Bug 8732: Allowing biblio level itemtypes to display instead of MARC ones
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / en / modules / admin / preferences / acquisitions.pref
1 Acquisitions:
2     Policy:
3         -
4             - Create an item when
5             - pref: AcqCreateItem
6               choices:
7                   ordering: placing an order.
8                   receiving: receiving an order.
9                   cataloguing: cataloging the record.
10             - This is only the default behavior, and can be changed per-basket.
11         -
12             - "The following <a href='http://schema.koha-community.org/__VERSION__/tables/items.html' target='blank'>database columns</a> should be unique in an item:"
13             - pref: UniqueItemFields
14               type: modalselect
15               source: items
16         -
17             - When closing or reopening a basket,
18             - pref: BasketConfirmations
19               default: 1
20               choices:
21                   1: always ask for confirmation.
22                   2: do not ask for confirmation.
23         -
24             - Show baskets
25             - pref: AcqViewBaskets
26               choices:
27                   user: created or managed by staff member.
28                   branch: from staff member's library.
29                   all: in system, regardless of owner.
30         -
31             - Display currencies using the following format
32             - pref: CurrencyFormat
33               choices:
34                   US: 360,000.00 (US)
35                   FR: 360 000,00 (FR)
36                   CH: 360'000.00 (CH)
37         -
38             - Tax rates are
39             - pref: gist
40             - . Enter in numeric form, 0.12 for 12%. The first item in the list will be selected by default. For more than one value, separate with | (pipe).
41             - "Please note: The database will only accept values up to 4 decimals precision, further values will be rounded."
42         -
43             - pref: AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice
44               choices:
45                   yes: Warn
46                   no: "Do not warn"
47             - when the librarian tries to create an invoice with a duplicate number.
48         -
49             - Upon receiving items, update their subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a="foo bar").
50             - pref: AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived
51         -
52             - Upon cancelling a receipt, update the item's subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a="bar foo").
53             - pref: AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceiptIsCancelled
54         -
55             - pref: AcqEnableFiles
56               choices:
57                   yes: Do
58                   no: "Don't"
59             - enable the ability to upload and attach arbitrary files to invoices.
60         -
61             - Set the mapping values for a new order line created from a MARC record in a staged file.
62             - pref: MarcFieldsToOrder
63               type: textarea
64               syntax: text/x-yaml
65             - "You can use the following fields: price, quantity, budget_code, discount, sort1, sort2"
66             - "<br/>For example:<br/>price: 947$a|947$c<br/>quantity: 969$h<br/>budget_code: 922$a"
67         -
68             - Set the mapping values for new item records created from a MARC record in a staged file.
69             - pref: MarcItemFieldsToOrder
70               type: textarea
71               syntax: text/x-yaml
72             - "You can use the following fields: homebranch, holdingbranch, itype, nonpublic_note, public_note, loc, ccode, notforloan, uri, copyno, price, replacementprice and itemcallnumber. Special fields: quantity and budget_code"
73             - "<br/>For example:<br/>holdingbranch: 975$b<br/>itype: 975$9|975$z"
74         -
75             - pref: ClaimsBccCopy
76               default: no
77               choices:
78                 yes: Send
79                 no: Don't send
80             - blind copy (BCC) to logged in user when sending serial or acquisitions claims notices.
81         -
82             - Keep accepted or rejected purchase suggestions for a period of
83             - pref: PurgeSuggestionsOlderThan
84               class: integer
85             - "days. Example: [30] Sets purgation of suggestions for those older than 30 days."
86             - "<br><strong>WARNING:</strong> Leave this field empty if you don't want to activate this automatic feature."
87             - "<br><strong>NOTE:</strong> This system preference requires the <code>misc/cronjobs/purge_suggestions.pl</code> cronjob. Ask your system administrator to schedule it."
88         -
89             - pref: OrderPriceRounding
90               default: ''
91               choices:
92                 '': Don't round
93                 nearest_cent: Round
94             - to nearest cent.<br>
95             - Determines whether full precision values or rounded values should be used in price calculations
96         -
97             - pref: UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords
98               default: no
99               choices:
100                 yes: "Use"
101                 no: "Don't use"
102             - " the framework 'ACQ' for bibliographic records fields"
103         -
104             - "Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: "
105             - pref: EmailPurchaseSuggestions
106               default: 0
107               choices:
108                   0: None
109                   EmailAddressForSuggestions: EmailAddressForSuggestions
110                   BranchEmailAddress: email address of branch
111                   KohaAdminEmailAddress: KohaAdminEmailAddress
112             - "If you choose EmailAddressForSuggestions you have to enter a valid email address: "
113             - pref: EmailAddressForSuggestions
114               class: email
115     Printing:
116         -
117             - Use the
118             - pref: OrderPdfFormat
119               choices:
120                   "pdfformat::layout2pages":   English 2-page
121                   "pdfformat::layout3pages":   English 3-page
122                   "pdfformat::layout3pagesfr": French 3-page
123                   "pdfformat::layout2pagesde": German 2-page
124             - layout when printing basket groups.