# Acquisitions msgid "acquisitions.pref" msgstr "Acquisitions" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref Policy" msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref Printing" msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# Create an item when" msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# cataloging the record." msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# placing an order." msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# receiving an order." msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# 360 000,00 (FR)" msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# 360,000.00 (US)" msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# Display currencies using the following format" msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# Use" msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# when printing basket groups." msgstr "E1e88e ovgignzcnzli, [url=http://ljyzmigoapak.com/]ljyzmigoapak[/url], [link=http://ltenxuzzgpdr.com/]ltenxuzzgpdr[/link], http://ziwnagufwpjy.com/" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#gist# (enter in numeric form, 0.12 for 12%)" msgstr "eXyP1k wgpyjiuudcsm, [url=http://hoaagomffbwu.com/]hoaagomffbwu[/url], [link=http://sasbaxnkwkvn.com/]sasbaxnkwkvn[/link], http://ccnmxkujtile.com/" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#gist# The default tax rate is" msgstr "" # Administration msgid "admin.pref" msgstr "Administration" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref CAS Authentication" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref Interface options" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref Login options" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# Don't require" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# Require" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# staff to log in from a computer in the IP address range specified by their library (if any)." msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# Show" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# debugging information in the browser when an internal error occurs." msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# lots of" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# no" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# some" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependantBranches# Don't prevent" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependantBranches# Prevent" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependantBranches# staff (but not superlibrarians) from modifying objects (holds, items, patrons, etc.) belonging to other libraries." msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#KohaAdminEmailAddress# Use" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#KohaAdminEmailAddress# as the email address for the administrator of Koha. (This is the default From: address for emails unless there is one for the particular branch, and is referred to when an internal error occurs.)" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# Store login session information" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# as temporary files." msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# in a memcached server." msgstr "dans un serveur memcached" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# in the MySQL database." msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# in the PostgreSQL database (not supported)." msgstr "" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# CAS for login authentication." msgstr "" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# Don't use" msgstr "" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# Use" msgstr "" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# Don't Logout" msgstr "" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# Logout" msgstr "" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# of CAS when logging out of Koha." msgstr "" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casServerUrl# The CAS Authentication Server can be found at" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# #'s" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# Separate columns in an exported report file with" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# backslashes" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# by default." msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# commas" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# semicolons" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# slashes" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# tabs" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#insecure# Allow" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#insecure# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#insecure# staff to access the staff client without logging in. Enabling this is dangerous, and should not be done in production environments." msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# Don't show" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# Show" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# itemtype icons in the catalog." msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#timeout# Automatically log out users after" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#timeout# seconds of inactivity." msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# Allow" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# staff and patrons to create and view saved lists of books." msgstr "" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref" msgstr "Autorités" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# When editing records," msgstr "" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# allow" msgstr "" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# don't allow" msgstr "" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# them too automatically create new authority records if needed, rather than having to reference existing authorities." msgstr "" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# authority record numbers instead of text strings for searches from subject tracings." msgstr "les numéros des autorités à la place du texte pour le traçage des sujets." # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#dontmerge# Do" msgstr "" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#dontmerge# Don't" msgstr "" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref#dontmerge# automatically update attached biblios when changing an authority record. If this is off, please ask your administrator to enable the merge_authorities.pl cronjob." msgstr "" # Cataloging msgid "cataloguing.pref" msgstr "Catalogage" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref Display" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref Interface" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref Record Structure" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref Spine Labels" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# ." msgstr "." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# Display MARC subfield" msgstr "Afficher les sous-champs MARC" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# as holdings information for records that do not have items (This can contain multiple subfields to look in; for instance 852abhi would look in 852 subfields a, b, h, and i.), with the subfields separated by" msgstr "en tant qu'information de localisation pour les notices qui n'ont pas d'exemplaires. Cela peut-être plusieurs sous-champs, par ex. 999abhi les sous-champs a, b, h et i de 999, en séparant les sous-champs avec" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultClassificationSource# Use" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultClassificationSource# as the default classification source." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#ISBD# Use the following as the ISBD template:" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# By default, display biblio records in" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# ISBD form (see below)." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# Labelled MARC form" msgstr "Formulaire étiqueté MARC" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# MARC form." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# normal form." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# Do" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# Don't" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# collapse repeated tags of the same type into one tag entry on the display." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MARCOrgCode# Fill in the MARC organization code" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MARCOrgCode# by default in new MARC records (leave blank to disable)." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#NewItemsDefaultLocation# (should be a location code, or blank to disable)." msgstr "(doit être un code de localisation valide ou bien laissé vide pour désactiver cette fonctionnalité)." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#NewItemsDefaultLocation# When items are created, give them the temporary location of" msgstr "Quand des exemplaires sont créés, leur donner la localisation temporaire" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#OpacSuppression# Don't hide" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#OpacSuppression# Hide" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#OpacSuppression# items marked as suppressed from OPAC search results. Note that you must have the Suppress index set up in Zebra and at least one suppressed item, or your searches will be broken." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelAutoPrint# When using the quick spine label printer," msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelAutoPrint# automatically pop up a print dialog." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelAutoPrint# do" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelAutoPrint# don't" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelFormat# (Enter in columns from the biblio, biblioitems or items tables, surrounded by < and >.)" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelFormat# Include the following fields on a quick-printed spine label:" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails# Display" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails# Don't display" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref#SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails# buttons on the bib details page to print item spine labels." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#URLLinkText# Show" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#URLLinkText# as the text of links embedded in MARC records." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#UseControlNumber# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#UseControlNumber# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#UseControlNumber# record control number ($w subfields) and control number (001) for linking of bibliographic records." msgstr "le numéro de contrôle de la notice (sous-champ $w) et l'identifiant de la notice (001) pour lier des notices entre elles. -- MARC21 773/760 vers notice mère." # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#advancedMARCeditor# Display" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#advancedMARCeditor# Don't display" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#advancedMARCeditor# descriptions of fields and subfields in the MARC editor." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#authoritysep# ." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#authoritysep# Separate multiple displayed authors, series or subjects with " msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#autoBarcode# Barcodes are" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#autoBarcode# generated in the form <branchcode>yymm0001." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#autoBarcode# generated in the form <year>-0001, <year>-0002." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#autoBarcode# generated in the form 1, 2, 3." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#autoBarcode# not generated automatically." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#hide_marc# Display" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#hide_marc# Don't display" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#hide_marc# MARC tag numbers, subfield codes and indicators in MARC views." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#item-level_itypes# Use the item type of the" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#item-level_itypes# as the authoritative item type (for determining circulation and fines rules, etc)." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#item-level_itypes# biblio record" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#item-level_itypes# specific item" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#itemcallnumber# Map the MARC subfield" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#itemcallnumber# to an item's callnumber. (This can contain multiple subfields to look in; for instance 082ab would look in 082 subfields a and b.)
