Offline Circ File Uploader

The Offline Circulation tool can be used should your library lose Internet access.  Learn more about the tool here:

Once you regain access to your Koha database you can upload the data you collected in the Offline tool.

  1. Go to Circulation
  2. Click on the “Offline Circulation File (.koc) Uploader" option.
  3. In the pop up window, specify the file you wish to upload and click the “Upload file” button.
  4. When the upload process is complete that status bar will say 100%
  5. Click the “Process offline circulation file” button to process the data.


Why do I want to keep a copy of my offline circ file?

Once a file has been uploaded the data remains in the file. The library may want to keep a copy of the file in another directory, or change the file extension frm .koc to .txt.  The utility only looks at files with a .koc extenison. If this isn't done, staff may accidentally add new data to an old file.