Koha -- System Administration: Modify system preference ''Add a system preferenceData Added Confirm Deletion of Parameter ''Parameter DeletedPreferences

Modify a system preference

Add a system preference

" name="Aform" method="post">
" size=""> checked="checked">Yes checked="checked">No

Save ChangesAdd this Preference" class="submit"> '; return false;" />

Koha internal

Note: you should have no reasons to modify the following default values
" size="40" maxlength="40"> (Choice, YesNo, Integer, Textarea, Float, Themes, or Languages)
" size="60" maxlength="80"> (a choice list for Choice (separated by |) or cols|rows for Texarea)

Data recorded

" method="post">
" method="post">">
/images/background-mem.gif">Variable /images/background-mem.gif">
" method="post">
Data deleted
" method="post">

System preferences admin

Variable Value Explanation
">Edit ">Delete
" method="post">