# Koha's Zebra character map file for spanish # encoding utf-8 # Character sort order definition lowercase {0-9}{a-y}zæøå uppercase {0-9}{A-Y}ZÆØÅ # Breaking characters space {\001-\040}!"#$%&'\()*+,-./:;<=>?@\[\\]^_`\{|}~ # Characters to be considered equivalent for searching purposes. equivalent uü # Supplemental mappings map (ä) a map (æ) æ map (ø) ø map (å) a map (ö) o map (Ä) A map (&Aelig;) Æ map (Ø) Ø map (Å) A map (Ö) O map âàáäÂÀÂÄ a map êèéëÊÈÉË e map îïíÎÏ i map ôöóÔÖ o map ûùüÛÜÙ u map çÇ c map ñ n map (^El\s) @ map (^En\s) @ map (^La\s) @ map (^Los\s) @ map (^Las\s) @ map (^Un\s) @ map (^Unos\s) @ map (^Una\s) @ map (^Unas\s) @