Koha -- Shopping Basket For:

Modify order details (line #) New order (defined from suggestion #)

Basket Details

Basket Number:
Managed By:
Open On:
For:Supplier Id
Invoice Number:
Purchase Order Number:
Closed On:

catalogue details

" /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " value="" />

" READONLY/>Auto filled

" />

" />

" />

" />

" />

First Create a Biblio for this order

Accounting details

" onchange="update(this.form);" readonly " />

Note: All figures are in local currency, except the suppliers list price which is indicated.Currency conversion is done automatically

" onchange="update(this.form)" />%

" onchange="update(this.form)" readonly/>

" readonly />

" onchange="update(this.form)" readonly />%

" readonly />

" readonly />

" readonly />

" readonly />includes any applicable tax less any discount

" readonly /> (using recommended!)

" />

The 2 following fields are available for your own usage. They can be useful for stat purposes

" />

" />