Bug 27263: Link to preferences mentioned in system preference descriptions
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / en / modules / admin / preferences / searching.pref
1 Searching:
2     Features:
3         -
4             - Perform wildcard searching (where, for example, <cite>Har</cite> would match <cite>Harry</cite> and <cite>harp</cite>)
5             - pref: QueryAutoTruncate
6               type: boolean
7               choices:
8                   yes: automatically.
9                   no: only if * is added.
10             - "<br />(The * character would be used like so: <cite>Har*</cite> or <cite>*logging</cite>.)"
11         -
12             - pref: QueryFuzzy
13               type: boolean
14               choices:
15                   yes: Try
16                   no: "Don't try"
17             - to match similarly spelled words in a search (for example, a search for <cite>flang</cite> would also match <cite>flange</cite> and <cite>fang</cite>; Currently only affects Zebra searches. Any Elasticsearch term can be made fuzzy by adding a ~ directly after the term.).
18         -
19             - pref: QueryStemming
20               type: boolean
21               choices:
22                   yes: Try
23                   no: "Don't try"
24             - to match words of the same base in a search (for example, a search for <cite>enabling</cite> would also match <cite>enable</cite> and <cite>enabled</cite>; REQUIRES ZEBRA).
25         -
26             - pref: QueryWeightFields
27               type: boolean
28               choices:
29                   yes: Enable
30                   no: Disable
31             - ranking of search results by relevance (REQUIRES ZEBRA).
32         -
33             - pref: QueryRegexEscapeOptions
34               default: escape
35               choices:
36                   escape: Escape
37                   unescape_escaped: Unescape escaped
38                   dont_escape: Don't escape
39             - "regular expressions within query strings. If \"Escape\" is selected occurences of \"/\" in search terms will be automatically escaped, and regular expressions interpreted as regular strings. If \"Unescape escaped\" is selected this will allow writing regular expressions \"\/like this\/\" while \"/this/\", \"or/this\" will be escaped and interpreted as regular strings. (Elasticsearch only.)"
40         -
41             - pref: OpacGroupResults
42               default: 0
43               choices:
44                   yes: Use
45                   no: "Don't use"
46             - PazPar2 to group similar results on the OPAC. This requires that PazPar2 is set up and running.
47         -
48             - pref: TraceCompleteSubfields
49               default: 0
50               choices:
51                   yes: Force
52                   no: "Don't force"
53             - subject tracings in the OPAC and staff interface to search only for complete-subfield matches.
54         -
55             - pref: TraceSubjectSubdivisions
56               default: 0
57               choices:
58                   yes: Include
59                   no: "Don't include"
60             - subdivisions for searches generated by clicking on subject tracings.
61         -
62             - pref: UseICU
63               default: 0
64               choices:
65                   yes: Using
66                   no: "Not using"
67             - 'ICU Zebra indexing. Please note: This setting will not affect Zebra indexing, it should only be used to tell Koha that you have activated ICU indexing if you have actually done so, since there is no way for Koha to figure this out on its own.'
68         -
69             - pref: IncludeSeeFromInSearches
70               default: 0
71               choices:
72                   yes: Include
73                   no: "Don't include"
74             - "<em>see from</em> (non-preferred form) headings in bibliographic searches. Please note: you will need to reindex your bibliographic database when changing this preference."
75         -
76             - pref: EnableSearchHistory
77               default: 0
78               choices:
79                   yes: Keep
80                   no: "Don't keep"
81             - patron search history in the staff interface.
82         -
83             - pref: BrowseResultSelection
84               default: 0
85               choices:
86                   yes: Enable
87                   no: Disable
88             - "browsing search results from the bibliographic record detail page in staff interface."
89         -
90             - pref: ElasticsearchCrossFields
91               default: 0
92               choices:
93                   yes: Enable
94                   no: Disable
95             - "the cross_fields option for Elasticsearch searches, supported in Elasticsearch 6.X and above."
96             - "See documentation at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-multi-match-query.html#type-cross-fields"
97     Search form:
98         -
99             - pref : LoadSearchHistoryToTheFirstLoggedUser
100               default: 0
101               choices:
102                    yes: "Add"
103                    no : "Don't add"
104             - search history of the unlogged user to the next patron logging in.
105         -
106             - Show tabs in the OPAC and staff interface advanced search for limiting searches on the
107             - pref: AdvancedSearchTypes
108               class: long
109             - "fields (separate values with |). Tabs appear in the order listed.<br/>"
110             - "<em>Currently supported values</em>: Item types (<strong>itemtypes</strong>), Collection Codes (<strong>ccode</strong>) and Shelving Location (<strong>loc</strong>)."
111         -
112             - Limit the languages listed in the advanced search drop-down to the
113             - pref: AdvancedSearchLanguages
114               class: long
115             - "ISO 639-2 language codes (separate values with | or ,)."
116             - "For example, to limit listing to French and Italian, enter <em>ita|fre</em>."
