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Add a Custom Report

Guided Report Wizard

If the report you need is not already available, the 'Guided Reports' Wizard will walk you through creating a custom report.

Answer the 6 questions presented in order to create your report.

Step 1: Choose a Module to Report on

Step 2: Pick a Report Type

Step 3: Select Columns for Display

Step 4: Select Criteria to Limit

Step 5: Pick which columns to perform mathmatical functions on

Step 6: Choose how you want the report ordered

Edit Reports

Custom reports can be edited in their entirety from the Saved Guided Reports page.

Report from SQL

In addition to the report wizard, you have the option to write your own queries using SQL. To find reports written by other Koha users, visit the Koha Wiki: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library. You can also find your database structure in /installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql or online at: http://schema.koha-community.org.

To add your query, click the link to 'Create from SQL' on the main reports module or the New button at the top of the Saved Reports page.

Fill in the form presented

Once everything is entered click the 'Save Report' button and you'll be presented with options to run it. Once a report is saved you do not have to recreate it you can simply find it on the Saved Reports page and run or edit it.


What are duration and visibility?

The duration field may be visible or not, don't worry if you don't see it. If you see it, it says how long a report run is kept in Koha and, any subsequent re-run will in fact display the result run the 1st time

The visibility field specify if your report is accessible without authentication from the OPAC. Reports can be retrieved from the following URLs:

(replace localhost and localhost:8080 with the appropriate URLs)

Is there a repository for reports?

There is a page on the Koha Wiki: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library with reports written by Koha libraries around the world.

NEKLS also has a great page (http://www.nexpresslibrary.org/training/reports-training/) with a list of reports they have written.

See the full documentation for Custom Reports in the manual (online).

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