Bug 5482: Update colums.def file
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / en / columns.def
1 borrowers.borrowernumber        Borrower number
2 borrowers.title Salutation
3 borrowers.surname       Surname
4 borrowers.firstname     First name
5 borrowers.dateofbirth   Date of birth
6 borrowers.initials      Initials
7 borrowers.othernames    Other name
8 borrowers.sex   Gender
9 borrowers.relationship  Relationship
10 borrowers.guarantorid   Guarantor borrower number
11 borrowers.streetnumber  Street number
12 borrowers.streettype    Street type
13 borrowers.address
14 borrowers.address2
15 borrowers.city  City
16 borrowers.state State
17 borrowers.zipcode       Zip/postal code
18 borrowers.country       Country
19 borrowers.phone Primary phone
20 borrowres.phonepro      Secondary phone
21 borrowers.mobile        Other phone
22 borrowers.email Primary email
23 borrowers.emailpro      Secondary email
24 borrowers.fax   Fax
25 borrowers.B_streetnumber        Alternate address: Street number
26 borrowers.B_stretttype  Alternatate address: Street type
27 borrowres.B_address     Alternate address: Address
28 borrowers.B_address2    Alternate address: Address 2
29 borrowers.B_city        Alternate address: City
30 borrowers.B_state       Alternate address: State
31 borrowers.B_zipcode     Alternate address: Zip/postal code
32 borrowers.B_country     Alternate address: Country
33 borrowers.B_phone       Alternate address: Phone
34 borrowers.B_email       Alternate address: Email
35 borrowers.contactnote   Altenate address: contact note
36 borrowers.altcontactfirstname   Alternate contact: Surname
37 borrowres.altcontactsurname     Alternate contact: First name
38 borrowers.altcontactaddress1    Alternate contact: Address
39 borrowers.altcontactaddress2    Alternate contact: Adress 2
40 borrowers.altcontactaddress3    Alternate contact: City
41 borrowers.altcontactstate       Alternate contact: State
42 borrowers.altcontactzipcode     Alternate contact: Zip/postal code
43 borrowers.altcontactcountry     Alternate contact: Country
44 borrowers.altcontactphone       Alternate contact: Phone
45 borrowers.cardnumber    Card number
46 borrowers.branchcode    Library
47 borrowers.categorycode  Category
48 borrowers.sort1 Sort 1
49 borrowers.sort2 Sort 2
50 borrowers.dateenrolled  Registration date
51 borrowers.dateexpiry    Expiry date
52 borrowers.opacnote      OPAC note
53 borrowers.borrowernotes Circulation note
54 borrowres.username      Username
55 borrowers.password      Password
56 borrowers.gonenoaddress Gone no address
57 borrowers.lost  Lost card
58 borrowers.debarred      Restricted until
59 borrowers.debarredcomment       Coment
60 items.itemnumber        Item number (internal)
61 items.biblionumber      Biblio number (internal)
62 items.biblioitemnumber  Biblioitem number (internal)
63 items.barcode   Barcode
64 items.dateaccessioned   Date acquired
65 items.booksellerid      Source of acquisition
66 items.homebranch        Permanent library
67 items.price     Price
68 items.replacementprice  Replacement price
69 items.replacementpricedate      Price effective from
70 items.datelastborrowed  Date last checked out
71 items.datelastseen      Date last seen
72 items.stack     Shelving control number
73 items.onloan    Due date
74 items.cn_source Source of classificaton / shelving scheme
75 items.cn_sort   Koha normalized classification for sorting
76 items.notforloan        Not for loan
77 items.itemlost  Lost status
78 items.wthdrawn  Withdrawn status
79 items.itemcallnumber    Call number
80 items.issues    Total checkouts
81 items.renewals  Total renewals
82 items.reserves  Total holds
83 items.restricted        Use restrictions
84 items.itemnotes Public note
85 items.holdingbranch     Current library
86 items.paidfor
87 items.timestamp Timestamp
88 items.location  Shelving location
89 items.ccode     Collection code
90 items.itype     Koha itemtype
91 items.stocknumber       Inventory number
92 items.damaged   Damaged status
93 items.materials Materials specified
94 items.uri       Uniform Resource Identifier
95 items.more_subfields_xml        Additional subfields (XML)
96 items.enumchron Serial enumeraton/chronology
97 items.copynumber        Copy number
98 statistics.datetime     Statistics date and time
99 statistics.branch       Library
100 statistics.proccode     Type of procedure
101 statistics.value        Value
102 statistics.type Type
103 statistics.other
104 statistics.usercode     User code
105 statistics.itemnumber   Item number
106 statistics.itemtype     Itemtype
107 statistics.borrowernumber       Borrower number
108 biblio.frameworkcode    Framework code
109 biblio.author   Author
110 biblio.datecreated      Creation date
111 biblio.timestamp        Modification date
112 biblioitems.biblioitemnumber    Biblioitem number
113 biblioitems.biblionumber        Biblio number
114 biblioitems.volume      Volume number
115 biblioitems.number      number
116 biblioitems.classification      Classification
117 biblioitems.itemtype    Biblio-level item type
118 biblioitems.isbn        ISBN
119 biblioitems.issn        ISSN
120 biblioitems.dewey       Dewey/classification
121 biblioitems.subclass    Sub classification
122 biblioitems.publicationyear     Publication date
123 biblioitems.publishercode       Publisher
124 biblioitems.volumedate  Volume date
125 biblioitems.volumeddesc Volume information
126 biblioitems.timestamp   Timestamp
127 biblioitems.illus       Illustrator
128 biblioitems.pages       Number of pages
129 biblioitems.notes       Notes
130 biblioitems.size        Size
131 biblioitems.place       Place of publication
132 biblioitems.lccn        LCCN
133 biblioitems.marcxml     MARC blob
134 biblioitems.url URL