Authorized values management

Koha allows you to restrict the values that catalogers can place in some MARC subfields to certain pre-defined "authorized" values. These authorized values are defined here.

Koha automatically sets up authorized value categories for your item types and branch codes, and you can link these authorized values to MARC subfields when you set up your MARC tag structure.

Why would I want to define authorized values for MARC tags?

Authorized Values create a 'controlled vocabulary' for your staff. As an example, let us assume that your Koha installation is used by several libraries, and you use MARC 21. You might want to restrict the 850a MARC subfield to the institution codes for just those libraries. In that case, you could define an authorized values category (perhaps called "INST") and enter the institution codes as the authorized values for that category.

TIP: Koha automatically sets up authorized value categories for your item types and branch codes, and you can link these authorized values to MARC subfields when you set up your MARC tag structure. Existing Authorized Values Koha comes with several other categories and pre-defined values your library is likely to use, for instance 'Lost'. View Authorized Values Add Authorized Value

Edit authorized values

Add a new Authorized Value Category