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You can enter a complete or a part of a title. The search will also be done in subtitles and other title related fields


You can enter a name or a surname. The search will also be done in additional authors and other author related fields (translator, illustrator...)

Remember that a title can concern a physical author (Victor Hugo) or a company, group, collective author (CNRS, Library of Congress)


Select a branch if you want to limit your search to items in a specific branch. By default the search is done on every branches of the library

Partial search

A search is done on every words you enter. Empty words are ignored. If you enter, for example "the two towers" in the title, the result list will contain all the books containing two AND tower in the title. The "the" will be discarded.

If you want to enter a partial word, add a * or a % at the end of the word. For example "two tower*" will retrieve "the two towers", "two white towers", "a tower and two cities"