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Adding authorities

To add a new authority record, choose the authority type from the 'New authority' button.

The form that appears will allow you to enter all of the necessary details regarding your authority record.

To expand collapsed values simply click on the title and the subfields will appear.

Editing authorities

Authorities can be edited by clicking on the authority summary from the search results and then clicking the 'Edit' button above the record.

Once you've made the necessary edits, simply click 'Save' and all of the records that use this authority record will be updated.

To delete an authority record you first must make sure it's not linked to any bibliographic records. If it is not used by any bibliographic records a 'Delete' link will appear to the right of the record on the search results and as a button that appears after clicking on the summary of the authority record.

See the full documentation for authorities in the manual (online).

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