Check In

This item should not be in this library !

Title : ">
Hold for: No reservation linked
Action This item must be transfered to :
" /> " /> " />

Waiting Hold Found in your library for

Patron: "> , () ,

" value="" /> " value="" /> " value="" /> " /> " /> " /> " />

Hold needing transfer found

Transfer to:
" value="" /> " value="" /> " value="" /> " />

This item must return to his homebranch :

Please return ' ()' to ()

" value="" /> " value="" /> " value="" />

Item Consigned:

" value="" /> " value="" /> " value="" />

Hold placed for another library, please transfer

Waiting Hold Found in your library


Patron: "> , () ,

Transfer to:

" value="" /> " value="" /> " value="" /> " /> " /> " /> " />

" value="" /> " value="" /> " value="" />

No Item with barcode:

Please return to

Not On Issue.

Item was lost, now found.

Item Cancelled

Item InformationPatron Information
"> , ( , )

Checked-In items

Title Itemtype Due Date Barcode Patron
// Not on Issue. "> , Not on issue.