Add a Custom Report

If the report you need is not already available, the 'Guided Reports' Wizard will walk you through creating a custom report.

Answer the 6 questions presented in order to create your report.

Step 1: Choose a Module to Report on

Step 2: Pick a Report Type

Step 3: Select Columns for Display

Step 4: Select Criteria to Limit

Step 5: Pick which columns to perform mathmatical functions on

Step 6: Choose how you want the report ordered

Edit Reports

Custom reports can be edited in their entirety from the Saved Guided Reports page.


Can I have reports run on a schedule?

Yes, you can use the Task Scheduler tool.

Is there a repository for reports?

There is a page on the Koha Wiki: with reports written by Koha libraries around the world.

NEKLS also has a great page ( with a list of reports they have written.

Can I have run-time defined parameters?

Yes, you can: there is a specific syntax that Koha will understand as 'ask for values when running the report'. The syntax is <<Question to ask|authorised_value>>.

Note that you can have more than one parameter in a given SQL

Note that entering nothing at run time won't probably work as you expect. It will be considered as "value empty" not as "ignore this parameter". For example entering nothing for : "title=<<Enter title>>" will display results with title='' (no title). If you want to have to have something not mandatory, use "title like <<Enter title>>" and enter a % at run time instead of nothing

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