Bug 38186: Don't initiate transfer when cancelling hold on lost item
To test:
0. In the Circulation Rules, set the default return policy to "item
returns home (default settings have this already)
1. Find an item belonging to a branch other than the logged-in branch
2. Place a hold on that biblio record for pickup at the logged-in branch
3. Check in the item to set the hold to waiting
4. Set the expiration date to a date in the past
To do this in KTD:
ktd --shell
koha-mysql kohadev
UPDATE reserves SET expirationdate = < yesterday's date >;
5. Set a lost status on the item
6. Go to Circulation > Holds awaiting pickup
--> The hold should appear on the "holds waiting past their expiration
date" tab
7. Click the "Cancel and return to <homebranch>" button next to the hold
8. Open the biblio record for the item
--> Note that the lost status is gone and the item shows as in-transit
9. Apply patch
10. Repeat steps 2-8 on the same item
--> This time, the item is still lost and is not in-transit
Signed-off-by: Brendan Lawlor <blawlor@clamsnet.org> Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chris@bigballofwax.co.nz> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>