[% USE KohaBranchName %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › Serials › Details for subscription #[% subscriptionid %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'serials-search.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'serials-toolbar.inc' %]

Subscription for [% bibliotitle%] [% IF closed %](closed)[% END %]

[% IF ( abouttoexpire ) %] [% UNLESS closed %]
Subscription will expire [% enddate %]. Renew this subscription.
[% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( NEEDSCONFIRMATION ) %]

Please Confirm Subscription deletion

    [% IF ( NOTEXPIRED ) %]
  • The subscription has not expired yet
  • [% END %] [% IF ( LINKEDISSUES ) %]
  • The subscription has linked issues
  • [% END %] [% IF ( LINKEDITEMS ) %]
  • The subscription has linked items
    Those items won't be deleted
  • [% END %]
[% END %]
  1. Subscription ID: [% subscriptionid %]
  2. Librarian identity: [% librarian %]
  3. Vendor: [% aqbooksellername %]
  4. Biblio: [% bibliotitle %] ([% bibnum %])
  5. [% IF ( branchcode ) %]
  6. Library: [% branchcode | $KohaBranchName %]
  7. [% END %] [% IF ( serialsadditems ) %]
  8. Items: Serial receipt creates an item record.
  9. [% ELSE %]
  10. Items: Serial receipt does not create an item record.
  11. [% END %]
  12. Grace period: [% graceperiod %]
    [% IF ( location ) %]
  1. Location: [% location %]
  2. [% END %] [% IF ( callnumber ) %]
  3. Call number: [% callnumber %]
  4. [% END %] [% IF ( staffdisplaycount ) %]
  5. Number of issues to display to staff:[% staffdisplaycount %]
  6. [% END %] [% IF ( opacdisplaycount ) %]
  7. Number of issues to display in OPAC:[% opacdisplaycount %]
  8. [% END %] [% IF ( letter ) %]
  9. Patron notification: [% letter %] (subscribers)
  10. [% END %] [% IF ( hasRouting ) %]
  11. Routing: yes
  12. [% END %]
[% IF ( show_acquisition_details ) %]

Acquisition details

Price exc. taxesPrice inc. taxesFund
Ordered amount [% valuegste_ordered %] [% valuegsti_ordered %] [% budget_name_ordered %] [% IF ( ordered_exists ) %] See basket information [% END %]
Spent amount [% valuegste_spent %] [% valuegsti_spent %] [% budget_name_spent %] [% IF ( spent_exists ) %] See invoice information [% END %]
[% END %]
  1. Beginning date: [% startdate %]
  2. Frequency (*): [% IF ( periodicity16 ) %] Without regularity [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity32 ) %] Irregular [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity0 ) %] Unknown [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity12 ) %] 2/day [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity1 ) %] 1/day [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity13 ) %] 1/4 months (3/year) [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity2 ) %] 1/week [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity3 ) %] 1/2 weeks [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity4 ) %] 1/3 weeks [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity5 ) %] 1/month [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity6 ) %] 1/2 months (6/year) [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity7 ) %] 1/quarter [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity8 ) %] 1/quarter [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity9 ) %] 2/year [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity10 ) %] 1/year [% END %] [% IF ( periodicity11 ) %] 1/2 years [% END %]
  3. Manual history: [% IF ( manualhistory ) %] Enabled [% ELSE %] Disabled [% END %]
  4. Number pattern: [% IF ( numberpattern1 ) %] Number only [% END %] [% IF ( numberpattern2 ) %] Volume, number, issue [% END %] [% IF ( numberpattern3 ) %] Volume, number [% END %] [% IF ( numberpattern4 ) %] Volume, issue [% END %] [% IF ( numberpattern5 ) %] Number, issue [% END %] [% IF ( numberpattern8 ) %] Year/Number [% END %] [% IF ( numberpattern6 ) %] Seasonal only [% END %] [% IF ( numberpattern7 ) %] None of the above [% END %]
  5. [% IF ( lastvalue2 ) %] [% END %] [% IF ( lastvalue3 ) %] [% END %] [% IF ( whenmorethan2 ) %] [% END %] [% IF ( whenmorethan3 ) %] [% END %]
    Starting with: [% lastvalue1 %]  [% lastvalue2 %]   [% lastvalue3 %]
    Rollover: [% IF ( whenmorethan1 < 9999999 ) %][% whenmorethan1 %][% ELSE %]Never[% END %]   [% IF ( whenmorethan2 < 9999999 ) %][% whenmorethan2 %][% ELSE %]Never[% END %]   [% IF ( whenmorethan3 < 9999999 ) %][% whenmorethan3 %][% ELSE %]Never[% END %]
  6. [% IF ( irregular_issues ) %]
  7. Irregularity: [% irregular_issues %] issues
  8. [% END %]
  9. First arrival: [% firstacquidate %]
  10. [% IF ( numberlength ) %]
  11. Number of issues: [% numberlength %]
  12. [% END %] [% IF ( weeklength ) %]
  13. Number of weeks: [% weeklength %]
  14. [% END %] [% IF ( monthlength ) %]
  15. Number of months: [% monthlength %]
  16. [% END %]
[% FOREACH serialslis IN serialslist %] [% END %]
Issue number Planned date Published date Status
[% serialslis.serialseq %] [% serialslis.planneddate %] [% serialslis.publisheddate %] [% IF ( serialslis.status1 ) %]Expected[% END %] [% IF ( serialslis.status2 ) %]Arrived[% END %] [% IF ( serialslis.status3 ) %]Late[% END %] [% IF ( serialslis.status4 ) %]Missing[% END %] [% IF ( serialslis.status5 ) %]Not issued[% END %] [% IF ( serialslis.status6 ) %]Delete[% END %] [% IF ( serialslis.status7 ) %] Claimed [% IF ( serialslis.claimdate ) %] [% serialslis.claimdate %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( serialslis.status8 ) %]Stopped[% END %]
  1. Start date: [% startdate %]
  2. End date: [% enddate %]
  3. History start date: [% histstartdate %]
  4. History end date: [% histenddate %]
  5. Received issues:[% recievedlist %]
  6. Missing issues:[% missinglist %]
  7. Nonpublic note:[% internalnotes FILTER html_line_break %]
  8. Public note:[% notes FILTER html_line_break %]
  9. History staff note[% librariannote FILTER html_line_break %]
  10. History OPAC note[% opacnote FILTER html_line_break %]
[% INCLUDE 'serials-menu.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]