Installation and Setup instructions for Talking Tech I-tiva phone notification ============================= Be sure you enabled the TalkingTechItivaPhoneNotification syspref and you created notice text for the Phone message transport type under the HOLD, PREDUE and OVERDUE notices. (See Tools > Notices & Slips.) If you wish to process PREDUE or HOLD messages, you'll need the EnhancedMessagingPreferences system preference turned on, and patrons to have filled in a preference for receiving these notices by phone. For OVERDUE messages, overdue notice triggers must be configured under Koha -> Tools -> Overdue Notice Triggers. Either branch-specific triggers or the default level triggers may be used (script will select whichever is appropriate). Sending Notices file to I-tiva: ============================= 1. Add the script to your crontab 2. Add an FTP/SFTP or other transport method to send the output file to the I-tiva server 3. If you wish, archive the sent notices file in another directory after sending Run --help for more information Receiving Results file from I-tiva: ============================= 1. Add an FTP/SFTP or other transport method to send the Results file to a known directory on your Koha server 2. Add the script to your crontab, aimed at that directory 3. If you wish, archive the results file in another directory after processing Run --help for more information