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MARC import and BIBLIO management

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Website Biblioitem Added

To add a new biblio/item, scan or type the ISBN/ISSN number:
ISBN: If the ISBN is found into the biblio table, it will be retrieved and can be modified.
If the ISBN is found into the breeding farm, it will be retrieved. and a biblio added.
Otherwise, a biblio can be added from scratch.
  Add biblio without ISBN/ISSN

Tools for importing MARC records into breeding farm
  • Upload MARC records
  •   The breeding farm is a table where are stored imported MARC records.
    A MARC record is stored in the breeding farm as long as you've no item. When you type the ISBN of a biblio, it's searched in the breeding farm. If found, the biblio is added to koha active table, and removed from breeding farm.
    Tools for importing MARC from a z3950 server
  • Z39.50 Search Tool
  •   does not work
    Add New Website


    Koha stores data in three sections


    The first section records bibliographic data such as title, author and copyright for a particular work.


    The second records bibliographic data for a particular publication of that work, such as ISBN number, physical description, publisher information, etc


    The third section holds specific item information, such as the bar code number