[% USE raw %] [% USE Asset %] [% SET footerjs = 1 %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › Administration › Libraries [% IF op == 'add_form' %] ›[% IF library %]Modify library[% ELSE %]New library [% library.branchcode | html %][% END %] [% ELSIF op == 'delete_confirm' %] › Confirm deletion of library '[% library.branchcode | html %]' [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% Asset.css("css/datatables.css") | $raw %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'prefs-admin-search.inc' %]
[% FOREACH m IN messages %]
[% SWITCH m.code %] [% CASE 'error_on_update' %] An error occurred when updating this library. Perhaps it already exists. [% CASE 'error_on_insert' %] An error occurred when adding this library. The branchcode might already exist. [% CASE 'error_on_delete' %] An error occurred when deleting this library. Check the logs. [% CASE 'success_on_update' %] Library updated successfully. [% CASE 'success_on_insert' %] Library added successfully. [% CASE 'success_on_delete' %] Library deleted successfully. [% CASE 'cannot_delete_library' %] This library cannot be deleted. Patrons or items are still using it [% IF m.data.patrons_count and m.data.items_count %] ([% m.data.patrons_count | html %] patrons and [% m.data.items_count | html %] items). [% ELSIF m.data.patrons_count %] ([% m.data.patrons_count | html %] patrons). [% ELSIF m.data.items_count %] ([% m.data.items_count | html %] items). [% END %] [% CASE 'error_on_update_category' %] An error occurred when updating this library category. Perhaps it already exists. [% CASE 'error_on_insert_category' %] An error occurred when adding this library category. The categorycode might already exist. [% CASE 'error_on_delete_category' %] An error occurred when deleting this library category. Check the logs. [% CASE 'success_on_update_category' %] Library category updated successfully. [% CASE 'success_on_insert_category' %] Library category added successfully. [% CASE 'success_on_delete_category' %] Library category deleted successfully. [% CASE 'cannot_delete_category' %] This library category cannot be deleted. [% m.data.libraries_count | html %] libraries are still using it. [% CASE %] [% m.code | html %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% IF op == 'list' %] [% END %] [% IF op == 'add_form' %]

[% IF library %]Modify library[% ELSE %]New library[% END %]

[% IF library %] [% END %]
  1. [% IF library %] Library code: [% library.branchcode | html %] [% ELSE %] Required [% END %]
  2. Required
[% IF categories %]
    [% FOREACH category IN categories %]
  1. [% IF category and selected_categorycodes.grep(category.categorycode).size %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% category.codedescription | html %]
  2. [% END %]
[% END %]

  1. Default: ReplyToDefault system preference

  2. Default: ReturnpathDefault system preference
  3. Can be entered as a single IP, or a subnet such as 192.168.1.*
  4. If not filled in defaults to system preference MARCOrgCode. You can obtain your code from Library of Congress.
[% END %] [% IF op == 'delete_confirm' and not ( items_count or patrons_count )%]

Are you sure you want to delete [% library.branchname | html %] ([% library.branchcode | html %])?

[% END %] [% IF op == 'list' %]


[% IF libraries.count %] [% FOREACH library IN libraries %] [% END %]
Name Code Address MARC organization code IP Actions
[% library.branchname | html %] [% library.branchcode | html %] [% IF library.branchaddress1 %] [% library.branchaddress1 | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchaddress2 %]
[% library.branchaddress2 | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchaddress3 %]
[% library.branchaddress3 | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchcity %]
[% library.branchcity | html %][% END %][% IF ( library.branchstate ) %], [% library.branchstate | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchzip %] [% library.branchzip | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchcountry %]
[% library.branchcountry | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchphone %]
Ph: [% library.branchphone | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchfax %]
Fax: [% library.branchfax | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchemail %]
[% library.branchemail | html %][% END %] [% IF library.branchurl %]
[% library.branchurl | html %][% END %] [% IF library.opac_info %]
OPAC Info:
[% library.opac_info | $raw %]
[% END %] [% IF library.branchnotes %]
Notes: [% library.branchnotes | html %][% END %]
[% library.marcorgcode | html %] [% library.branchip | html %] Edit
[% ELSE %]
There are no libraries defined. Start defining libraries.
[% END %] [% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'admin-menu.inc' %]
[% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %] [% Asset.js("js/admin-menu.js") | $raw %] [% INCLUDE 'datatables.inc' %] [% Asset.js("lib/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js") | $raw %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]