Paul Poulain [Tue, 28 Apr 2009 21:09:11 +0000 (23:09 +0200)]
printing ordergroup
* the .odt contains the pages 1 & 2. Pages 3 to X contains the basket, and are generated on the fly. Page 1 contains a general header, and page 2 contains the list of baskets (with totals)
* the .pdf contains the pdf generated from the .odt
* the .pm contains the sub to generate the PDF from the .pdf file
Paul Poulain [Tue, 28 Apr 2009 20:22:46 +0000 (22:22 +0200)]
neworderempty, changes
* deal with import from staged file
* deal with z3950 import
* deal with granular permissions
* deal with uncertain price
* deal with create item if SysPref set to create items on ordering
Paul Poulain [Tue, 28 Apr 2009 20:13:23 +0000 (22:13 +0200)]
basket management
lot of new things:
* basket now explicitely created
* they can have a name, a bookseller note, a private (library) note, a contract attached
* deal with granular permissions
* feature to delete a basket
* feature to close/reopen a basket
in template, add link to fill a basket from a z3950 search or from a staged file
Paul Poulain [Tue, 28 Apr 2009 20:00:41 +0000 (22:00 +0200)]
planning management
for each budget period and budget, the library can enter planning on branches, itemtype, month or any auth_value selected as planning category for a given budget
Paul Poulain [Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:30:15 +0000 (21:30 +0200)]
Updatedatabase (big)
* adding aqcontracts, that will contain contracts attached to a given bookseller. Each basket can be attached to a contract
* adding columns to aqbasket: basket name, note, booksellernote and contractnumber
* adding column to aqorders: uncertainprice, budget_id and statistical fields
* adding table aqbasketgroups: will be used to collate X basket into a single basketgroup
* adding table aqbudgetperiods: will be used to manage budget periods, 1st step to define a budget
* dropping & re-creating a aqbudgets table: completly new content, no update from previous acq
* adding table aqbudget_planning table: will be used to store library budget planning (by ccode, branch, month, and other authorised_values)
* adding column to currencies table: active, that will tell which currency is the used one.
* adding sub permissions for acquisitions module
* adding column to booksellers table: gstrate that will tell the gst rate for the bookseller.
* adding sysprefs: AcqCreateItem (define when item creation is done ordering/recieving/cataloguing), CurrencyFormat
* adding aqordersitems table: link between order and items
* dropping aqorderbreakdown: useless
Paul Poulain [Tue, 21 Apr 2009 19:01:06 +0000 (21:01 +0200)]
fix for #2884: Add error management to branches
While trying to add a new Branch with an existing Branch code, the UI says "Library saved" instead of something such as "Please select a unique branch code".
Paul Poulain [Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:52:51 +0000 (18:52 +0200)]
bugfix for ???
Tag cloud fixes :
* ordering cloud by tag name, not by weight
* improve behaviour : either display everyone cloud or my cloud only. When clicquing on "Tag cloud" on the top, will display by default everyone cloud. when clicquing on "My tag" (left tab when logged in), the page will display only my tags and my tags only
xsl strings are now taken into account.
This is a first draft.
Some parameters of the functions will be taken into account
and <xsl> tags are not translated
(bug #3553) do not allow users to create code-less frameworks
This patch, disallow the users to create frameworks without frameworkcode.
It adds some javascripts checks, and some perls checks(for non-javascript users).
(bug #3550) use GetRecordValue to retrieve subtitle
This patch, is the first use of GetRecordValue, that use the Field mapping.
It retrieve the subtitle in Intranet using it, instead of the use an old function that doesn't work anymore.
This is a way to made koha more generic with each framework.
(bug #3563) This replaces the library name by the branchname attached to the subscription, and hide streetaddesses in serials routing
In routing-preview, the title should be the branchname attached to the
subscription instead of the libraryname.
And showing the streetaddress of the members is useless, and harm privacy.
When using search via commandline scripts, branch facets are sometimes
failing badly.
Not a HASH reference at
C4/ line 557,
This patch prevents this