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To see more search options click [More Options] at the bottom of the page. This will allow for more advanced boolean searching.

Searching Subtypes on the Staff Client

Below is a summary of the various pieces of the advanced search limit:


The index name is 'aud' and it's derived from 008/22


There are three indexes that comprise Content: 'fic' is derived from 003/33; 'bio' is derived from the 008/34 and 'mus' is derived from LEADER/06. Common values for each of these are:


The index name is 'l-format' and it's an index of positions 007/01 and 007/02. Common values are:

Additional Content Types

The index name is 'ctype' is taken from the 008 and it's where we get the 'additional content types'. It's position 008/24-28 field. Common values are:

See the full documentation for Searching in the manual (online).

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