 2005 Gavin ?? becomes the 34th committer to Koha June 3 2005 Joshua Ferraro and Chris Cormack discuss trying out Koha for fulltext search on irc searching, fulltext June 3 2005 Friedrich zur Hellen becomes the 35th committer to Koha June 5 2005 Joshuaexpirements with Zebra, finds very positive and encouraging results searching, fulltext June 13 2005 Catalogue KOHA : mode d’emploi (in French) by the Bibliothèque de sociologie du CNRS, Paris is published on June 13 2005 After more discussion on irc, Joshua Ferraro sets up a test site using zebra on liblime servers search, fulltext, liblime June 14 2005 Draft coding guidelines published June 23 2005 Paul releases 2.2.3 June 23 2005 'Traducción de “Templates” de KOHA' by Martin Longo published on kohadocs June 25-28 2005 Liblime present Koha at ALA July 4 2005 Paul Poulain proposes we rename Koha 2.4 to be 3.0 July 5 2005 Bug 1000 registered at July 6 2005 koha-zebra mailing list created July 12 2005 The first chapter of the Koha Users Guide -- "Setting Up Your Koha System" -- is now available in the "General Information" section of July 12 2005 M J Ray sets up Planet Koha July 13 2005 hatem ibraheem writes to say that MSA university (Modern Sience and Arts university) using Koha community, library, Egypt August 13 2005 "Koha Coding Standards and Guidelines for Contributors." on documentation August 18 2005 An expanded version of the first chapter of the Koha Users Guide is now available at documentation August 19 2005 Mason James (at Katipo) becomes the 36th committer to Koha August 23 2005 A new document is available on -- "MARC Holdings, Koha, and Migration" by Thomas Dukleth. Look for it in section 2.2, "Migration." documentation August 26 2005 A new link to a document has been added to -- "Gestion de la bibliothèque du LabSAD avec le logiciel Koha" by Caroline Naget (available in pdf format only). This document is in the General Information section because it covers several aspects of Koha: installing on Gentoo Linux, setting parameters, and use. September 8 2005 New website softlaunched September 12-14 2005 Katipo and Koha at LIANZA conference September 20 2005 Сергій Дубик starts work on a Ukranian translation translation, ukranian October 6 2005 New website October 10 2005 Koha 2.2.4 Released October 19 2005 Manuel d’utilisation de Koha by "Boris Gapihan, Christelle Le Borgne, Fabien Malclès, Marie-France Palestro (élèves conservateurs à l'ENSSIB, promotion DCB14)" up on October 29 2005 Horowhenua Library Trust goes live with Koha 2.2.4 (the 2nd upgrade) October 31 2005 Dr Internet Recommends Koha November 4 2005 Carol Ku confirms you can search in Chinese in Koha November 6 2005 The French-language Koha users guide, "Manuel d’utilisation de Koha," is now available in DocBook xml, html, pdf, and OpenDocument formats in the General Information section of November 8 2005 Koha cvs moved to savannah from sourceforge, mailing lists follow November 14 2005 Anthony Youngman suggests using git November 27 2005 A new version of the Koha 2.2 Users Guide is now available on (in the General Information section) December 11 2005 Joshua Ferraro becomes the 37th committer to Koha December 13 2005 Thomas Dukleth becomes the 38th committer to Koha January 10 2006 Koha version 2.2.5 is released January 13 2006 Henri Damien Laurent announces new French Koha website January 17 2006 New material has been added to the Koha Users Guide to bring it up to date with version 2.2.5. There is also new material on acquiring MARC records (Z39.50 and file imports) and templating. View the Users Guide at January 21 2006 "Australian open source conference comes to NZ",koha January 23 2006 "Maddogs and Africans descend on Dunedin",koha January 25 2006 Chris Cormack is invited speaker at Linux Conf Australia January 26 2006 Chris Cormack is interviewed for Otago Daily times, and for the National Television news, talking about Koha January 26 2006 A new document added to -- "Installing Koha on Mac OS X" by Stephen Hedges. January 27 2006 the first Chinese (Traditional) document on : Koha 2.2 簡介 -- a translation of Paul Poulain's Logiciel documentaire by 毛 慶禎 (Anthony Mao) February 4 2006 Joshua Ferraro commits first cut of Amazon content integration with Koha February 6 2006 IRC meeting February 11 2006 Article in computerworld about Koha,koha February 23 2006 Robert Lyon (working at Katipo) becomes the 39th committer to Koha February 24 2006 Tümer Garip writes inventory management tool February 27 2006 "Fear and loathing: is open source a developer's dream or business nightmare?",koha March 3 2006 Paul Poulain commits the holiday management code written by Tümer Garip March 6 2006 First email to the