CONFIGURING THE TEST SUITE Before you can run the test suite, you need to configure certain information about the SIP server and the ILS data in the file RUNNING THE TESTS Every file tests a different protocol transaction. Unfortunately, a lot of test cases are missing, but the basics are tested, as are most of the simple error conditions (invalid users, unknown items, checking in item that's not checked out). To run a single test, just run perl -I.. If the test fails, the output should be pretty clear about what went wrong (assuming you can read raw SIP packets). To run all the tests, just type make test Right now, that will run tests for functionality that isn't supported in the Evergreen environment (the two main cases are enable patron and hold management). To run just the Evergreen tests, use make test-openils which will run just the tests 00sc_status.t 01patron_status.t 02patron_info.t 03checkout.t 06patron_enable.t 08checkin.t 09renew.t 11item_info.t 05block_patron.t NOTE: the Block Patron tests are run last because "Patron Enable" isn't supported. Thus, after running the "Block Patron" test, manual intervention is required to unblock the test patron. The Renew All tests will fail when running the stub "ILS" implementation unless there's only one ILS server running. This won't be a problem for any real backend implementation that properly manages the database of users and items.