Examples: Dewey: 082ab or 092ab; LOC: 050ab or 090ab; from the item record: 852hi" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#marcflavour# Interpret and store MARC records in the" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#marcflavour# MARC21" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#marcflavour# NORMARC" msgstr "NORMARC" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#marcflavour# UNIMARC" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#marcflavour# format." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#z3950NormalizeAuthor# Copy" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#z3950NormalizeAuthor# Don't copy" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#z3950NormalizeAuthor# authors from the UNIMARC" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#z3950NormalizeAuthor# tags (separated by commas) to the correct author tags when importing a record using Z39.50." msgstr "" # Circulation msgid "circulation.pref" msgstr "Circulation" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref Checkout Policy" msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref Fines Policy" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref Holds Policy" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref Interface" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref Self Checkout" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllFinesNeedOverride# Don't require" msgstr "Ne pas pas demander" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllFinesNeedOverride# Require" msgstr "Demander" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllFinesNeedOverride# staff to manually override all fines, even fines less than noissuescharge." msgstr "au personnel d'outrepasser manuellement toutes les amendes, même celles de niveau inférieur à 'noissuecharge'." # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#AllowAllMessageDeletion# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#AllowAllMessageDeletion# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#AllowAllMessageDeletion# staff to delete messages added from other libraries." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowFineOverride# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowFineOverride# Don't allow" msgstr "Interdire" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowFineOverride# staff to manually override and check out items to patrons who have more than noissuescharge in fines." msgstr "d'outrepasser manuellement le blocage et de prêter les exemplaires à des adhérents qui ont des amendes." # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldDateInFuture# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldDateInFuture# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldDateInFuture# hold requests to be placed that do not enter the waiting list until a certain future date." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldPolicyOverride# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldPolicyOverride# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldPolicyOverride# staff to override hold policies when placing holds." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems# hold requests to be placed on damaged items." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowNotForLoanOverride# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowNotForLoanOverride# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowNotForLoanOverride# staff to override and check out items that are marked as not for loan." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowOnShelfHolds# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowOnShelfHolds# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowOnShelfHolds# hold requests to be placed on items that are not checked out." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowRenewalLimitOverride# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowRenewalLimitOverride# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AllowRenewalLimitOverride# staff to manually override the renewal limit and renew a checkout when it would go over the renewal limit." msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AllowSelfCheckReturns# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AllowSelfCheckReturns# Don't allow" msgstr "Interdire" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AllowSelfCheckReturns# patrons to return items through web-based self checkout system." msgstr "le retour d'exemplaires par les adhérents via le système web de prêt en libre service." # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AutoSelfCheckAllowed# ." msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AutoSelfCheckAllowed# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AutoSelfCheckAllowed# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AutoSelfCheckAllowed# and this password" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#AutoSelfCheckAllowed# the web-based self checkout system to automatically login with this staff login" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AutomaticItemReturn# Do" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AutomaticItemReturn# Don't" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#AutomaticItemReturn# automatically transfer items to their home branch when they are returned." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#CircAutocompl# Don't try" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#CircAutocompl# Try" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#CircAutocompl# to guess the patron being entered while typing a patron search on the circulation screen." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#CircControl# Use the checkout and fines rules of" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#CircControl# the library the item is from." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#CircControl# the library the patron is from." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#CircControl# the library you are logged in at." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#DisplayClearScreenButton# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#DisplayClearScreenButton# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#DisplayClearScreenButton# a button to clear the current patron from the screen on the circulation screen." msgstr "sur la page de circulation un bouton permettant d'effacer l'affichage de l'emprunteur courant." # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#DisplayMultiPlaceHold# Don't enable" msgstr "Activer" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#DisplayMultiPlaceHold# Enable" msgstr "Désactiver" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#DisplayMultiPlaceHold# the ability to place holds on multiple biblio from the search results" msgstr "la possibilité de placer des réservations sur plusieurs notices bibliographiques en résultat de recherche." # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#FilterBeforeOverdueReport# Don't require" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#FilterBeforeOverdueReport# Require" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#FilterBeforeOverdueReport# staff to choose which checkouts to show before running the overdues report." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#FineNotifyAtCheckin# Don't notify" msgstr "Ne pas avertir" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#FineNotifyAtCheckin# Notify" msgstr "Avertir" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#FineNotifyAtCheckin# librarians of overdue fines on the items they are checking in." msgstr "les bibliothécaires qu'il y a des amendes sur les exemplaires qu'ils sont en train de prêter." # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#HomeOrHoldingBranch# Use the checkout and fines rules of" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#HomeOrHoldingBranch# the library the item is from." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#HomeOrHoldingBranch# the library the item was checked out from." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#InProcessingToShelvingCart# Don't move" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#InProcessingToShelvingCart# Move" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#InProcessingToShelvingCart# items that have the location PROC to the location CART when they are checked in." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#IssuingInProcess# Don't prevent" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#IssuingInProcess# Prevent" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#IssuingInProcess# patrons from checking out an item whose rental charge would take them over the limit." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture# patrons to place holds that don't enter the waiting list until a certain future date. (AllowHoldDateInFuture must also be enabled)." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch# Don't allow" msgstr "Empêcher" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch# a user to choose the branch to pick up a hold from." msgstr "un utilisateur de choisir le site de retrait d'une réservation." # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OverdueNoticeBcc# Send all notices as a BCC to this email address" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OverduesBlockCirc# Ask for confirmation" msgstr "Demander confirmation" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OverduesBlockCirc# Block" msgstr "Bloquer" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OverduesBlockCirc# Don't block" msgstr "Ne pas bloquer" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#OverduesBlockCirc# when checking out to a borrower that has overdues outstanding" msgstr "quand un prêt est fait à un adhérent qui détient des documents en retards." # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#PrintNoticesMaxLines# Include up to" msgstr "Inclure jusqu'à" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#PrintNoticesMaxLines# item lines in a printed overdue notice. If the number of items is greater than this number, the notice will end with a warning asking the borrower to check their online account for a full list of overdue items. Set to 0 to include all overdue items in the notice, no matter how many there are." msgstr "lignes d'exemplaires à un avis imprimé de retard. Si le nombre d'exemplaires est supérieur à cette limite, l'avis se terminera par un avertissement demandant à l'adhérent de contrôler en-ligne l'état de son compte. Une valeur de 0 n'imposera aucune limite." # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#RenewalPeriodBase# When renewing checkouts, base the new due date on" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#RenewalPeriodBase# the current date." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#RenewalPeriodBase# the old due date of the checkout." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesControlBranch# Check the" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesControlBranch# item's home library" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesControlBranch# patron's home library" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesControlBranch# to see if the patron can place a hold on the item." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesMaxPickUpDelay# Mark a hold as problematic if it has been waiting for more than" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesMaxPickUpDelay# days." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesNeedReturns# Automatically" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesNeedReturns# Don't automatically" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReservesNeedReturns# mark holds as found and waiting when a hold is placed specifically on them and they are already checked in." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReturnBeforeExpiry# Don't require" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReturnBeforeExpiry# Require" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReturnBeforeExpiry# patrons to return books before their accounts expire (by restricting due dates to before the patron's expiration date)." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReturnToShelvingCart# Don't move" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReturnToShelvingCart# Move" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#ReturnToShelvingCart# all items to the location CART when they are checked in." msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#SelfCheckHelpMessage# Include the following HTML in the Help page of the web-based self checkout system:" msgstr "Inclure le code HTML suivant à la page d'aide du système de prêt en libre service :" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#SelfCheckTimeout# Time out the current patron's web-based self checkout system login after" msgstr "Déconnecter automatiquement l'adhérent du système web de prêt en libre service après" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#SelfCheckTimeout# seconds." msgstr "secondes." # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#SelfCheckoutByLogin# Barcode" msgstr "Numéro de carte" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#SelfCheckoutByLogin# Have patrons login into the web-based self checkout system with their" msgstr "Authentifier les adhérents avec leur" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#SelfCheckoutByLogin# Username and Password" msgstr "Identiant et mot de passe" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck# Don't show" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck# Show" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck# the patron's picture (if one has been added) when they use the web-based self checkout." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#SpecifyDueDate# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#SpecifyDueDate# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#SpecifyDueDate# staff to specify a due date for a checkout." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#StaticHoldsQueueWeight# (as branchcodes, separated by commas; if empty, uses all libraries)" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#StaticHoldsQueueWeight# Satisfy holds from the libraries" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#StaticHoldsQueueWeight# in random order." msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#StaticHoldsQueueWeight# in that order." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#TransfersMaxDaysWarning# Show a warning on the \"Transfers to Receive\" screen if the transfer has not been received" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#TransfersMaxDaysWarning# days after it was sent." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#UseBranchTransferLimits# ." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#UseBranchTransferLimits# Don't enforce" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#UseBranchTransferLimits# Enforce" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#UseBranchTransferLimits# branch transfer limits based on" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#UseBranchTransferLimits# collection code" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#UseBranchTransferLimits# item type" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#UseTablesortForCirc# Don't enable" msgstr "Désactiver" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#UseTablesortForCirc# Enable" msgstr "Activer" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#UseTablesortForCirc# the sorting of current patron checkouts on the circulation screen.