devel list from Pierrick Le Gall from INEO March 6 2006 IRC meeting March 7 2006 Pierrick Le Gall becomes the 40th committer to Koha March 13 2006 IRC meeting March 17 2006 First email from Kyle Hall at ccfls to the Mailing list March 24 2006 Joshua Ferraro has revised his document about installing Koha on Debian to accommodate Koha version 2.2.6 and Debian sarge (3.1). Find it on under "System Administration." documentation April 3 2006 Developer meeting on IRC April 11 2006 Tümer Garip becomes the 41st committer to Koha (major influence in the addition of zebra to Koha and other) April 14 2006 Pierrick Le Gall begins as translation manager May 2,3 2006 Kohacon in Paris May 12 2006 Bruno Tuomi (from San Ouest Provence) becomes the 42nd committer to Koha May 12-18 2006 Developers week at Bibliotheque du Centre de Mathematiques et Informatique (CMI) at the Universite de Provence, in Marseille May 19 2006 Arnaud Laurin (also from SAN-OP) becomes the 43rd committer to Koha May 31 2006 First email from Mike Hafen to the devel list June 1 2006 Antoine Farnault hired by Paul Poulain and Henri Damien Laurent to work on Koha June 5 2006 IRC meeting July 5 2006 Antoine Farnault becomes the 44th committer to Koha July 12 2006 Koha 2.3.0 released release July 18 2006 Katipo starts a dedicated Koha team. July 18 2006 Paolo Pozzan starts translating koha to Italian translation, italian August 2 2006 Koha 2.2.6rc2 released release August 3 2006 Kyle Hall announces he has finished his offline circ addon for firefox August 8 2006 Pierrick Le Gall resigns as QA manager August 30 2006 Antoine Farnault branches cvs creates rel_3_0 branch October 3 2006 Rangitikei Library launches new site, featuring Koha. It's opened by the Minister for Libraries from the NZ Government October 9-11 2006 Katipo at LIANZA demonstrating Koha, Russel Garlick presents October 17 2006 Koha 2.2.6 released November 11 2006 Han Yan emails to tell the list that The Afghanistan Union catalog was built on top of Koha with some modifications such as Arabic support and label printing etc. November 23 2006 Paul Poulain announces Koha 2.2.7 has been released December 19 2006 chinese(zh_TW) translation of koha translation, chinese, taiwan January 10 2007 Italian Translation updated translation, italian January 10 2007 new chinese, japanese & korean translations translation, chinese, japanese, korean January 11 2007 Tag cloud and new browsing feature added to Koha January 17 2007 goes live, Thanks to Pierrick Le Gall for the extensions manager. February 15 2007 Frédéric Demians from Tamil announces plan to offer support services around Koha March 8 2007 Koha 2.2.8 released March 10 2007 Ryan Higgins (of Liblime) becomes the 45th committer to Koha March 12 2007 "Software development benefits from open source",koha March 17 2007 Liblime accepted to google summer of code, call out to the mailing list for project ideas March 28 2007 Passini becomes the 46th committer to Koha March 31 2007 Katipo sells Koha division to Liblime April 1 2007 Russel Garlick, Chris Cormack and Mason James start at Liblime April 10 2007 Agnes Imecs begins work on a Hungarian translation of Koha translation, hungarian May 8 2007 Koha 2.2.9 released release May 29 2007 Karen Myers begins work on a Tetun translation translation, tetun June 5 2007 Rachel Hamilton-Williams explains the logo June 13 2007 Koha presented at Fourteenth International Conference “Crimea 2007” June 18 2007 First Koha day at Liblime June 24 2007 The Crawford County Federated Library System host an Organizational Meeting of a Koha User Group during ALA June 25 2007 Second Koha day June 25 2007 Beda Szukics announces updates to the german translations translation, german July 3 2007 Koha day July 28 2007 Koha day September 14 2007 Russel Garlick becomes the 47th committer to Koha September 24 2007 Chris Hammond-Trashor emails to tell the community that Koha has gone live in Samoa. October 2 2007 "Pharmac publishes directly with open source",koha October 3 2007 Joe Atzberger becomes the 48th committer to Koha October 3 2007 Chris Catalfo becomes the 49th committer to Koha October 4 2007 Biblibre formed October 10 2007 Frederic Demians becomes the 50th committer to Koha October 12 2007 Axel Bojer working on Norwegian translation translation, norwegian October 17 2007 Galen Charlton becomes the 51st committer to Koha October 18 2007 Chris Cormack wins Open Source contributor of the year at the NZ Open Source awards. Koha was a finalist for project of the year October 30 2007 "Open source is a viable option, says the SSC",koha December 21 2007 Daniel Banzli becomes the 52nd committer to Koha January 5 2008 Koha 3.0.0 Alpha is released