New libraryModify library

" name="Aform" method="post">
  1. Library code " /> " />
  2. " /> 
  3. Group(s):
    1. " name="" />
  4. " />
  5. " />
  6. " />
  7. " />
  8. " />
  9. " />
  10. " /> Can be entered as a single IP, or a subnet such as 192.168.1.*
  11. -->
" method="post">
Confirm deletion of ()? " /> ">


Library not saved — code and/or name missing
Library saved
Library deleted
Library category added
Library category modified
Library category deleted
Library cannot be deleted because there are patrons using that library
Category cannot be deleted because there are libraries using that category
Name Code Address Properties IP  
(nothing entered)


?op=edit&branchcode=">Edit ?branchcode=&branchname=&op=delete">Delete
There are no branches defined. Start defining libraries.

Group(s): PropertiesSearch Domain

Name Code Description    
?op=editcategory&categorycode=">Edit ?op=delete_category&categorycode=">Delete
No PropertiesSearch Domain Defined

No Groups defined.

Edit Group Add Group

" name="Aform" method="post">
  1. Category code: " /> " />
  2. " />
  3. " />
Confirm delete:
" method="post"> " />
" method="post">