--- # # Copyright 2020 Koha Development Team # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . description: - "MARC code list for relators, as of http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html" tables: - authorised_values: translatable: [ lib ] multiline: [] rows: - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "acp" lib: "Art copyist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "act" lib: "Actor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "adp" lib: "Adapter" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "aft" lib: "Author of afterword, colophon, etc." - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "anl" lib: "Analyst" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "anm" lib: "Animator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ann" lib: "Annotator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ant" lib: "Bibliographic antecedent" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "app" lib: "Applicant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "aqt" lib: "Author in quotations or text abstracts" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "arc" lib: "Architect" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ard" lib: "Artistic director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "arr" lib: "Arranger" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "art" lib: "Artist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "asg" lib: "Assignee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "asn" lib: "Associated name" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "att" lib: "Attributed name" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "auc" lib: "Auctioneer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "aud" lib: "Author of dialog" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "aui" lib: "Author of introduction" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "aus" lib: "Author of screenplay" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "aut" lib: "Author" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "bdd" lib: "Binding designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "bjd" lib: "Bookjacket designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "bkd" lib: "Book designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "bkp" lib: "Book producer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "blw" lib: "Blurb writer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "bnd" lib: "Binder" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "bpd" lib: "Bookplate designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "bsl" lib: "Bookseller" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ccp" lib: "Conceptor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "chr" lib: "Choreographer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "clb" lib: "Collaborator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cli" lib: "Client" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cll" lib: "Calligrapher" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "clr" lib: "Colorist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "clt" lib: "Collotyper" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cmm" lib: "Commentator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cmp" lib: "Composer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cmt" lib: "Compositor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cng" lib: "Cinematographer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cnd" lib: "Conductor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cns" lib: "Censor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "coe" lib: "Contestant -appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "col" lib: "Collector" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "com" lib: "Compiler" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "con" lib: "Conservator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cos" lib: "Contestant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cot" lib: "Contestant -appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cov" lib: "Cover designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cpc" lib: "Copyright claimant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cpe" lib: "Complainant-appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cph" lib: "Copyright holder" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cpl" lib: "Complainant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cpt" lib: "Complainant-appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cre" lib: "Creator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "crp" lib: "Correspondent" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "crr" lib: "Corrector" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "csl" lib: "Consultant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "csp" lib: "Consultant to a project" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cst" lib: "Costume designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ctb" lib: "Contributor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cte" lib: "Contestee-appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ctg" lib: "Cartographer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ctr" lib: "Contractor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cts" lib: "Contestee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ctt" lib: "Contestee-appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cur" lib: "Curator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "cwt" lib: "Commentator for written text" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dfd" lib: "Defendant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dfe" lib: "Defendant-appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dft" lib: "Defendant-appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dgg" lib: "Degree grantor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dis" lib: "Dissertant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dln" lib: "Delineator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dnc" lib: "Dancer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dnr" lib: "Donor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dpb" lib: "Distribution place" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dpc" lib: "Depicted" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dpt" lib: "Depositor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "drm" lib: "Draftsman" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "drt" lib: "Director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dsr" lib: "Designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dst" lib: "Distributor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dtc" lib: "Data contributor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dte" lib: "Dedicatee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dtm" lib: "Data manager" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dto" lib: "Dedicator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "dub" lib: "Dubious author" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "edt" lib: "Editor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "egr" lib: "Engraver" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "elg" lib: "Electrician" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "elt" lib: "Electrotyper" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "eng" lib: "Engineer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "etr" lib: "Etcher" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "evp" lib: "Event place" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "exp" lib: "Expert" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "fac" lib: "Facsimilist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "fld" lib: "Field director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "flm" lib: "Film editor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "fmo" lib: "Former owner" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "fpy" lib: "First party" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "fnd" lib: "Funder" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "frg" lib: "Forger" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "gis" lib: "Geographic information specialist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "-grt" lib: "Graphic technician" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "hnr" lib: "Honoree" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "hst" lib: "Host" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ill" lib: "Illustrator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ilu" lib: "Illuminator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ins" lib: "Inscriber" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "inv" lib: "Inventor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "itr" lib: "Instrumentalist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ive" lib: "Interviewee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ivr" lib: "Interviewer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lbr" lib: "Laboratory" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lbt" lib: "Librettist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ldr" lib: "Laboratory director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "led" lib: "Lead" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lee" lib: "Libelee-appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lel" lib: "Libelee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "len" lib: "Lender" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "let" lib: "Libelee-appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lgd" lib: "Lighting designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lie" lib: "Libelant-appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lil" lib: "Libelant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lit" lib: "Libelant-appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lsa" lib: "Landscape architect" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lse" lib: "Licensee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lso" lib: "Licensor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ltg" lib: "Lithographer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "lyr" lib: "Lyricist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mcp" lib: "Music copyist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mfp" lib: "Manufacture place" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mfr" lib: "Manufacturer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mdc" lib: "Metadata contact" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mod" lib: "Moderator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mon" lib: "Monitor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mrb" lib: "Marbler" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mrk" lib: "Markup editor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "msd" lib: "Musical director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mte" lib: "Metal-engraver" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "mus" lib: "Musician" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "nrt" lib: "Narrator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "opn" lib: "Opponent" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "org" lib: "Originator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "orm" lib: "Organizer of meeting" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "oth" lib: "Other" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "own" lib: "Owner" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pat" lib: "Patron" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pbd" lib: "Publishing director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pbl" lib: "Publisher" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pdr" lib: "Project director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pfr" lib: "Proofreader" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pht" lib: "Photographer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "plt" lib: "Platemaker" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pma" lib: "Permitting agency" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pmn" lib: "Production manager" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pop" lib: "Printer of plates" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ppm" lib: "Papermaker" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ppt" lib: "Puppeteer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "prc" lib: "Process contact" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "prd" lib: "Production personnel" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "prf" lib: "Performer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "prg" lib: "Programmer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "prm" lib: "Printmaker" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pro" lib: "Producer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "prp" lib: "Production place" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "prt" lib: "Printer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pta" lib: "Patent applicant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pte" lib: "Plaintiff -appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ptf" lib: "Plaintiff" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pth" lib: "Patent holder" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ptt" lib: "Plaintiff-appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "pup" lib: "Publication place" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rbr" lib: "Rubricator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rce" lib: "Recording engineer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rcp" lib: "Recipient" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "red" lib: "Redactor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ren" lib: "Renderer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "res" lib: "Researcher" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rev" lib: "Reviewer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rps" lib: "Repository" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rpt" lib: "Reporter" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rpy" lib: "Responsible party" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rse" lib: "Respondent-appellee" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rsg" lib: "Restager" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rsp" lib: "Respondent" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rst" lib: "Respondent-appellant" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rth" lib: "Research team head" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "rtm" lib: "Research team member" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "sad" lib: "Scientific advisor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "sce" lib: "Scenarist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "scl" lib: "Sculptor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "scr" lib: "Scribe" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "sds" lib: "Sound designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "sec" lib: "Secretary" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "sgn" lib: "Signer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "sht" lib: "Supporting host" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "sng" lib: "Singer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "spk" lib: "Speaker" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "spn" lib: "Sponsor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "spy" lib: "Second party" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "srv" lib: "Surveyor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "std" lib: "Set designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "stl" lib: "Storyteller" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "stm" lib: "Stage manager" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "stn" lib: "Standards body" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "str" lib: "Stereotyper" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "tcd" lib: "Technical director" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "tch" lib: "Teacher" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "ths" lib: "Thesis advisor" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "trc" lib: "Transcriber" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "trl" lib: "Translator" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "tyd" lib: "Type designer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "tyg" lib: "Typographer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "uvp" lib: "University place" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "vdg" lib: "Videographer" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "voc" lib: "Vocalist" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "wam" lib: "Writer of accompanying material" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "wdc" lib: "Woodcutter" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "wde" lib: "Wood-engraver" - category: "RELTERMS" authorised_value: "wit" lib: "Witness"