[% USE KohaDates %]

Prediction pattern

[% IF (not_consistent_end_date) %]

End date is not consistent with subscription length.

[% END %] [% IF (ask_for_irregularities) %]

Please check issues that are NOT published (irregularities)

[% IF (daily_options) %]

If there is a day (or more) in the week where issues are never published, you can check corresponding boxes below.

[% END %] [% END %] [% IF (predictions_loop) %] [% IF (ask_for_irregularities) %] [% END %] [% FOREACH prediction IN predictions_loop %] [% IF (ask_for_irregularities) %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %]
Number Publication dateNot published
[% prediction.number %] [% IF (prediction.publicationdate) %] [% prediction.publicationdate | $KohaDates %] [% ELSE %] unknown [% END %] [% UNLESS (loop.first) %] [% IF (prediction.not_published) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
[% END %]