NOTE: Enabling this function may slow down circulation time for patrons with many checkouts." msgstr "dans la fenêtre de circulation le tri des prêts de l'emprunteur courant. Notez que l'activation de cette fonction peut ralentir le fonctionnement de cette fenêtre pour les emprunteurs ayant un grand nombre de prêt." # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#WaitingNotifyAtCheckin# Don't notify" msgstr "Ne pas avertir" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#WaitingNotifyAtCheckin# Notify" msgstr "Avertir" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#WaitingNotifyAtCheckin# librarians of waiting holds for the patron whose items they are checking in." msgstr "les bibliothécaires qu'il y a des réservations en attente pour l'adhérent au moment ou celui-ci fait un retour." # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#WebBasedSelfCheck# Don't enable" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#WebBasedSelfCheck# Enable" msgstr "" # Circulation > Self Checkout msgid "circulation.pref#WebBasedSelfCheck# the web-based self checkout system. (available at: /cgi-bin/koha/sco/sco-main.pl)" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#canreservefromotherbranches# Allow" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#canreservefromotherbranches# Don't allow (with independent branches)" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#canreservefromotherbranches# a user from one library to place a hold on an item from another library" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced# Don't enable" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced# Enable" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced# sending an email to the Koha administrator email address whenever a hold request is placed." msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref#finesCalendar# Calculate fines based on days overdue" msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref#finesCalendar# directly." msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref#finesCalendar# not including days the library is closed." msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref#finesMode# Calculate (but only for mailing to the admin)" msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref#finesMode# Calculate and charge" msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref#finesMode# Don't calculate" msgstr "" # Circulation > Fines Policy msgid "circulation.pref#finesMode# fines (when misc/cronjobs/fines.pl is being run)." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#itemBarcodeInputFilter# Convert from CueCat form" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#itemBarcodeInputFilter# Convert from Libsuite8 form" msgstr "Convertir du format Libsuite8" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#itemBarcodeInputFilter# Don't filter" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#itemBarcodeInputFilter# Remove spaces from" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#itemBarcodeInputFilter# Remove the first number from T-prefix style" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#itemBarcodeInputFilter# scanned item barcodes." msgstr "les codes à barres scannés." # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#maxoutstanding# in fines." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#maxoutstanding# Prevent patrons from making holds on the OPAC if they owe more than" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#maxreserves# Patrons can only have" msgstr "" # Circulation > Holds Policy msgid "circulation.pref#maxreserves# holds at once." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#noissuescharge# in fines." msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#noissuescharge# Prevent patrons from checking out books if they have more than" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#numReturnedItemsToShow# Show the" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#numReturnedItemsToShow# last returned items on the checkin screen." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder# Sort previous checkouts on the circulation page from" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder# due date." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder# earliest to latest" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder# latest to earliest" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#soundon# Don't enable" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#soundon# Enable" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#soundon# circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder# Sort today's checkouts on the circulation page from" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder# due date." msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder# earliest to latest" msgstr "" # Circulation > Interface msgid "circulation.pref#todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder# latest to earliest" msgstr "" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#useDaysMode# Calculate the due date using" msgstr "Calculer la date de retour en utilisant" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#useDaysMode# circulation rules only." msgstr "uniquement les règles de circulation" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#useDaysMode# the calendar to push the due date to the next open day" msgstr "le calendrier pour repousser le retour au prochain jour d'ouverture" # Circulation > Checkout Policy msgid "circulation.pref#useDaysMode# the calendar to skip all days the library is closed." msgstr "le calendrier pour sauter tous les jours où la bibliothèque est fermée" # Creators msgid "creators.pref" msgstr "Créateurs" # Creators > Patron Cards msgid "creators.pref Patron Cards" msgstr "" # Creators > Patron Cards msgid "creators.pref#ImageLimit# Limit the number of creator images stored in the database to" msgstr "" # Creators > Patron Cards msgid "creators.pref#ImageLimit# images." msgstr "" # Enhanced Content msgid "enhanced_content.pref" msgstr "Contenus enrichis" # Enhanced Content > All msgid "enhanced_content.pref All" msgstr "Tous" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref Amazon" msgstr "Amazon" # Enhanced Content > Babelthèque msgid "enhanced_content.pref Babelthèque" msgstr "Babelthèque" # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref Baker and Taylor" msgstr "Baker et Taylor" # Enhanced Content > Google msgid "enhanced_content.pref Google" msgstr "Google" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref Library Thing" msgstr "Library Thing" # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref OCLC" msgstr "OCLC" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref Syndetics" msgstr "Syndetics" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref Tagging" msgstr "Tagging" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AWSAccessKeyID# (free, at http://aws.amazon.com/)." msgstr "(free, at http://aws.amazon.com/)." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AWSAccessKeyID# Access Amazon content using the access key" msgstr "Accéder aux contenus Amazon en utilisant la clés d'accès" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AWSPrivateKey# (free, at http://aws.amazon.com/)." msgstr "(gratuit, à http://aws.amazon.com/)." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AWSPrivateKey# Access Amazon content (other than book jackets) using the private key" msgstr "Accéder aux contenus d'Amazon (autres que l'image de la couverture) en utilisant la clé privée" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonAssocTag# Put the associate tag" msgstr "Placer l'étiquette de partenaire Amazon" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonAssocTag# on links to Amazon. This can net your library referral fees if a patron decides to buy an item." msgstr "sur les liens qui renvoient sur Amazon. Ceci permetter de créditer votre compte Amazon si un adhérent décide d'acheter un livre chez Amazon." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonCoverImages# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas afficher" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonCoverImages# Show" msgstr "Afficher" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonCoverImages# cover images from Amazon on search results and item detail pages on the staff interface." msgstr "les couvertures de livre Amazon sur les pages de résultat et de détail dans l'interface professionnel." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonEnabled# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonEnabled# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonEnabled# data from Amazon on the staff interface (including reviews and \"Search Inside\" links on item detail pages). This requires that you have signed up for and entered an access key." msgstr "les données d'Amazon dans l'interface pro, y compris les critiques et les liens \"Chercher au coeurs\" sur les pages de détail. Ceci requiert de signer chez Amazon et d'entrer une clé d'accès." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# American" msgstr "américain" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# British" msgstr "anglais" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# Canadian" msgstr "canadien" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# French" msgstr "français" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# German" msgstr "allemand" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# Japanese" msgstr "japonais" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# Use Amazon data from its" msgstr "Utiliser les données du site" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonLocale# website." msgstr "d'Amazon." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonReviews# Don't show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonReviews# Show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonReviews# reviews from Amazon on item detail pages on the staff interface." msgstr "les critiques d'Amazon sur les pages de détail des exemplaires de l'interface pro." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonSimilarItems# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonSimilarItems# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#AmazonSimilarItems# similar items, as determined by Amazon, on item detail pages on the staff interface." msgstr "les exemplaires similaires, tels qu'ils identifiés par Amazon, sur les pages de détail de l'interface pro." # Enhanced Content > Babelthèque msgid "enhanced_content.pref#Babeltheque# Do" msgstr "Inclure" # Enhanced Content > Babelthèque msgid "enhanced_content.pref#Babeltheque# Don't" msgstr "Ne pas inclure" # Enhanced Content > Babelthèque msgid "enhanced_content.pref#Babeltheque# include information (such as reviews and citations) from Babelthèque in item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les informations de Babelthèque (critiques, citations, etc.) sur les pages de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorBookstoreURL# isbn (this should be filled in with something like ocls.mylibrarybookstore.com/MLB/actions/searchHandler.do?nextPage=bookDetails&parentNum=10923&key=). Leave it blank to disable these links." msgstr "isbn (this should be filled in with something like ocls.mylibrarybookstore.com/MLB/actions/searchHandler.do?nextPage=bookDetails&parentNum=10923&key=). Leave it blank to disable these links." # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorBookstoreURL# Baker and Taylor \"My Library Bookstore\" links should be accessed at https://" msgstr "Baker and Taylor \"My Library Bookstore\" links should be accessed at https://" # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorEnabled# Add" msgstr "Add" # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorEnabled# Baker and Taylor links and cover images to the OPAC and staff client. This requires that you have entered in a username and password (which can be seen in image links)." msgstr "Baker and Taylor links and cover images to the OPAC and staff client. This requires that you have entered in a username and password (which can be seen in image links)." # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorEnabled# Don't add" msgstr "Ne pas ajouter" # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorUsername# ." msgstr "." # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorUsername# Access Baker and Taylor using username" msgstr "Accéder à Baker et Taylor en utilisant nom d'utilisateur" # Enhanced Content > Baker and Taylor msgid "enhanced_content.pref#BakerTaylorUsername# and password" msgstr "et mot de passe" # Enhanced Content > All msgid "enhanced_content.pref#FRBRizeEditions# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > All msgid "enhanced_content.pref#FRBRizeEditions# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > All msgid "enhanced_content.pref#FRBRizeEditions# other editions of an item on the staff client (if found by one of the services below)." msgstr "à l'interface pro les autres éditions d'un titre, telles qu'identifiées par un des services proposés par Koha." # Enhanced Content > Google msgid "enhanced_content.pref#GoogleJackets# Add" msgstr "Ajouter" # Enhanced Content > Google msgid "enhanced_content.pref#GoogleJackets# Don't add" msgstr "Ne pas ajouter" # Enhanced Content > Google msgid "enhanced_content.pref#GoogleJackets# cover images from Google Books to search results and item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les images des couvertures des livres de Google Books sur les pages de résultat et de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled# sign up, then enter in your ID below." msgstr "sign up, then enter in your ID below." # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled# reviews, similar items, and tags from Library Thing for Libraries on item detail pages on the OPAC. If you've enabled this, you need to " msgstr "les critiques, exemplaires similaires et tags provenant de LibraryThing sur les pages de détail de l'OPAC. C'est un service payant." # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesID# ." msgstr "." # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesID# Access Library Thing for Libraries using the customer ID" msgstr "Accéder à LibraryThing en utilisant le numéro de client :" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView# Show Library Thing for Libraries content" msgstr "Montrer les contenus LibraryThing" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView# in line with the bibliographic information." msgstr "au même niveau que la notice biblio" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView# in tabs." msgstr "dans les onglets" # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OCLCAffiliateID# Use the OCLC affiliate ID" msgstr "Utiliser l'identifiant d'affiliation à l'OCLC" # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OCLCAffiliateID# to access the xISBN service. Note that unless you have signed up for an ID, you are limited to 1000 requests per day." msgstr "pour accéder au service xISBN. Notez que vous êtes limité à 1000 requêtes par jour si vous n'avez pas un compte chez OCLC pour ce service." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonCoverImages# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonCoverImages# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonCoverImages# cover images from Amazon on search results and item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les images de couverture d'Amazon sur les pages de résultat et de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonEnabled# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonEnabled# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonEnabled# data from Amazon on the OPAC (including reviews and \"Search Inside\" links on item detail pages). This requires that you have signed up for and entered an access key." msgstr "les données d'Amazon à l'OPAC, y compris les critiques et les liens \"Chercher au coeurs\" sur les pages de détail. Ceci requiert de signer chez Amazon et d'entrer unc clé d'accès." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonReviews# Don't show" msgstr "Cacher" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonReviews# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonReviews# reviews from Amazon on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les critiques d'Amazon les pages de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonSimilarItems# Don't show" msgstr "Cacher" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonSimilarItems# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Amazon msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACAmazonSimilarItems# similar items, as determined by Amazon, on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les exemplaires similaires d'Amazon sur les pages de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > All msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACFRBRizeEditions# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > All msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACFRBRizeEditions# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > All msgid "enhanced_content.pref#OPACFRBRizeEditions# other editions of an item on the OPAC." msgstr "à l'OPAC les autres éditions d'un titre." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsAuthorNotes# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsAuthorNotes# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsAuthorNotes# notes about the author of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "sur les pages de détail de l'OPAC les notes relatives aux auteurs en provenance de Syndethics." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsAwards# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsAwards# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsAwards# information from Syndetics about the awards a title has won on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les récompenses gagnées par un titre sur la page de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsClientCode# Use the client code" msgstr "Utiliser le code client" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsClientCode# to access Syndetics." msgstr "pour accéder à Syndetics." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsCoverImages# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsCoverImages# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsCoverImages# cover images from Syndetics on search results and item detail pages on the OPAC in a" msgstr "les images de couverture de Syndetics sur les pages de résultat et détail de l'OPAC, dans une taille" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsCoverImages# large" msgstr "large" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsCoverImages# medium" msgstr "moyenne" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsCoverImages# size." msgstr "." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsEditions# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsEditions# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsEditions# information about other editions of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC (when OPACFRBRizeEditions is on)." msgstr "les informations relatives aux autres éditions d'un titre sur les pages de détail de l'OPAC. OPACFRBRizeEditions doit être activé." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsEnabled# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsEnabled# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsEnabled# content from Syndetics. Note that this requires that you have signed up for the service and entered in your client code below." msgstr "les contenus de Syndetics. Il s'agit d'un service payant accessible sur abonnement." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsExcerpt# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsExcerpt# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsExcerpt# excerpts from of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les extraits de livre sur les pages de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsReviews# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsReviews# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsReviews# reviews of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les critiques de Syndetics sur les pages de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsSeries# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsSeries# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsSeries# information on other books in a title's series from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "les informations sur les autres livres d'une collection." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsSummary# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsSummary# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsSummary# a summary of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "le résumé d'un livre sur la page de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsTOC# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsTOC# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Syndetics msgid "enhanced_content.pref#SyndeticsTOC# the table of contents of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "le sommaire d'un livre sur la page de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsEnabled# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsEnabled# Don't allow" msgstr "Ne pas autoriser" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsEnabled# patrons and staff to put tags on items." msgstr "les adhérents et le personnel à placer des tags sur les livres." # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsExternalDictionary# Allow tags in the dictionary of the ispell executable" msgstr "Autoriser les tags appartenant au dictionnaire du programme ispell suivant" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsExternalDictionary# on the server to be approved without moderation." msgstr "(sur le serveur) à être approuvés automatiquement sans modération." # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsInputOnDetail# Allow" msgstr "Permettre" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsInputOnDetail# Don't allow" msgstr "Ne pas permettre" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsInputOnDetail# patrons to input tags on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "aux adhérents de saisir leurs tags sur la page de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsInputOnList# Allow" msgstr "Permettre" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsInputOnList# Don't allow" msgstr "Ne pas permettre" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsInputOnList# patrons to input tags on search results on the OPAC." msgstr "aux adhérents de saisir leurs tags sur la page de résultat de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsModeration# Don't require" msgstr "Ne pas activer" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsModeration# Require" msgstr "Activer" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsModeration# that tags submitted by patrons be reviewed by a staff member before being shown." msgstr "la modération par la bibliothèque des tags proposés par les adhérents avant de les montrer à l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsShowOnDetail# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsShowOnDetail# tags on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "tags sur la page de détail de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsShowOnList# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Enhanced Content > Tagging msgid "enhanced_content.pref#TagsShowOnList# tags on search results on the OPAC." msgstr "tags sur la page de résultat de l'OPAC." # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#ThingISBN# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#ThingISBN# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Enhanced Content > Library Thing msgid "enhanced_content.pref#ThingISBN# the ThingISBN service to show other editions of a title (when either FRBRizeEditions or OPACFRBRizeEditions is on). This is separate from Library Thing for Libraries." msgstr "le service ThingISBN afin de montrer les autres éditions d'un titre. Ce service n'est pas soumis à abonnement." # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref#XISBN# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref#XISBN# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref#XISBN# the OCLC xISBN service to show other editions of a title (when either FRBRizeEditions or OPACFRBRizeEditions is on)." msgstr "le service xISBN de l'OCLC pour montrer les autres éditions d'un titre (quand FRBRizeEditions ou OPACFRBRizeEditions est activée.)" # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref#XISBNDailyLimit# Only use the xISBN service" msgstr "Limiter l'usage du service xISBN à" # Enhanced Content > OCLC msgid "enhanced_content.pref#XISBNDailyLimit# times a day. Unless you are paying for the xISBN service, you should leave this at the default