Edit MARC subfields constraints

" name="Aform" method="post"> " />
Tag , Subfield
  3. " type="text" name="liblibrarian" value="" size="40" maxlength="80" />
  4. " name="libopac" value="" size="40" maxlength="80" />
  5. (ignore means that the subfield is NOT managed by Koha)
  6. Display
    1. (see online help)
  7. (if checked, it means that the subfield is an URL and can be clicked)
  8. Help input

Note: in the last column, you can choose:

  • An "authorised value": it refers to a list of authorised values for this subfield. See the corresponding admin table.
  • A "thesaurus category": it refers to a thesaurus category. See the corresponding admin table.
  • A "value builder": values builders are perl programs that help you select the value of the field. They are MARC-flavor dependant and sometimes fill another subfield automatically.

" method="post">
Confirm Deletion of Subfield ?
" /> " /> " /> " />

Data deleted

" method="post"> " />

Authority MARC subfield structure admin for (authority: )

This screen shows the subfields associated with the selected tag. You can edit subfields or add a new one by clicking on edit.

The column Koha field shows that the subfield is linked with a Koha field. Koha can manage a MARC interface, and a Koha interface. This link ensures that both DB are synchronized

Subfield Text Constraints Delete
subfield ignored Tab:, | Koha field: , Repeatable, Not repeatable, Mandatory, Not mandatory, hidden, is an url, | Auth value:, | Authority:, | Plugin:, ">Delete
" method="get">
" /> " /> &authtypecode=">Cancel
//images/1leftarrow.png" title="previous" alt="previous" border="0" > //images/1rightarrow.png" title="next" alt="next" border="0" />