[% USE raw %] [% USE Asset %] [% USE Branches %] [% USE Koha %] [% USE KohaDates %] [% SET footerjs = 1 %] [% USE AuthorisedValues %] [% USE ColumnsSettings %] [% USE Price %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › ILL requests [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'cat-search.inc' %]
[% IF query_type == 'illlist' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% IF !backends_available || !has_branch %]
ILL module configuration problem. Take a look at the about page
[% ELSE %] [% INCLUDE 'ill-toolbar.inc' %] [% IF whole.error %]

Error performing operation

We encountered an error:

[% whole.message | html %] ([% whole.status | html %])

[% END %] [% IF query_type == 'create' %]

New ILL request

[% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'confirm' %]

Confirm ILL request

[% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'cancel' and !whole.error %]

Cancel a confirmed request

[% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'generic_confirm' %]

Place request with partner libraries

[% IF error %] [% IF error == 'no_target_email' %]
No target email addresses found. Either select at least one partner or check your ILL partner library records.
[% ELSIF error == 'no_library_email' %]
Your library has no usable email address. Please set it.
[% ELSIF error == 'unkown_error' %]
Unknown error processing your request. Contact your administrator.
[% END %] [% END %] [% IF whole.value.partners %] [% ill_url = "/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=illview&illrequest_id=" _ request.illrequest_id %]
Interlibrary loan request details
[% ELSE %]
Interlibrary loan request details

No partners have been defined yet. Please create appropriate patron records (by default ILLLIBS category).

Be sure to provide email addresses for these patrons.


[% END %] [% ELSIF query_type == 'edit_action' %]
Request details
    [% type = request.get_type %]
  1. [% request.borrowernumber | html %]
  2. [% stat = request.status %] [% current_alias = request.status_alias %]
  3. [% request.updated | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]
  4. [% IF type %][% type | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  5. [% IF request.cost %][% request.cost | $Price %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  6. [% request.id_prefix _ request.illrequest_id | html %]
[% ELSIF query_type == 'delete_confirm' %]

Are you sure you wish to delete this request?

No, do not delete
[% ELSIF query_type == 'illview' %] [% req_status = request.status %] [% IF error %] [% IF error == 'migrate_target' %]
The backend you tried to migrate to does not yet support migrations, please try again with an alternative target.
[% END %] [% END %]

Manage ILL request

Edit request [% FOREACH action IN request.available_actions %] [% IF action.method == 'migrate' %] [% IF backends.size > 2 %] [% ELSIF backends.size == 2 %] [% FOREACH backend IN backends %] [% IF backend != request.backend %] [% action.ui_method_name | html %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% ELSIF action.method != 0 %] [% action.ui_method_name | html %] [% END %] [% END %] Display supplier metadata ILL request log

Request details

Details from library

  1. Order ID: [% IF request.orderid %][% request.orderid | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  2. Patron: [% borrowerlink = "/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl" _ "?borrowernumber=" _ request.patron.borrowernumber %] [% request.patron.firstname _ " " _ request.patron.surname _ " [" _ request.patron.cardnumber _ "]" | html %]
  3. Bibliographic record ID: [% IF request.biblio_id %] [% request.biblio_id | html %] [% ELSE %] N/A [% END %]
  4. Library: [% Branches.GetName(request.branchcode) | html %]
  5. Status: [% IF request.statusalias %] [% request.statusalias.lib | html %] [% ELSE %] [% request.capabilities.$req_status.name | html%] [% IF request.requested_partners.length > 0 %] ([% request.requested_partners | html %]) [% END %] [% END %]
  6. Last updated: [% request.updated | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]
  7. Request type: [% type = request.get_type %] [% IF type %][% type | html %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  8. Cost: [% IF request.cost %][% request.cost | $Price %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  9. Price paid: [% IF request.price_paid %][% request.price_paid | $Price %][% ELSE %]N/A[% END %]
  10. Request number: [% request.id_prefix _ request.illrequest_id | html %]
  11. Staff notes:

    [% request.notesstaff | html %]

  12. Notes:

    [% request.notesopac | html %]

Details from supplier ([% request.backend | html %])

    [% FOREACH meta IN request.metadata %]
  1. [% meta.key | html %]: [% meta.value | html %]
  2. [% END %]

[% request.illcomments.count | html %] comments

[% IF request.illcomments.count && request.illcomments.count > 0 %] [% FOREACH comment IN request.illcomments %]
Comment by: [% comment.patron.firstname _ " " _ comment.patron.surname _ " [" _ comment.patron.cardnumber _ "]" | html %] [% comment.timestamp | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]

[% comment.comment | html %]

[% END %] [% END %]

Add comment

  1. Required
[% ELSIF query_type == 'illlist' %]

View ILL requests

Details for all requests

[% INCLUDE 'ill-list-table.inc' %]
[% ELSE %] [% PROCESS $whole.template %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %] [% INCLUDE 'datatables.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'columns_settings.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %] [% Asset.js("lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.checkboxes.min.js") | $raw %] [% INCLUDE 'ill-list-table-strings.inc' %] [% Asset.js("js/ill-list-table.js") | $raw %] [% END %] [% TRY %] [% PROCESS backend_jsinclude %] [% CATCH %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]