Reports Dictionary Help

The dictionary provides a way that you can define custom criteria for reporting by combining existing criteria.

Adding A New Definition

Step 1: Name

At this step you will need to fill out the following details:

Step 2: Area

Now you will need to select the area that you are binding the definition to.

IMPORTANT: Definitions can only be bound to one area.

TIP: If you wish to use a similar definition in say, Circulation and Patrons, you will need to create two definitions - one for each area

Step 3: Columns

Now select the criteria that you wish to use to build your definition.

TIP: Definitions can be deleted easily, and if you are still learning the structure of the Koha data, it may take a little while to sort out which fields you require. Some trial and error may be required

Step 4: Values

Now you need to select the values for each column that will make up your new criteria. There are different ways to define the values, based on the type of data in the column you have selected

Step 5: Confirmation

You will be presented with a confirmation once you have finished step 4

Click 'Save'

Using A Definition

Once you have created your new definition and it shows on in the Dictionary, you can use the definition for reporting.