[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › Tools › MARC modification templates [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'cat-search.inc' %]

MARC modification templates

[% IF error %] [% IF error == 'no_from_field' %]
Error: no field value specified.
[% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( TemplatesLoop ) %]
[% IF ( ActionsLoop ) %] [% FOREACH ActionsLoo IN ActionsLoop %] [% END %]
Actions for this template
Change order Order Action Description    
Go up Go top Go bottom Go down [% ActionsLoo.ordering %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.action_delete_field ) %] Delete [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.action_update_field ) %] Update [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.action_move_field ) %] Move [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.action_copy_field ) %] Copy [% END %] [% UNLESS ( ActionsLoo.action_update_field ) %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.field_number ) %] 1st [% END %] [% END %] field [% ActionsLoo.from_field %][% IF ( ActionsLoo.from_subfield ) %]$[% ActionsLoo.from_subfield %][% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.field_value ) %] with value [% ActionsLoo.field_value %] [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.to_field ) %] to [% ActionsLoo.to_field %][% IF ( ActionsLoo.to_subfield ) %]$[% ActionsLoo.to_subfield %][% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.to_regex_search ) %] using RegEx s/[% ActionsLoo.to_regex_search %]/[% ActionsLoo.to_regex_replace %]/[% ActionsLoo.to_regex_modifiers %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional ) %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_if ) %] if [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_unless ) %] unless [% END %] [% ActionsLoo.conditional_field %][% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_subfield ) %]$[% ActionsLoo.conditional_subfield %][% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_comparison_exists ) %] exists [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_comparison_not_exists ) %] does not exist [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_comparison_equals ) %] matches [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_comparison_not_equals ) %] does not match [% END %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_regex ) %] RegEx m/[% END %] [% ActionsLoo.conditional_value %] [% IF ( ActionsLoo.conditional_regex ) %]/[% END %] [% END %] [% ActionsLoo.description %] Edit Delete
[% ELSE %]

There are no defined actions for this template.

[% END %]
Add a new action field(s)

[% ELSE %]

There are no defined templates. Please create a template first.

[% END %]
Create a new template Required [% IF ( template_id ) %] [% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'tools-menu.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]