#!/usr/bin/perl -w #use diagnostics; use strict; # please develop with the strict pragma use Install; $::language='en'; ############################################### # SET THE etcdir ENVIRONMENT VAR INSTEAD # ############################################### Install::setetcdir($ENV{etcdir}||'/etc'); my $input; loadconfigfile(); ($::kohaversion) || ($::kohaversion='unknown version'); $::newversion=`cat koha.version`; chomp $::newversion; if ($::newversion =~ /RC/) { releasecandidatewarning(); } #FIXME: need kohaversion number showmessage(getmessage('WelcomeToUpgrader',[$::kohaversion,$::newversion]),'yn'); unless ($answer =~/y/i) { showmessage(getmessage('AbortingInstall'),'PressEnter'); exit; } else { print "Great! continuing upgrade... \n"; }; checkperlmodules(); backupkoha(); getapacheinfo(); installfiles(); #FIXME: Copy custom templates and reports back in, or warn #opendir D, "$backupdir/kohafiles-$date/intranet/htdocs/"; #my @dirlist=readdir D; #foreach (@dirlist) { # (next) if (/^\./); # (next) if ($_ eq 'default'); # (next) if ($_ eq 'doc'); # (next) if ($_=~/^koha-/); # (next) if (-e "$::intranetdir/htdocs/$_"); # print "Restoring custom intranet templates $_...\n"; # system("cp -a $backupdir/kohafiles-$date/intranet/htdocs/$_ $::intranetdir/htdocs/"); #} # #opendir D, "$backupdir/kohafiles-$date/opac/htdocs/"; #@dirlist=readdir D; #foreach (@dirlist) { # (next) if (/^\./); # (next) if ($_ eq 'default'); # (next) if ($_ eq 'doc'); # (next) if ($_=~/^koha-/); # (next) if (-e "$::opacdir/htdocs/$_"); # print "Restoring custom opac template $_...\n"; # system("cp -a $backupdir/kohafiles-$date/opac/htdocs/$_ $::opacdir/htdocs/"); #} updatedatabase(); finalizeconfigfile(); showmessage(getmessage('UpgradeCompleted'),'PressEnter'); my $reply=showmessage('Would you like to complete a survey about your library?', 'yn', 'y'); if ($reply=~/y/i) { system("perl kohareporter"); }