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MARC Bibliographic Frameworks

Think of Frameworks as templates for creating new bibliographic records. Koha comes with some predefined frameworks that can be edited or deleted, and librarians can create their own frameworks for content specific to their libraries.

Important: Do not delete or edit the Default Framework since this will cause problems with your cataloging records - always create a new template based on the Default Framework, or alter the other Frameworks.

After clicking the 'MARC structure' link to the right of each framework you can decide how many fields you want to see on one screen by using the pagination options at the top of the table.

Add New Framework

To add a new framework

Edit Existing Frameworks

Clicking 'Edit' to the right of a Framework will only allow you to edit the Description for the Framework

To make edits to the fields associated with the Framework you must first click 'MARC Structure' and then follow the instructions for editing subfields

Add subfields to Frameworks

To add a field to a Framework click the 'New Tag' button at the top of the Framework definition

This will open up a blank form for entering MARC field data

Enter the information about your new tag:

When you're finished, click 'Save Changes' and you will be presented with your new field

To the right of the new field is a link to 'Subfields,' you will need to add subfields before this tag will appear in your MARC editor. The process of entering the settings for the new subfield is the same as those found in the editing subfields in frameworks section of the manual.

Edit Framework Subfields

Frameworks are made up of MARC fields and subfields. To make edits to most Frameworks you must edit the fields and subfields. Clicking 'Edit' to the right of each subfield will allow you to make changes to the text associated with the field

To edit the subfields associated with the tag, click 'Subfields' to the right of the tag on the 'MARC Structure' listing

Import/Export Frameworks

Next to each framework is a link to either import or export the framework.

Export Framework

To export a framework simply click the 'Export' link to the right of framework title.

When you click 'Export' you will be prompted to choose what format to export the file in.

A framework exported this way can be imported into any other Koha installation using the import framework option.

Import Framework

An easy way to create a new framework is to import one created for your or another Koha installation. This framework would need to be exported from the other system using the instructions above to be available for import here.

To import a framework you first need to create a new framework. Once you have that framework, click 'Import' to the right of the new framework.

You will be prompted to find a file on your computer to import into the framework.

You will be asked to confirm your actions before the file is imported.

As your file is uploaded you will see an image that will confirm that the system is working.

Once your import is complete you will be brought to the framework edit tool where you can make any changes you need to the framework you imported.

See the full documentation for Frameworks in the manual (online).

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