Bug 12708 - Unexpected behaviour in IE 9 and lower when using openWindow
This patch removes the whitespace from arguments to the "name" parameter
in "window.open". It also adds a trap for the "openWindow" helper
function, which will use a "null" instead of a "name" if window.open
isn't able to handle a name with whitespace (i.e. if it's IE <= 9).
1) Switch to an emulated or authentic Internet Explorer version E 9
or lower
2) Click "Help"
3) Note that it opens the page in the current window rather than as a popup
4) Apply the patch
5) Shift refresh your page
6) Click "Help"
7) Note that it now opens (correctly) as a pop-up
(If you want to be more thorough, you can test in other browsers as well
to make sure that it still works.)