Bug 33480: Remove vendors when not needed
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / js / vue / components / ERM / EHoldingsEBSCOResourcesShow.vue
1 <template>
2     <div v-if="!initialized">{{ $__("Loading") }}</div>
3     <div v-else-if="resource" id="eholdings_resources_show">
4         <h2>
5             {{ $__("Resource #%s").format(resource.resource_id) }}
6             <span v-if="!updating_is_selected">
7                 <a
8                     v-if="!resource.is_selected"
9                     class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
10                     role="button"
11                     @click="add_to_holdings"
12                     ><font-awesome-icon icon="plus" />
13                     {{ $__("Add title to holdings") }}</a
14                 >
15                 <a
16                     v-else
17                     class="btn btn-default btn-xs"
18                     role="button"
19                     id="remove-from-holdings"
20                     @click="remove_from_holdings"
21                     ><font-awesome-icon icon="minus" />
22                     {{ $__("Remove title from holdings") }}</a
23                 > </span
24             ><span v-else><font-awesome-icon icon="spinner" /></span>
25         </h2>
26         <div>
27             <fieldset class="rows">
28                 <legend>{{ $__("Resource information") }}</legend>
29                 <ol>
30                     <li v-if="resource.resource_id">
31                         <label>{{ $__("Resource identifier") }}:</label>
32                         <span>
33                             {{ resource.resource_id }}
34                         </span>
35                     </li>
36                     <li>
37                         <label>{{ $__("Publication title") }}:</label>
38                         <span
39                             ><router-link
40                                 :to="{
41                                     name: 'EHoldingsEBSCOTitlesShow',
42                                     params: { title_id: resource.title_id },
43                                 }"
44                                 >{{
45                                     resource.title.publication_title
46                                 }}</router-link
47                             ></span
48                         >
49                     </li>
50                     <li>
51                         <label>{{ $__("Publisher name") }}:</label>
52                         <span>
53                             {{ resource.title.publisher_name }}
54                         </span>
55                     </li>
56                     <li>
57                         <label>{{ $__("Publication type") }}:</label>
58                         <span>
59                             {{ resource.title.publication_type }}
60                         </span>
61                     </li>
62                     <li v-if="resource.title.print_identifier">
63                         <label>{{ $__("Print-format identifier") }}:</label>
64                         <span>
65                             {{ resource.title.print_identifier }}
66                         </span>
67                     </li>
68                     <li v-if="resource.title.online_identifier">
69                         <label>{{ $__("Online-format identifier") }}:</label>
70                         <span>
71                             {{ resource.title.online_identifier }}
72                         </span>
73                     </li>
74                 </ol>
75             </fieldset>
77             <fieldset class="rows">
78                 <ol>
79                     <li>
80                         <label>{{ $__("Package") }}:</label>
81                         <span
82                             ><router-link
83                                 :to="{
84                                     name: 'EHoldingsEBSCOPackagesShow',
85                                     params: { package_id: resource.package_id },
86                                 }"
87                                 >{{ resource.package.name }}</router-link
88                             ></span
89                         >
90                     </li>
92                     <li>
93                         <label>{{ $__("Vendor") }}:</label>
94                         <span v-if="resource.vendor">
95                             {{ resource.vendor.name }}
96                         </span>
97                     </li>
98                     <li v-if="resource.package.content_type">
99                         <label>{{ $__("Package content type") }}:</label>
100                         <span>{{ resource.package.content_type }}</span>
101                     </li>
102                 </ol>
103             </fieldset>
105             <fieldset class="rows">
106                 <legend>Resource settings</legend>
107                 <ol>
108                     <li>
109                         <label>{{ $__("Coverage dates") }}:</label>
110                         <span
111                             >{{ format_date(resource.started_on) }}-{{
112                                 format_date(resource.ended_on)
113                             }}</span
114                         >
115                     </li>
116                 </ol>
117             </fieldset>
118         </div>
119     </div>
120 </template>
122 <script>
123 import { inject } from "vue"
124 import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"
125 import { APIClient } from "../../fetch/api-client.js"
127 export default {
128     setup() {
129         const format_date = $date
131         return {
132             format_date,
133         }
134     },
135     data() {
136         return {
137             resource: {
138                 resource_id: null,
139                 title_id: null,
140                 package_id: null,
141                 started_on: "",
142                 ended_on: "",
143                 proxy: "",
144                 title: {},
145                 package: {},
146             },
147             initialized: false,
148             updating_is_selected: false,
149         }
150     },
152     beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
153         next(vm => {
154             vm.getResource(to.params.resource_id)
155         })
156     },
157     beforeRouteUpdate(to, from) {
158         this.resource = this.getResource(to.params.resource_id)
159     },
160     methods: {
161         getResource(resource_id) {
162             const client = APIClient.erm
163             client.EBSCOResources.get(resource_id).then(
164                 resource => {
165                     this.resource = resource
166                     this.initialized = true
167                     this.updating_is_selected = false
168                 },
169                 error => {}
170             )
171         },
172         edit_selected(is_selected) {
173             this.updating_is_selected = true
174             const client = APIClient.erm
175             client.EBSCOResources.patch(this.resource.resource_id, {
176                 is_selected,
177             }).then(
178                 result => {
179                     // Refresh the page. We should not need that actually.
180                     this.getResource(this.resource.resource_id)
181                 },
182                 error => {}
183             )
184         },
185         add_to_holdings() {
186             this.edit_selected(true)
187         },
188         remove_from_holdings() {
189             this.edit_selected(false)
190         },
191     },
192     name: "EHoldingsEBSCOResourcesShow",
193 }
194 </script>
195 <style scoped>
196 fieldset.rows label {
197     width: 25rem;
198 }
199 </style>