]> git.koha-community.org Git - koha.git/shortlog
2024-11-07 Lucas GassGenerate release notes for 24.05.05 release v24.05.05
2024-11-07 Lucas GassRevert "Bug 32530: When duplicating child card, guarant...
2024-11-07 Lucas GassIncrement version for 24.05.05 release
2024-11-07 Phil RingnaldaBug 37786: members/cancel-charge.pl needs CSRF protection
2024-11-07 Magnus EngerBug 33339: (Follow up) Fix more cases of formula=empty
2024-11-07 Kyle M HallBug 33339: Prevent Formula Injection (CSV Injection...
2024-11-07 David CookBug 37724: Remove Koha version number from OPAC
2024-11-07 ArturBug 37861: Fix XSS vulnerability in barcode append...
2024-10-25 Jonathan DruartBug 37953: (bug 35138 follow-up) Fix DisplayLibraryFace...
2024-10-25 Nick ClemensBug 35125: Respect LinkerConsiderThesaurus in update_cache
2024-10-25 Nick ClemensBug 35125: Respect LinkerConsiderThesaurus in get_link
2024-10-25 Pedro AmorimBug 37891: (QA follow-up): Fix tt_valid QA test
2024-10-25 Pedro AmorimBug 37891: Submit SMS related data even if SMSSendDrive...
2024-10-25 Nick ClemensBug 38126: Skip allocated holds when filling from trans...
2024-10-25 Lucas GassBug 38183: Get the active tab number from data-attribute
2024-10-25 Phil RingnaldaBug 37801: Search results with limits create URLs that...
2024-10-25 Emmi TakkinenBug 34585: Add data-code attribute to chargeperiod_char...
2024-10-25 Owen LeonardBug 37270: (follow-up) Fix mixed quotes in preview...
2024-10-25 Owen LeonardBug 37270: Fix deletion of saved reports
2024-10-25 Phil RingnaldaBug 38056: Search term after deleting an authority...
2024-10-23 Lucas GassBug 38199: [24.05.x] Add back missing print class
2024-10-23 Tomas Cohen... Bug 38164: Skip fuzzy translations
2024-10-23 Tomas Cohen... Bug 38164: Revert "Bug 37303: Replace po2json with...
2024-10-23 Jonathan DruartBug 38211: frameworkcode must be set before read
2024-10-23 Tomas Cohen... Bug 38094: (follow-up) edit_catalogue implies fast_cata...
2024-10-23 Kyle M HallBug 38094: Allow librarians with fast add permissions...
2024-10-23 Tomas Cohen... Bug 38094: Regression tests
2024-10-23 Kyle M HallBug 38076: (QA follow-up): Make permission edit_catalog...
2024-10-23 Kyle M HallBug 38076: Fix inability of fast catalogers to add...
2024-10-23 Nick ClemensBug 38148: (QA follow-up) Code comments
2024-10-23 Pedro AmorimBug 38148: Revert back to get_effective_rule
2024-10-23 Aleisha AmohiaBug 38148: Check value of holdallowed circ rule properly
2024-10-23 Nick ClemensBug 38148: Unit tests
2024-10-09 Owen LeonardBug 37150: Can't delete single title from a list using...
2024-10-09 Phil RingnaldaBug 37197: Reports option to send to batch patron modif...
2024-10-09 Baptiste WojtkowskiBug 32530: When duplicating child card, guarantor is...
2024-10-09 Nick ClemensBug 37339: Set messaging preferences from default on...
2024-10-09 Janusz KaczmarekBug 37290: Fix data-branch param
2024-10-09 Phil RingnaldaBug 37961: Inventory problem resolution fails by POSTin...
2024-10-09 Brendan LawlorBug 37536: Update conditional to check for 'cud-saveitem'
2024-10-09 Phil RingnaldaBug 37979: Toggling Item circulation alerts table cells...
2024-10-09 Jonathan DruartBug 37947: (bug 37429 follow-up) Fix addbiblio and...
2024-10-09 Jonathan DruartBug 35191: Make entries per page configurable for items...
2024-10-09 Nick ClemensBug 37055: Check count of holds, not if defined
2024-10-09 Lari TaskulaBug 37375: Fix holdings table not loading if MARC frame...
