Página de administración de Koha
Relacionados con los registros bibliográficos
Tipos de Materiales Define los tipos de Materiales usados por Koha, el tiempo de préstamo, etc
Presupuesto Define las distintas proveniencias de fondos por las cuales es posible adquirir publicaciones
Fondos Bibliográficos Administración de los fondos bibliográficos
Valores Autorizados Define categories and authorized values for them. Authorised values are used in MARC form to limit/help editing MARC biblios.
Thesaurus Management of thesaurus and authorities files.
MARC related
MARC tag structure MARC structure: tags then subfields.
Links Koha - MARC DB Define links between the Koha standard DB and the MARC one. Note those links can be defined through MARC structure. This tool is just a shortcut to speed up linkage.
MARC Check Checks the MARC structure. USE IT before working with real data. It will show mistakes that can BREAK Koha's database!
Various parameters
Library branches The differents branches you manage with this Koha server.
Categories Define the categories of borrowers.
Currencies Define exchange rates.
Printers Printers (UNIX paths).
Stop words Words deleted during searches.
Z39.50 Servers Servers to query for MARC data.
System preferences System preferences.
MARC biblio export Exporting in MARC format.