
Before you start cataloging in Koha you're going to want to do some basic setup. Refer to the Implementation Checklist for a full list of these things. Most importantly you're going to want to make sure that your Frameworks are all defined the way you want. Once in the cataloging module you will not be able to add or remove fields and subfields so your frameworks must be ready before you start cataloging.

Adding Records

Records can be added to Koha via original or copy cataloging. If you would like to catalog a record using a blank template

If you want to catalog a record based on an existing record at another library

Once you've opened a blank framework or imported a record via Z39.50 you will be presented with the form to continue cataloging

Editing Records

To edit a record you can click 'Edit Biblio' from the search results on the cataloging page or by clicking the Edit button on the Bibliographic Record.

The record will open in the MARC editor

Once you have made your edits you can click 'Save' at the top of the editor.

Duplicating Records

Sometimes a copy of the record you need to catalog can't be found via Z39.50. In these cases you can create a duplicate of similar record and edit the necessary pieces to create a new record. To duplicate an existing record click 'Edit as New (Duplicate)' from the Edit menu on the Bibliographic Record

This will open a new MARC record with the fields filled in with the values from the original Bibliographic Record.

Merging Records

If you would like to merge together multiple records you can do that via the Lists tool.