release January 28 2008 Anousak Souphavanh working on a Lao translation of Koha translation, lao February 23 2008 Jesse Weaver becomes the 53rd committer to Koha March 3 2008 Russel Garlick, Chris Cormack and Mason James leave Liblime Liblime NZ closed March 11 2008 Kurt Debrouwer working on a Dutch translation translation, dutch March 12 2009 Vladimir Mircevski working on a Serbian translation translation, serbian March 19 2008 Andrew Moore becomes the 54th committer to Koha March 23 2008 Koha 3.0.0 Beta is released April 2 2008 Darrell Ulm becomes the 55th committer to Koha April 5 2008 Koha 3.0.0 Beta 2 is released April 7 2008 Bug 2000 registered at April 13 2008 Voting opens for new Koha website theme April 24 2008 Marc Chantreux becomes the 56th committer to Koha April 24 2008 Marijana Glavica working on a Croatian translation translation, croatian April 25 2008 Frère Sébastien Marie becomes the 57th committer to Koha April 26 2008 Polytechnic University Koha Installation becomes the 58th committer to Koha May 6 2008 NCE becomes the 59th committer to Koha May 18 2008 Koha production??? becomes the 60th committer to Koha May 28 2008 Michael Hafen becomes the 61st committer to Koha June 17 2008 Daniel Kahn Gillmor becomes the 62nd committer to Koha June 21 2008 Ricardo Dias Marques becomes the 63rd committer to Koha June 24 2008 String freeze for Koha 3.0.0 announced June 24 2008 Koha 3.0.0 rc1 released July 2008 Nicole Engard releases the Koha 3.0.0 manual on Google Sites July 1 2008 Philippe Jaillon becomes the 64th committer to Koha July 4 2008 DeAndre Carroll becomes the 65th committer to Koha July 8 2008 Draft manual for koha 3.0.0 made available July 11 2008 Nicole Engard becomes the 66th committer to Koha July 28 2008 "Enterprise doors open for open source",koha August 2 2008 Danny Bouman becomes the 67th committer to Koha August 8 2008 Southeastern University becomes the 68th committer to Koha August 11 2008 Koha 3.0.0 released August 11 2008 Delhi public library announce they are going live with Koha 3.0.0 August 16 2008 Vincent Danjean becomes the 69th committer to Koha August 31 2008 Kyle hall makes a VMWare image of Koha 3.0.0 available September 13 2008, Community Meeting, new positions elected 3.2 Release Manager - Galen Charlton, LibLime Translation Manager - Chris Cormack, Catalyst Documentation Manager - Nicole Engard, LibLime 3.0 Release Maintainer - Henri-Damien Laurent, BibLibre September 19 2008 Clay Fouts becomes the 70th committer to Koha October 2 2008 Delhi Public Library goes live with koha 3.0.0 October 15 2008 Nahuel Angelinetti becomes the 71st committer to Koha October 23 2008 Allen Reinmeyer becomes the 72nd committer to Koha October 23 2008 John Beppu becomes the 73rd committer to Koha November 3 2008 Rosalie Blake named a LIANZA Fellow November 18 2008 David Schuster moots the idea of a Koha conference in April 2009 December 19 2008 Andy Giesler writes a great guide to installing Koha on Ubuntu December 24 2008 Stan Brinkerhoff becomes the 74th committer to Koha January 16 2009 Daniel Sweeney becomes the 75th committer to Koha January 24 2009 KUDOS (Koha Users and Developers of Open Source) for those using the software, Meeting at ALA January 24 2009 KOHA Interest Group Meeting at ALA February 5 2009 Koha 3.0.1 beta released February 6 2009 J. David Bavousett becomes the 76th committer to Koha February 10 2009 Andrew Elwell becomes the 77th committer to Koha February 13 2009 K's Helping Hand launched February 13-14 2009 Prashant Kulkarni and Krishnan Mani present Koha at Gnunify 09 February 19 2009 Koha 3.0.1 released March 3 2009 Brian Harrington becomes the 78th committer to Koha March 3 2009 Bug 3000 registered at March 5 2009 James Winter becomes the 79th committer to Koha March 5 2009 Stephen Edwards becomes the 80th committer to Koha March 12 2009 Biblibre start work on a connector for SOPAC (the social opac) and Koha April 9 2009 Delhi public Library opens its first computerised sub branch at Vinobha Puri India April 16-17 2009 Kohacon 2009 in Plano, Texas, USA April 18-20 2009 Developer conference/hackfest Plano, Texas, USA April 18 2009 Brendan A. Gallagher narrowly beats Jane to become the 81st committer developer April 18 2009 Jane Wagner becomes the 82nd committer developer April 19 2009 Cory Jaeger becomes the 83rd committer developer April 23 2009 Christopher Hyde becomes the 84th committer to have a patch pushed into the main repository developer April 24 2009 David Goldfein becomes the 85th committer to have a patch pushed into the main repository developer April 29 2009 Gary Collum becomes the 86th committer to have a patch pushed into the main repository developer