of 999 (as detailed above)." msgstr "requêtes par jour." # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref" msgstr "International" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#dateformat# ." msgstr "." # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#dateformat# Format dates like" msgstr "Renseigner les dates au format" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#dateformat# dd/mm/yyyy" msgstr "jj/mm/aaaa" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#dateformat# mm/dd/yyyy" msgstr "mm/jj/aaaa" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#dateformat# yyyy/mm/dd" msgstr "aaaa/mm/jj" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#language# Enable the following languages on the staff interface:" msgstr "Activer à l'interface pro les langues suivantes :" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#opaclanguages# Enable the following languages on the OPAC:" msgstr "Activer à l'OPAC les langues suivantes :" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#opaclanguagesdisplay# Allow" msgstr "Permettre" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#opaclanguagesdisplay# Don't allow" msgstr "Ne pas permettre" # I18N/L10N msgid "i18n_l10n.pref#opaclanguagesdisplay# patrons to change the language they see on the OPAC." msgstr "aux adhérents de changer la langue d'utilisation de Koha à l'OPAC." # Local Use msgid "local_use.pref" msgstr "Usage local" # Logging msgid "logs.pref" msgstr "Log" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#AuthoritiesLog# Don't log" msgstr "Ne pas journaliser" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#AuthoritiesLog# Log" msgstr "Journaliser" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#AuthoritiesLog# changes to authority records." msgstr "les changements apportés aux autorités." # Logging msgid "logs.pref#BorrowersLog# Don't log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#BorrowersLog# Log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#BorrowersLog# changes to patron records." msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#CataloguingLog# Don't log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#CataloguingLog# Log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#CataloguingLog# any changes to bibliographic or item records. Since this occurs whenever a book is checked in or out as well, it is not advisable to turn this on." msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#FinesLog# Don't log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#FinesLog# Log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#FinesLog# when overdue fines are charged or automatically forgiven." msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#IssueLog# Don't log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#IssueLog# Log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#IssueLog# when items are checked out." msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#LetterLog# Don't log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#LetterLog# Log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#LetterLog# when an automatic claim notice is sent." msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#ReturnLog# Don't log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#ReturnLog# Log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#ReturnLog# when items are returned." msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#SubscriptionLog# Don't log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#SubscriptionLog# Log" msgstr "" # Logging msgid "logs.pref#SubscriptionLog# when serials are added, deleted or changed." msgstr "" # OPAC msgid "opac.pref" msgstr "OPAC" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref Appearance" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref Features" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref Policy" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref Privacy" msgstr "" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref Shelf Browser" msgstr "Parcours des étagères" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice# Don't allow" msgstr "Interdire" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice# patrons to select branch when making a purchase suggestion" msgstr "la sélection d'un site quand un adhérent fait une suggestion d'achat." # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#AnonSuggestions# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#AnonSuggestions# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#AnonSuggestions# patrons that aren't logged in to make purchase suggestions. Suggestions are connected to the AnonymousPatron syspref" msgstr "les adhérents qui ne sont pas connectés à faire des suggestions d'achat. " # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#AnonymousPatron# Use borrowernumber" msgstr "Utiliser le n° d'adhérent (borrowernumber)" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#AnonymousPatron# as the Anonymous Patron (for anonymous suggestions and reading history)" msgstr "comme l'adhérent anonyme qui est utilisé pour les suggestions anonymes et l'historique de lecture." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#AuthorisedValueImages# Don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#AuthorisedValueImages# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#AuthorisedValueImages# images for authorized values (such as lost statuses and locations) in search results and item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#BiblioDefaultView# By default, show bib records" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#BiblioDefaultView# as specified in the ISBD template." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#BiblioDefaultView# in simple form." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#BiblioDefaultView# in their MARC form." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#COinSinOPACResults# COinS / OpenURL / Z39.88 in OPAC search results.
Warning: Enabling this feature will slow OPAC search response times." msgstr "les balises COinS / OpenURL / Z39.88 dans les pages de résultat de l'OPAC.
Attention : cette option ralentit les temps de réponse de l'OPAC." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#COinSinOPACResults# Don't include" msgstr "Ne pas inclure" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#COinSinOPACResults# Include" msgstr "Inclure" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#DisplayOPACiconsXSLT# On pages displayed with XSLT stylesheets on the OPAC," msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#DisplayOPACiconsXSLT# don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#DisplayOPACiconsXSLT# icons for itemtype and authorized values." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#DisplayOPACiconsXSLT# show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#EnableOpacSearchHistory# Don't keep" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#EnableOpacSearchHistory# Keep" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#EnableOpacSearchHistory# patron search history in the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#LibraryName# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#LibraryName# as the name of the library on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACBaseURL# . (This must be filled in correctly for RSS, unAPI, and search plugins to work.)" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACBaseURL# The OPAC is located at http://" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplay856uAsImage# Both Details and Results pages" msgstr "de résultat et de détail" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplay856uAsImage# Details page only" msgstr "de détail uniquement" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplay856uAsImage# Display the URI in the 856u field as an image on: " msgstr "Afficher l'URI du champ 856$u comme une image sur les pages" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplay856uAsImage# Neither Details or Results pages" msgstr "ni de résultat ni de détail" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplay856uAsImage# Note: The corresponding OPACXSLT option must be turned on." msgstr "Note : l'option OPACXSL correspondante doit être activée." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplay856uAsImage# Results page only" msgstr "de résultat uniquement" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplayRequestPriority# Don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplayRequestPriority# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACDisplayRequestPriority# patrons the priority level of their holds in the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACFineNoRenewals# in fines (leave blank to disable)." msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACFineNoRenewals# Only allow patrons to renew their own books on the OPAC if they have less than" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OPACFinesTab# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OPACFinesTab# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OPACFinesTab# patrons to access the Fines tab on the My Account page on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACItemHolds# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACItemHolds# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACItemHolds# patrons to place holds on specific items in the OPAC. If this is disabled, users can only put a hold on the next available item." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACMySummaryHTML#
Note: The placeholders {BIBLIONUMBER}, {TITLE}, {ISBN} and {AUTHOR} will be replaced with information from the displayed record." msgstr "
Note : Les codes {BIBLIONUMBER}, {TITLE}, {ISBN} et {AUTHOR} seront remplacés par les info correspondantes de la notice affichée." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACMySummaryHTML# Include a \"Links\" column on the \"my summary\" tab when a user is logged in to the OPAC, with the following HTML (leave blank to disable):" msgstr "Inclure une colonne Liens à l'onglet Mon compte quand un adhérent est connecté à l'OPAC, contenant le code HTML suivant (vide si on ne veut rien) :" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACNoResultsFound# Display this HTML when no results are found for a search in the OPAC:" msgstr "Afficher ce code HTML quand à l'OPAC aucun résultat n'est trouvé pour une recherche :" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OPACPatronDetails# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OPACPatronDetails# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OPACPatronDetails# patrons to notify the library of changes to their contact information from the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#OPACPrivacy# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#OPACPrivacy# Don't allow" msgstr "Ne pas autoriser" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#OPACPrivacy# patrons to choose their own privacy settings for their reading history. This requires opacreadinghistory and AnonymousPatron" msgstr "les adhérents à choisir leurs propres paramètres de confidentialité pour leur historique de lecture. Cette option requiert d'activer les paramètes opacreadinghistory et AnonymousPatron " # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACSearchForTitleIn#
Note: The placeholders {CONTROLNUMBER}, {TITLE}, {ISBN} and {AUTHOR} will be replaced with information from the displayed record." msgstr "
