[% USE raw %] [% USE Asset %] [% USE Branches %] [% USE Koha %] [% USE KohaDates %] [% SET footerjs = 1 %] [% USE AuthorisedValues %] [% USE ColumnsSettings %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › ILL requests [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'cat-search.inc' %]
[% IF query_type == 'illlist' %]


[% END %]
[% IF !backends_available || !has_branch %]
ILL module configuration problem. Take a look at the about page
[% ELSE %] [% INCLUDE 'ill-toolbar.inc' %] [% IF whole.error %]

Error performing operation

We encountered an error:

[% whole.message | html %] ([% whole.status | html %])

[% END %] [% IF query_type == 'create' %]

New ILL request

[% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'confirm' %]

Confirm ILL request

[% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'cancel' and !whole.error %]

Cancel a confirmed request

[% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'generic_confirm' %]

Place request with partner libraries

[% IF error %] [% IF error == 'no_target_email' %]
No target email addresses found. Either select at least one partner or check your ILL partner library records.
[% ELSIF error == 'no_library_email' %]
Your library has no usable email address. Please set it.
[% ELSIF error == 'unkown_error' %]
Unknown error processing your request. Contact your administrator.
[% END %] [% END %] [% IF whole.value.partners %] [% ill_url = "/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=illview&illrequest_id=" _ request.illrequest_id %]
Interlibrary loan request details
[% ELSE %]
Interlibrary loan request details

No partners have been defined yet. Please create appropriate patron records (by default ILLLIBS category).

Be sure to provide email addresses for these patrons.


[% END %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'edit_action' %]
Request details
    [% type = request.get_type %]
  1. [% request.borrowernumber | html %]
  2. [% stat = request.status %] [% current_alias = request.status_alias %]
  3. [% request.updated | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]
  4. [% IF type %][% type | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  5. [% IF request.cost %][% request.cost | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  6. [% request.id_prefix _ request.illrequest_id | html %]
[% ELSIF query_type == 'delete_confirm' %]

Are you sure you wish to delete this request?

No, do not delete
[% ELSIF query_type == 'illview' %] [% req_status = request.status %] [% IF error %] [% IF error == 'migrate_target' %]
The backend you tried to migrate to does not yet support migrations, please try again with an alternative target.
[% END %] [% END %]

Manage ILL request

Edit request [% FOREACH action IN request.available_actions %] [% IF action.method == 'migrate' %] [% IF backends.size > 2 %] [% ELSIF backends.size == 2 %] [% FOREACH backend IN backends %] [% IF backend != request.backend %] [% action.ui_method_name | html %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% ELSIF action.method != 0 %] [% action.ui_method_name | html %] [% END %] [% END %] Display supplier metadata ILL request log

Request details

Details from library

  1. Order ID: [% IF request.orderid %][% request.orderid | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  2. Patron: [% borrowerlink = "/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl" _ "?borrowernumber=" _ request.patron.borrowernumber %] [% request.patron.firstname _ " " _ request.patron.surname _ " [" _ request.patron.cardnumber _ "]" | html %]
  3. Bibliographic record ID: [% IF request.biblio_id %] [% request.biblio_id | html %] [% ELSE %] N/A [% END %]
  4. Library: [% Branches.GetName(request.branchcode) | html %]
  5. Status: [% IF request.statusalias %] [% request.statusalias.lib | html %] [% ELSE %] [% request.capabilities.$req_status.name | html%] [% IF request.requested_partners.length > 0 %] ([% request.requested_partners | html %]) [% END %] [% END %]
  6. Last updated: [% request.updated | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]
  7. Request type: [% type = request.get_type %] [% IF type %][% type | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  8. Cost: [% IF request.cost %][% request.cost | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  9. Price paid: [% IF request.price_paid %][% request.price_paid | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  10. Request number: [% request.id_prefix _ request.illrequest_id | html %]
  11. Staff notes:

    [% request.notesstaff | html %]

  12. Notes:

    [% request.notesopac | html %]

Details from supplier ([% request.backend | html %])

    [% FOREACH meta IN request.metadata %]
  1. [% meta.key | html %]: [% meta.value | html %]
  2. [% END %]

[% request.illcomments.count | html %] comments

[% IF request.illcomments.count && request.illcomments.count > 0 %] [% FOREACH comment IN request.illcomments %]
Comment by: [% comment.patron.firstname _ " " _ comment.patron.surname _ " [" _ comment.patron.cardnumber _ "]" | html %] [% comment.timestamp | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]

[% comment.comment | html %]

[% END %] [% END %]

Add comment

  1. Required
[% ELSIF query_type == 'illlist' %]

View ILL requests

Details for all requests

Request ID Author Title Article title Issue Volume Year Pages Type Order ID Patron Bibliographic record Branch Status   Placed on   Updated on Replied   Completed on Access URL Cost Comments OPAC notes Staff notes Backend
[% ELSE %] [% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% TRY %] [% PROCESS backend_jsinclude %] [% CATCH %] [% END %] [% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %] [% INCLUDE 'datatables.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'columns_settings.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %] [% Asset.js("lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.checkboxes.min.js") | $raw %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]