MARC tag structure admin for ()default MARC framework

Modify tag Add tag

" name="Aform" method="post"> ">

" size="80" maxlength="100">

" size="80" maxlength="100">

(if you select a value here, the indicators will be limited to the authorised value list)

" method="post">">"> Data deleted " method="post">"> " method="post"> "> Create framework for () using

Select a framework

" method="post"> "> NOTE : if you change the link between a MARC subfield and a non-MARC field, ask your administrator to run misc/ script.
" method="post">
"> " method="post">
Tag Lib Repeatable Mandatory Authorised
Subfields Edit Delete
YesNo YesNo " class="button">subfields ">//images/fileopen.png" width="32" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0"> ">//images/edittrash.png" width="32" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0">
" method="post"> "> ?offset=&searchfield="> //images/1leftarrow.png" title="previous" alt="previous" border="0"> ?offset=&searchfield="> //images/1rightarrow.png" title="next" alt="next" border="0">