117         -
118             - By default,
119             - pref: expandedSearchOption
120               type: boolean
121               choices:
122                   yes: show
123                   no: "don't show"
124             - '"More options" on the OPAC and staff interface advanced search pages.'
125         -
126             - By default,
127             - pref: OPACNumbersPreferPhrase
128               type: boolean
129               choices:
130                   yes: use
131                   no: "don't use"
132             - 'the operator "phr" in the callnumber and standard number OPAC searches.'
133         -
134             - By default,
135             - pref: IntranetNumbersPreferPhrase
136               type: boolean
137               choices:
138                   yes: use
139                   no: "don't use"
140             - 'the operator "phr" in the callnumber and standard number staff interface searches.'
141     Results display:
142         -
143             - pref: numSearchResultsDropdown
144               type: boolean
145               default: no
146               choices:
147                   yes: Show
148                   no: "Don't show"
149             - results per page dropdown on staff interface search results.
150         -
151             - pref: OPACnumSearchResultsDropdown
152               type: boolean
153               default: no
154               choices:
155                   yes: Show
156                   no: "Don't show"
157             - results per page dropdown on OPAC search results.
158         -
159             - By default, sort search results in the staff interface by
160             - pref: defaultSortField
161               default: relevance
162               choices:
163                   relevance: relevance
164                   popularity: total number of checkouts
165                   call_number: call number
166                   pubdate: date of publication
167                   acqdate: date added
168                   title: title
169                   author: author
170             - ','
171             - pref: defaultSortOrder
172               choices:
173                   asc: ascending.
174                   dsc: descending.
175                   az: from A to Z.
176                   za: from Z to A.
177         -
178             - pref: displayFacetCount
179               type: boolean
180               default: no
181               choices:
182                   yes: Show
183                   no: "Don't show"
184             - facet counts. The relevance of these numbers highly depends on the value of the <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/preferences.pl?op=search&searchfield=maxRecordsForFacets">maxRecordsForFacets</a> preference. Applies to OPAC and staff interface.
185         -
186             - By default, show
187             - pref: numSearchResults
188               class: integer
189             - results per page in the staff interface.
190         -
191             - For records with many items, only check the availability status for the first
192             - pref: MaxSearchResultsItemsPerRecordStatusCheck
193               class: integer
194             - items.
195             - <br/>Availability statuses may show incorrectly in search results if a record has more items than the limit set. Statuses will display correctly in the record details.
196             - <br/>Leave empty for no limit.
197         -
198             - By default, sort search results in the OPAC by
199             - pref: OPACdefaultSortField
200               default: relevance
201               choices:
202                   relevance: relevance
203                   popularity: total number of checkouts
204                   call_number: call number
205                   pubdate: date of publication
206                   acqdate: date added
207                   title: title
208                   author: author
209             - ","
210             - pref: OPACdefaultSortOrder
211               choices:
212                   asc: ascending.
213                   dsc: descending.
214                   az: from A to Z.
215                   za: from Z to A.
216             -
217         -
218             - Show up to
219             - pref: maxItemsInSearchResults
220               class: integer
221             - items per bibliographic record in the search results
222         -
223             - Build facets based on
224             - pref: maxRecordsForFacets
225               class: integer
226               default: 20
227             - records from the search results.
228         -
229             - Show up to
230             - pref: FacetMaxCount
231               class: integer
232               default: 20
233             - facets for each category.
234         -
235             - By default, show
236             - pref: OPACnumSearchResults
237               class: integer
238             - results per page in the OPAC.
239         -
240             - "Show facets for"
241             - pref: DisplayLibraryFacets
242               type: choice
243               choices:
244                   home: "home library"
245                   holding: "holding library"
246                   both: "both home and holding library"
247         -
248             - pref: OPACItemsResultsDisplay
249               type: boolean
250               choices:
251                   yes: Show
252                   no: "Don't show"
253             - "an item's library, location and call number in OPAC search results."
254         -
255             - Truncate facets length to
256             - pref: FacetLabelTruncationLength
257               class: integer
258             - characters, in OPAC/staff interface.
259         -
260             - Use the following text as separator for UNIMARC authors facets
261             - pref: UNIMARCAuthorsFacetsSeparator
262               class: short
263         -
264             - When searching on the ISBN index,
265             - pref: SearchWithISBNVariations
266               choices:
267                   yes: "search"
268                   no: "don't search"
269             - on all variations of the ISBN.
270         -
271             - pref: BiblioItemtypeInfo
272               choices:
273                   yes: "Display"
274                   no: "Don't display"
275             - ' Koha record level itemtype info on detail and result pages in the OPAC and staff interface. This info also displays if the <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/preferences.pl?op=search&searchfield=item-level_itypes">item-level_itypes</a> system preference is set to bibliographic record.'
276     Did you mean/spell checking:
277         -
278             - "Swedish service for spellchecking.<br/>"
279             - LIBRIS Spellchecking API key
280             - pref: LibrisKey
281             - "Can be obtained at http://api.libris.kb.se/bibspell."
282         -
283             - LIBRIS base URL
284             - pref: LibrisURL
285             - "Please only change this if you are sure it needs changing."