What is a home branch?

The home branch is the branch you want recorded as the origination of circulation functions for a computer session. For example, if your home branch is set to “main”, any items scanned to a borrower/patron on from that computer will be considered by Koha to be issued ‘from’ the “main” branch. An item transferred on that computer will be recorded as transferred ‘from’ the “main” branch.

How do I select a home branch?

Select your home branch from the “Choose your branch” dropdown menu.

IMPORTANT: You must set your home branch each time you login to Koha’s intranet. For instance, you set home branch at the beginning of the work day, or each time the computer is restarted.

Why would I want to set a home branch?

Setting your home branch is critical. It enables Koha to accurately record statistics, circulation (what branch an item has been issued from or returned to), and transfers.

IMPORTANT: Check your branch

If you forget to set your home branch at the beginning of a computer session, Koha will set the first branch in the dropdown list as the ‘home branch’. This means Koha’s statistics will be inaccurate.