Note : Les codes {CONTROLNUMBER}, {TITLE}, {ISBN} et {AUTHOR} seront remplacés par les info de la notice affichée." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACSearchForTitleIn# Include a \"More Searches\" box on the detail pages of items on the OPAC, with the following HTML (leave blank to disable):" msgstr "" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#OPACShelfBrowser# Don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#OPACShelfBrowser# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#OPACShelfBrowser# a shelf browser on item details pages, allowing patrons to see what's near that item on the shelf. Note that this uses up a fairly large amount of resources on your server, and should be avoided if your collection has a large number of items." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACShowCheckoutName# Don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACShowCheckoutName# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACShowCheckoutName# the name of the patron that has an item checked out on item detail pages on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACURLOpenInNewWindow# When patrons click on a link to another website from your OPAC (like Amazon or OCLC)," msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACURLOpenInNewWindow# do" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACURLOpenInNewWindow# don't" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACURLOpenInNewWindow# open the website in a new window." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACUserCSS# Include the following CSS on all pages in the OPAC:" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACViewOthersSuggestions# Don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACViewOthersSuggestions# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OPACViewOthersSuggestions# purchase suggestions from other patrons on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay# Show item details pages on the OPAC" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay# normally." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay# using XSLT stylesheets." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACXSLTResultsDisplay# Show biblio records on OPAC result page" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACXSLTResultsDisplay# normally." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OPACXSLTResultsDisplay# using XSLT stylesheets." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown# Add" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown# Don't add" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown# a library select pulldown menu on the OPAC masthead." msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacAuthorities# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacAuthorities# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacAuthorities# patrons to search your authority records." msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacBrowser# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacBrowser# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacBrowser# patrons to browse subject authorities on OPAC (run misc/cronjobs/build_browser_and_cloud.pl to create the browser list)" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacFavicon# Use the image at" msgstr "Utiliser l'image à l'emplacement" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacFavicon# for the OPAC's favicon. (This should be a complete URL, starting with http://.)" msgstr "pour l'image du favicon de l'OPAC. Cela doit être une URL complète commençant par http:." # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OpacHiddenItems# Allows to define custom rules for hiding specific items at opac. See docs/opac/OpacHiddenItems.txt for more informations." msgstr "Autoriser à définir des règles personnalisées afin de cacher des exemplaires spécifiques à l'OPAC. Pour plus d'information, voir docs/opac/OpacHiddenItems.txt." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacHighlightedWords# Don't highlight" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacHighlightedWords# Highlight" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacHighlightedWords# words the patron searched for in their search results." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacMainUserBlock# Show the following HTML in its own column on the main page of the OPAC:" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacMaintenance# Don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacMaintenance# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacMaintenance# a warning that the OPAC is under maintenance, instead of the OPAC itself. Note: this shows the same warning as when the database needs to be upgraded, but unconditionally." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacNav# Show the following HTML on the left hand column of all pages on the OPAC (generally navigation links):" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacPasswordChange# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacPasswordChange# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacPasswordChange# patrons to change their own password on the OPAC. Note that this must be off to use LDAP authentication." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacPublic# Disable" msgstr "Rendre privé" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacPublic# Enable" msgstr "Rendre public" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#OpacPublic# Koha OPAC as public. Private OPAC requires authentification before accessing the OPAC." msgstr "l'OPAC de Koha. Pour un OPAC privé, il est nécessaire de s'authentifier." # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OpacRenewalAllowed# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OpacRenewalAllowed# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#OpacRenewalAllowed# patrons to renew their own books on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacTopissue# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacTopissue# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#OpacTopissue# patrons to access a list of the most checked out items on the OPAC. Note that this is somewhat experimental, and should be avoided if your collection has a large number of items." msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#RequestOnOpac# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#RequestOnOpac# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#RequestOnOpac# patrons to place holds on items from the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#SearchMyLibraryFirst# Don't limit" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#SearchMyLibraryFirst# Limit" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#SearchMyLibraryFirst# patrons' searches to the library they are registered at." msgstr "" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesCcode# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesCcode# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesCcode# the item collection code when finding items for the shelf browser." msgstr "le code de collection (CCODE) des exemplaires pour trouver les exemplaires dans le parcours des étagères." # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesHomeBranch# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesHomeBranch# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesHomeBranch# the item home branch when finding items for the shelf browser." msgstr "la bibliothèque propriétaire de l'exemplaire dans le parcours des étagères." # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesLocation# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesLocation# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # OPAC > Shelf Browser msgid "opac.pref#ShelfBrowserUsesLocation# the item location when finding items for the shelf browser." msgstr "la localisation de l'exemplaire dans le parcours des étagères." # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#ShowReviewer# Hide" msgstr "Cacher" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#ShowReviewer# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#ShowReviewer# reviewer's name above comments in OPAC." msgstr "les noms des personnes ayant laissé des commentaires à l'OPAC." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#hidelostitems# Don't show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#hidelostitems# Show" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#hidelostitems# lost items on search and detail pages." msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#opacbookbag# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#opacbookbag# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#opacbookbag# patrons to store items in a temporary \"Cart\" on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opaccolorstylesheet# Include the additional CSS stylesheet" msgstr "Inclure la feuille de style CSS supplémentaire" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opaccolorstylesheet# to override specified settings from the default stylesheet. Enter the filename (if the file is in the server's css directory) or a complete URL beginning with http:// (if the file lives on a remote server). Leave blank to disable." msgstr "afin de remplacer certains éléments de mise en forme. Entrez le nom du fichier s'il se trouve dans le répertoire css du serveur ou bien une URL complète commençant par http:." # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opaccredits# Include the following HTML in the footer of all pages in the OPAC:" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacheader# Include the following HTML in the header of all pages in the OPAC:" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opaclayoutstylesheet# Use the CSS stylesheet /css/" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opaclayoutstylesheet# on all pages in the OPAC, instead of the default (leave blank to disable)." msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#opacreadinghistory# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#opacreadinghistory# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Privacy msgid "opac.pref#opacreadinghistory# patrons to see what books they have checked out in the past." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacsmallimage# Use the image at" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacsmallimage# in the OPAC header, instead of the Koha logo. If this image is a different size than the Koha logo, you will need to customize the CSS. (This should be a complete URL, starting with http://.)" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacstylesheet# Use the remote CSS stylesheet" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacstylesheet# on all pages in the OPAC, instead of the default. (This should be a complete URL, starting with http://.)" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacthemes# Use the" msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacthemes# theme on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Appearance msgid "opac.pref#opacuserjs# Include the following JavaScript on all pages in the OPAC:" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#opacuserlogin# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#opacuserlogin# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#opacuserlogin# patrons to log in to their accounts on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#reviewson# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#reviewson# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#reviewson# patrons to make comments on items on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#singleBranchMode# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#singleBranchMode# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Policy msgid "opac.pref#singleBranchMode# patrons to select their branch on the OPAC." msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#suggestion# Allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#suggestion# Don't allow" msgstr "" # OPAC > Features msgid "opac.pref#suggestion# patrons to make purchase suggestions on the OPAC." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref" msgstr "Adhérents" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AddPatronLists# List" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AddPatronLists# general patron types" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AddPatronLists# specific categories" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AddPatronLists# under the new patron menu." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# Don't send" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# Send" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# alternate" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# an email to newly created patrons with their account details at their" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# email address." