This patch updates the JavaScript on the patrons requesting modification
page in order to make it work following the upgrade to Bootstrap 5. The
automatic panel expansion is broken.
To test, apply the patch and enable, if necessary, the OPACPatronDetails
system preference.
- Log in to the OPAC and submit changes to your personal details.
- Do this again as a different user so that there is more than one
pending request.
- From the staff interface home page, follow the link for "Patrons
requesting modifications"
- Upon loading, the "Update patron records" page should automatically
expand the first panel.
- Locate the patron record for the second of the patrons you requested
updates for.
- From that patron's detail page, follow the "Review pending
modifications" link.
- The panel containing that patron's information should expand by
Sponsored-by: Athens County Public Libraries Signed-off-by: David Nind <> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>