2024-10-09 Paul DerscheidBug 37587: (QA follow-up) Tidy reserve/placerequest.pl
2024-10-09 Emily LamancusaBug 37587: Fix priority of multiple item-level holds
2024-10-09 Nick ClemensBug 37483: Use cud-list for extend due dates tool
2024-10-02 Lucas GassGenerate release notes for 24.05.04 release v24.05.04
2024-10-02 Lucas GassIncrement version for 24.05.04 release
2024-10-01 Lucas GassBug 37720: (follow-up) Adjust tests
2024-10-01 Jonathan DruartBug 37720: Prevent XSS in label creator
2024-09-30 Lucas GassRevert "Bug 37720: Prevent XSS in label creator"
2024-09-30 Jonathan DruartBug 37720: Prevent XSS in label creator
2024-09-30 Phil RingnaldaBug 37655: Basic editor needs to HTML-escape the bib...
2024-09-30 Phil RingnaldaBug 37656: XSS in Advanced editor from Z39.50 search...
2024-09-30 Phil RingnaldaBug 37654: XSS in Batch record import for Citation...
2024-09-30 David CookBug 37681: Fix XSS in staff interface item URLs on...
2024-09-30 Hammat WeleBug 13342: Not logged user can place a review/comment
2024-09-30 Victor Grousset... Bug 36598: (QA follow-up): tidy up code
2024-09-30 Julian MauriceBug 36598: Add comments asking to keep both CSRF checks...
2024-09-30 Julian MauriceBug 36598: Prevent use of unsafe HTTP method with non...
2024-09-30 Julian MauriceBug 36598: Improve documentation and error message...
2024-09-30 Julian MauriceBug 36598: Fix CSRF header name (underscore -> hyphen)
2024-09-30 Julian MauriceBug 36598: Prohibit CUD operations with safe HTTP metho...
2024-09-30 Julian MauriceBug 36598: Enable CSRF protection for Mojolicious apps
2024-09-24 Nick ClemensBug 37775: Spelling and tidy
2024-09-24 Nick ClemensBug 37775: Remove delayed commits from update_totalissu...
2024-09-24 Nick ClemensBug 36474: Don't update records when total issues has...
2024-09-24 Nick ClemensBug 36474: Unit tests
2024-09-24 CJ LynceBug 37873: [24.05.x] Unable to delete user from routing...
2024-09-23 Julian MauriceBug 37763: (QA follow-up): Tidy
2024-09-23 CJ LynceBug 37763: Do not show SQL report editor after 'Update...
2024-09-18 Owen LeonardBug 36276: Fix editing of identity provider and domains
2024-09-17 Lucas GassBug 37551: (24.05.x) Only delete price when there is...
2024-09-12 Pedro AmorimBug 37413: Ensure itemnumber is sent
2024-09-12 Brendan LawlorBug 37542: Fix patron search when dateofbirth is a...
2024-09-12 Jonathan DruartBug 31921: Include the modal code from acquisitions...
2024-09-12 Sam LauBug 31921: Add confirmation modal when deleting a vendor
2024-09-12 CJ LynceBug 37563: Refund, payout, and discount modals in borro...
2024-09-12 Laura_EscamillaBug 37586: Added aria-label for Login icon
2024-09-12 Laura_EscamillaBug 37586: Updated aria-labels for masthead links
2024-09-12 Phil RingnaldaBug 37612: Batch patron modification should accept...
2024-09-12 Paul DerscheidBug 37643: Check for NaN instead of truthiness if calen...
2024-09-12 Matt BlenkinsopBug 37647: Remove Text::CSV_XS import
2024-09-12 Pedro AmorimBug 36882: Reapply flatpickr to cloned entry
2024-09-12 Owen LeonardBug 36907: Add maxlength to OAI set mapping form fields
2024-09-12 Janusz KaczmarekBug 32696: Unit tests
2024-09-12 Janusz KaczmarekBug 32696: Recalls can inadvertently extend the due...
2024-09-12 Aleisha AmohiaBug 37623: Make t/db_dependent/Letters.t idempotent
2024-09-12 Matt BlenkinsopBug 37620: Improve cypress test to reduce random failures
2024-09-12 Eric GarciaBug 37186: Fixed deletion of rotating collections
2024-09-11 Tomas Cohen... Bug 37510: Fix Objects.t and remove FIXME
2024-09-11 Johanna RäisäBug 37591: Fix moredetail.tt performance issue
2024-09-11 Sam LauBug 37409: Fix 'Edit' button for items in course reserv...
2024-09-11 Tomas Cohen... Bug 37510: Make Koha::Object->delete throw Koha::Exception
2024-09-11 Tomas Cohen... Bug 37510: Unit tests
2024-09-11 Jonathan DruartBug 37429: Set default value for global variables
2024-09-11 Phil RingnaldaBug 37614: Printing patron cards from patron lists...
2024-09-11 Kyle M HallBug 37308: (QA follow-up) Tidy code