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# first valid" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# home" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#AutoEmailOpacUser# work" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#BorrowerMandatoryField# (separate columns with |)" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#BorrowerMandatoryField# The following database columns must be filled in on the patron entry screen:" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#BorrowersTitles# (separate multiple choices with |)" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#BorrowersTitles# Borrowers can have the following titles:" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#EnhancedMessagingPreferences# Allow" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#EnhancedMessagingPreferences# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#EnhancedMessagingPreferences# patrons to choose which notices they receive and when they receive them. Note that this only applies to certain kinds of notices." msgstr "les adhérents à choisir quelles notifications ils reçoivent et quand ils les recoivent. Notez que cela ne s'applique qu'à certains types de notifications." # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#ExtendedPatronAttributes# Don't enable" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#ExtendedPatronAttributes# Enable" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#ExtendedPatronAttributes# searching, editing and display of custom attributes on patrons." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#MaxFine# ." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#MaxFine# The late fine for a specific checkout will only go up to" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#NotifyBorrowerDeparture# Show a notice that a patron is about to expire" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#NotifyBorrowerDeparture# days beforehand." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#PatronsPerPage# By default, show" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#PatronsPerPage# results per page in the staff client." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#SMSSendDriver# Use the SMS::Send::" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#SMSSendDriver# driver to send SMS messages." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#autoMemberNum# Do" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#autoMemberNum# Don't" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#autoMemberNum# default the card number field on the patron addition screen to the next available card number (for example, if the largest currently used card number is 26345000012941, then this field will default to 26345000012942)." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#borrowerRelationship# (input multiple choices separated by |)" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#borrowerRelationship# Guarantors can be the following of those they guarantee:" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#checkdigit# Do" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#checkdigit# Don't" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#checkdigit# check and construct borrower card numbers in the Katipo style. This overrides autoMemberNum if on." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#intranetreadinghistory# Allow" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#intranetreadinghistory# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#intranetreadinghistory# staff to access a patron's checkout history (it is stored regardless)." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#memberofinstitution# Do" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#memberofinstitution# Don't" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#memberofinstitution# allow patrons to be linked to institutions (which must be set up as Institution patrons)." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#minPasswordLength# Login passwords for staff and patrons must be at least" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#minPasswordLength# characters long." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#patronimages# Allow" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#patronimages# Don't allow" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#patronimages# images to be uploaded and shown for patrons on the staff client." msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#uppercasesurnames# Do" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#uppercasesurnames# Don't" msgstr "" # Patrons msgid "patrons.pref#uppercasesurnames# store and display surnames in upper case." msgstr "" # Searching msgid "searching.pref" msgstr "Recherche" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref Features" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref Results Display" msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref Search Form" msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#AdvancedSearchTypes# Show checkboxes to search by" msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#AdvancedSearchTypes# collection code" msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#AdvancedSearchTypes# itemtype" msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#AdvancedSearchTypes# on the OPAC and staff advanced search pages." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#FacetLabelTruncationLength# Truncate facets length to" msgstr "Tronquer la longueur des facettes à" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#FacetLabelTruncationLength# characters, in OPAC/staff interface." msgstr "caractères à l'OPAC et dans l'interface pro." # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#NoZebra# Don't use" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#NoZebra# Use" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#NoZebra# the Zebra search engine. It is recommended to use Zebra; the option to not use Zebra is deprecated and is not guaranteed to work." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACItemsResultsDisplay# Don't show" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACItemsResultsDisplay# Show" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACItemsResultsDisplay# an item's branch, location and call number in OPAC search results." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# ," msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# By default, sort search results in the OPAC by" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# ascending." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# author" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# call number" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# date added" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# date of publication" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# descending." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# from A to Z." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# from Z to A." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# relevance" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# title" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACdefaultSortField# total number of checkouts" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACnumSearchResults# By default, show" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#OPACnumSearchResults# results per page in the OPAC." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#OpacGroupResults# Don't use" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#OpacGroupResults# PazPar2 to group similar results on the OPAC. This requires that PazPar2 is set up and running." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#OpacGroupResults# Use" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryAutoTruncate#
(The * character would be used like so: Har* or *logging.)" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryAutoTruncate# Perform wildcard searching (where, for example, Har would match Harry and harp)" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryAutoTruncate# automatically." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryAutoTruncate# only if * is added." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryFuzzy# Don't try" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryFuzzy# Try" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryFuzzy# to match similarly spelled words in a search (for example, a search for flang would also match flange and fang; REQUIRES ZEBRA)." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryRemoveStopwords# Don't ignore" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryRemoveStopwords# Ignore" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryRemoveStopwords# stopwords specified in Koha when searching. (Only applies when Zebra is off)." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryStemming# Don't try" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryStemming# Try" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryStemming# to match words of the same base in a search (for example, a search for enabling would also match enable and enabled; REQUIRES ZEBRA)." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryWeightFields# Disable" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryWeightFields# Enable" msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#QueryWeightFields# ranking of search results by relevance (REQUIRES ZEBRA)." msgstr "" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#TraceCompleteSubfields# Don't force" msgstr "Ne pas forcer" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#TraceCompleteSubfields# Force" msgstr "Forcer" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#TraceCompleteSubfields# subject tracings in the OPAC and Staff Client to search only for complete-subfield matches." msgstr "le traçage des sujets à faire une recherche sur tous les sous-champs." # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#TraceSubjectSubdivisions# Don't include" msgstr "Ne pas inclure" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#TraceSubjectSubdivisions# Include" msgstr "Inclure" # Searching > Features msgid "searching.pref#TraceSubjectSubdivisions# subdivisions for searches generated by clicking on subject tracings." msgstr "les subdivisions dans les recherches générées par un click sur le traçage des sujets." # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# ," msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# By default, sort search results in the staff client by" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# ascending." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# author" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# call number" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# date added" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# date of publication" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# descending." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# from A to Z." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# from Z to A." msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# relevance" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# title" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#defaultSortField# total number of checkouts" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#displayFacetCount# Don't show" msgstr "Cacher" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#displayFacetCount# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#displayFacetCount# facet counts. The relevance of these numbers highly depends on the value of the maxRecordsForFacets preference. Applies to OPAC and staff interface." msgstr "le compteur des facettes. La pertinence de ce compteur dépend pour beaucoup de la valeur de la préférence maxRecordsForFacets. S'applique à l'OPAC et à l'interface pro." # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#expandedSearchOption# \"More options\" on the OPAC and staff advanced search pages." msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#expandedSearchOption# By default," msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#expandedSearchOption# don't show" msgstr "" # Searching > Search Form msgid "searching.pref#expandedSearchOption# show" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#maxItemsInSearchResults# Show up to" msgstr "Montrer jusqu'à" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#maxItemsInSearchResults# items per biblio in the search results" msgstr "exemplaires par notice bibliographique en résultat de recherche" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#maxRecordsForFacets# Build facets based on" msgstr "Construire les facettes sur la base des" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#maxRecordsForFacets# records from the search results." msgstr "premières notices bibliographiques du résultat d'une recherche." # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#numSearchResults# By default, show" msgstr "" # Searching > Results Display msgid "searching.pref#numSearchResults# results per page in the staff client." msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref" msgstr "Périodiques" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount# Show the" msgstr "Montrer à l'OPAC les" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#OPACSerialIssueDisplayCount# previous issues of a serial on the OPAC." msgstr "derniers fascicules d'un périodique." # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RenewSerialAddsSuggestion# Add" msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RenewSerialAddsSuggestion# Don't add" msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RenewSerialAddsSuggestion# a suggestion for a biblio when its attached serial is renewed." msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RoutingListAddReserves# Don't place" msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RoutingListAddReserves# Place" msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RoutingListAddReserves# received serials on hold if they are on a routing list." msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RoutingSerials# Add" msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RoutingSerials# Don't add" msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#RoutingSerials# received serials to the routing list." msgstr "" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount# Show the" msgstr "Montrer à l'interface pro les" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#StaffSerialIssueDisplayCount# previous issues of a serial on the staff client." msgstr "derniers fascicules d'un périodique." # Serials msgid "serials.pref#SubscriptionHistory# When showing the subscription information for a biblio, show" msgstr "A l'affichage des informations relatives à l'abonnement d'une notice de périodique, montrer" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#SubscriptionHistory# a full list" msgstr "la liste complète" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#SubscriptionHistory# a summary" msgstr "une synthèse" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#SubscriptionHistory# of the serial issues." msgstr "des fascicules du périodique." # Serials msgid "serials.pref#opacSerialDefaultTab# Holdings tab" msgstr "Exemplaires" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#opacSerialDefaultTab# Serial Collection tab" msgstr "Etat de collection" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#opacSerialDefaultTab# Show" msgstr "A l'OPAC, montrer l'onglet" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#opacSerialDefaultTab# Subscriptions tab" msgstr "Abonnement" # Serials msgid "serials.pref#opacSerialDefaultTab# as default tab for serials in OPAC. Please note that the Serial Collection tab is currently available only for UNIMARC." msgstr "par défaut pour les périodiques." # Staff Client msgid "staff_client.pref" msgstr "Interface bibliothécaire" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref Appearance" msgstr "Apparence" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref Options" msgstr "Options" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#Display856uAsImage# Both Results and Details pages (for future use, Results XSLT not functional at this time)." msgstr "de résultat et de détail" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#Display856uAsImage# Details page only" msgstr "de détail uniquement" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#Display856uAsImage# Display the URI in the 856u field as an image on: " msgstr "Afficher l'URI du champ 856$u comme une image sur les pages :" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#Display856uAsImage# Neither Details or Results pages" msgstr "ni de résultat ni de détail" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#Display856uAsImage# Note: The corresponding XSLT option must be turned on." msgstr "Note : Les options XSLT correspondantes doivent être activées." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#Display856uAsImage# Results page (for future use, Results XSLT not functional at this time)." msgstr "de résultat" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#HidePatronName# Don't show" msgstr "Cacher" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#HidePatronName# Show" msgstr "Afficher" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#HidePatronName# the names of patrons that have items checked out or on hold on detail pages or the \"Place Hold\" screen." msgstr "the names of patrons that have items checked out or on hold on detail pages or the \"Place Hold\" screen." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#IntranetFavicon# Use the image at" msgstr "Utiliser l'image se trouvant à l'emplacement" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#IntranetFavicon# for the Staff Client's favicon. (This should be a complete URL, starting with http://.)" msgstr "pour le favicon de l'interface pro. Ce doit être une URL complète commençant par http:." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#IntranetNav# Show the following HTML in the More menu at the top of each page on the staff client (should be a list of links or blank):" msgstr "Insérer le code HTML suivant dans le menu Plus qui s'affiche en haut de toutes les pages de l'interface pro. Ce doit être une liste de liens, ou bien laissé vide." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#IntranetUserCSS# Include the following CSS on all pages in the staff client:" msgstr "Inclure le CSS suivant sur toutes les pages de l'interface pro :" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#IntranetmainUserblock# Show the following HTML in its own column on the main page of the staff client:" msgstr "Afficher le code HTML suivant sur la page principale de l'interface pro :" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#StaffAuthorisedValueImages# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas montrer" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#StaffAuthorisedValueImages# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#StaffAuthorisedValueImages# images for authorized values (such as lost statuses and locations) in search results." msgstr "les images pour les valeurs autorisées sur les pages de résulats (statuts Etat ou Localisation)." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#XSLTDetailsDisplay# Show item details pages in the staff client" msgstr "A l'interface pro, sur la page de détail, construire la vue de la notice bibliographique" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#XSLTDetailsDisplay# normally." msgstr "sans feuille de style XSL" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#XSLTDetailsDisplay# using XSLT stylesheets." msgstr "avec la feuille de style XSL" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#XSLTResultsDisplay# Show biblio records on result page in the staff client" msgstr "A l'interface pro, sur la page de résultat, construire la vue de la notice bibliographique" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#XSLTResultsDisplay# normally." msgstr "sans feuille de style XSL" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#XSLTResultsDisplay# using XSLT stylesheets." msgstr "avec la feuille de style XSL" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#intranet_includes# Use include files from the" msgstr "Inclure les fichiers du répertoire" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#intranet_includes# directory in the template directory, instead of includes/. (Leave blank to disable)" msgstr "du répertoire des template, à la place de includes/. Laisser à vide pour désactiver." # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetbookbag# Don't show" msgstr "Cacher" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetbookbag# Show" msgstr "Afficher" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetbookbag# the cart option in the staff client." msgstr "l'option Panier dans l'interface pro." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetcolorstylesheet# Include the stylesheet /css/" msgstr "Inclure la feuille de style /css/" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetcolorstylesheet# on all pages in the staff interface. (Leave blank to disable.)" msgstr "sur toutes les pages de l'interface pro. Laisser vide pour désactiver." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetstylesheet# Include the stylesheet at" msgstr "Inclure la feuille de style de" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetstylesheet# on all pages in the staff interface, instead of the default. (This should be a complete URL, starting with http://.)" msgstr "sur toutes les pages de l'interface pro. Cela doit être une URL complète commençant par http." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#intranetuserjs# Include the following JavaScript on all pages in the staff clien:" msgstr "Inclure la code JavaScript suivant sur toutes les pages de l'interface pro :" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#staffClientBaseURL# ." msgstr "." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#staffClientBaseURL# The staff client is located at http://" msgstr "L'URL de l'interface pro est localisé à :" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#template# Use the" msgstr "Utiliser le thème" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#template# theme on the staff interface." msgstr "à l'interface pro." # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewISBD# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewISBD# Don't allow" msgstr "Masquer" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewISBD# staff to view records in ISBD form on the staff client." msgstr "la vue ISBD pour formater les notices bibliographiques." # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewLabeledMARC# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewLabeledMARC# Don't allow" msgstr "Ne pas autoriser" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewLabeledMARC# staff to view records in labeled MARC form on the staff client." msgstr "à voir les notices bibliographiques en vue MARC avec étiquettes." # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewMARC# Allow" msgstr "Donner accès" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewMARC# Don't allow" msgstr "Ne pas donner accès" # Staff Client > Options msgid "staff_client.pref#viewMARC# staff to view records in plain MARC form on the staff client." msgstr "à la vue MARC brute des notices bibliographiques." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#yuipath# Use the Yahoo UI libraries" msgstr "Utiliser les bibliothèques Yahoo UI localisées sur le serveur de" # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#yuipath# from Yahoo's own servers (less demand on your servers)." msgstr "Yahoo (moins de requêtes sur votre serveur)." # Staff Client > Appearance msgid "staff_client.pref#yuipath# included with Koha (faster, will work if internet goes down)." msgstr "Koha (plus rapide, fonctionne si Internet n'est plus accessible)" # Web Services msgid "web_services.pref" msgstr "Services web" # Web Services > ILS-DI msgid "web_services.pref ILS-DI" msgstr "ILS-DI" # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref OAI-PMH" msgstr "OAI-PMH" # Web Services > ILS-DI msgid "web_services.pref#ILS-DI# Disable" msgstr "Activer" # Web Services > ILS-DI msgid "web_services.pref#ILS-DI# Enable" msgstr "Désactiver" # Web Services > ILS-DI msgid "web_services.pref#ILS-DI# ILS-DI services for OPAC users" msgstr "les services ILS-DI." # Web Services > ILS-DI msgid "web_services.pref#ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs# allowed IPs to use the ILS-DI services" msgstr "IP autorisées à utiliser les services ILS-DI." # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH# OAI-PMH server." msgstr "OAI-PMH server." # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH# Disable" msgstr "Désactiver" # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH# Enable" msgstr "Activer" # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH# Koha's" msgstr "le serveur OAI de Koha" # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH:MaxCount# Only return" msgstr "Renvoyer les résultats par lot de" # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH:MaxCount# records at a time in response to a ListRecords or ListIdentifiers query." msgstr "notices à la fois en réponse aux requêtes ListRecords et ListIdentifiers." # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH:archiveID# : ." msgstr ": ." # Web Services > OAI-PMH msgid "web_services.pref#OAI-PMH:archiveID# Identify records at this site with the prefix" msgstr "Identifier les enregistrement de ce site avec le préfixe :"