Import Patrons

Import results :
  • imported records (last was )
  • overwritten (last was )
  • not imported because already in borrowers table and overwrite disabled (last was )
  • not imported because they are not in the expected format (last was )
  • records parsed
  • Back to Tools

Error analysis:
  • Header row could not be parsed
  • Line could not be parsed! Critical field "" missing on line (borrowernumber: ; surname: ).
  • Select a file to import into the borrowers table
  • If a cardnumber exists in the table, you can choose whether to ignore the new one or overwrite the old one.
" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Import into the borrowers table
Field to use for record matching
Default values
  1. " name="" />
If matching record is already in the borrowers table:


  • Download a starter CSV file with all the columns here. Values are comma-separated.
  • OR format your file in CSV format with the following fields:
    • '',
  • If loading patron attributes, the 'patron_attributes' field should contain a comma-separated list of attribute types and values. The attribute type code and a ':' should precede each value. For example: "INSTID:12345,LANG:fr". This means that if an input record has more than one attribute, the 'patron_attributes' field must be wrapped in double quotation marks.
  • The fields 'branchcode' and 'categorycode' are required and must match valid entries in your database.
  • 'password' should be stored in plaintext, and will be converted to a md5 hash (if your passwords are already encrypted, talk to your systems administrator about options).