msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: inlibro-fr-CA-i-staff-t-prog-v-30611\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-17 14:04+0000\n" "Last-Translator: fcharbonnier \n" "Language-Team: French Canada \n" "Language: fr_CA\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Pootle\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1439820263.000000\n" # Acquisitions msgid "acquisitions.pref" msgstr "Acquisitions" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref Policy" msgstr "Politique" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref Printing" msgstr "Impression" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# Create an item when" msgstr "Créer un exemplaire au moment de" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# cataloging the record." msgstr "cataloguer la notice" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# placing an order." msgstr "placer une commande" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# receiving an order." msgstr "recevoir une commande" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqEnableFiles# Do" msgstr "Permettre" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqEnableFiles# Don't" msgstr "Ne pas permettre" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqEnableFiles# enable the ability to upload and attach arbitrary files to invoices." msgstr "la possibilité de télécharger et d'attacher des fichiers aux factures." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceiptIsCancelled# Upon cancelling a receipt, update the item's subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a=\"bar foo\"\")." msgstr "Après l'annulation d'une réception d'une commande, mettre à jour les sous-zones suivantes de l'exemplaire si celui-ci a été créé au moment de la commande (e.g 7=1|a=\"bar foo\")." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived# Upon receiving items, update their subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a=\"foo bar\")." msgstr "Lors de la réception d'une commande, mettre à jour les sous-zones suivantes de l'exemplaire si celui-ci a été créé au moment de la commande (e.g 7=1|a=\"bar foo\")." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# Show baskets" msgstr "Afficher les commandes" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# created or managed by staff member." msgstr "créées ou gérées par les bibliothécaires." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# from staff member's library." msgstr "du site de l'employé." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# in system, regardless of owner." msgstr "du système, peu importe le propriétaire." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice# Do not warn" msgstr "Ne pas prévenir" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice# Warn" msgstr "Prévenir" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice# when the librarian tries to create an invoice with a duplicate number." msgstr "lorsque le bibliothécaire essaie de créer une facture avec un numéro double." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#BasketConfirmations# When closing or reopening a basket," msgstr "Au moment de la fermeture ou de la réouverture d'une commande, " # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#BasketConfirmations# always ask for confirmation." msgstr "toujours demander confirmation" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#BasketConfirmations# do not ask for confirmation." msgstr "ne pas demander confirmation" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# 360 000,00 (FR)" msgstr "360 000,00 (FR)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# 360,000.00 (US)" msgstr "360,000.00 (US)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# Display currencies using the following format" msgstr "Affiche les devises dans le format suivant" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcFieldsToOrder#
For example:
price: 947$a|947$c
quantity: 969$h
budget_code: 922$a" msgstr "
Par exemple:
price: 947$a|947$c
quantity: 969$h
budget_code: 922$a" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcFieldsToOrder# Set the mapping values for a new order line created from a MARC record in a staged file." msgstr "Fixer les valeurs d'une nouvelle ligne de commande créée à partir d'un fichier téléchargé." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcFieldsToOrder# You can use the following fields: price, quantity, budget_code, discount, sort1, sort2" msgstr "Vous pouvez utiliser les champs suivants: price, quantity, budget_code, discount, sort1, sort2" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# English 2-page" msgstr "2-pages en anglais" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# English 3-page" msgstr "3-pages en anglais" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# French 3-page" msgstr "3-pages en français" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# German 2-page" msgstr "2-pages en allemand" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# Use the" msgstr "Utiliser la mise en page" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# layout when printing basket groups." msgstr "pour l'impression des bons de commande en pdf." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#UniqueItemFields# (separated by a space)" msgstr "(séparés par un espace)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#UniqueItemFields# The following database columns should be unique in an item:" msgstr "Les champs suivants de la table items de la base de donnée doivent être uniques:" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#gist# . Enter in numeric form, 0.12 for 12%. The first item in the list will be selected by default. For more than one value, separate with | (pipe)." msgstr "" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#gist# Tax rates are" msgstr "" # Administration msgid "admin.pref" msgstr "Administration" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref CAS Authentication" msgstr "Authentification CAS" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref Interface options" msgstr "Options de l'interface" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref Login options" msgstr "Options d'authentification" # Administration > Mozilla Persona msgid "admin.pref Mozilla Persona" msgstr "admin.pref Mozilla Persona" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref Share anonymous usage statistics" msgstr "Partage des données statistiques" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPkiAuth# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPkiAuth# field for SSL client certificate authentication" msgstr "champ pour l'authentification par certificat du client SSL" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPkiAuth# no" msgstr "aucun" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPkiAuth# the Common Name" msgstr "le nom de famille" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPkiAuth# the emailAddress" msgstr "l'adresse courriel" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# Don't require" msgstr "Requiert" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# Require" msgstr "Ne requiert pas" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# staff to log in from a computer in the IP address range specified by their library (if any)." msgstr "que le personnel soit connecté d'un ordinateur dont l'adresse IP se trouve dans l'interval spécifié pour sa bibliothèque." # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# Show" msgstr "Montrer" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# debugging information in the browser when an internal error occurs." msgstr "information(s) de débugage quand une erreur interne se produit." # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# lots of" msgstr "beaucoup d'" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# no" msgstr "aucune" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# some" msgstr "quelques" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranches# Don't prevent" msgstr "Ne pas empêcher" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranches# Prevent" msgstr "Empêcher" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranches# staff (but not superlibrarians) from modifying objects (holds, items, patrons, etc.) belonging to other libraries." msgstr "le personnel d'un site (sauf les superbibliothécaires) de modifier des éléments (réservations, adhérents, exemplaires...) appartenant à d'autres sites." # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesPatronModifications# Don't prevent" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesPatronModifications# Prevent" msgstr "" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesPatronModifications# staff (but not superlibrarians) from viewing and approving/denying patron modification requests for patrons belonging to other libraries." msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#KohaAdminEmailAddress# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#KohaAdminEmailAddress# as the email address for the administrator of Koha. (This is the default From: address for emails unless there is one for the particular library, and is referred to when an internal error occurs.)" msgstr "comme l'adresse courriel de l'administrateur de Koha. (C'est l'adresse De: pour les courriels à moins qu'une adresse soit définie pour le site, et c'est l'adresse destinataire lorsqu'une erreur interne survient.)" # Administration > Mozilla Persona msgid "admin.pref#Persona# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Administration > Mozilla Persona msgid "admin.pref#Persona# Don't Allow" msgstr "Ne pas autoriser" # Administration > Mozilla Persona msgid "admin.pref#Persona# Mozilla persona for login" msgstr "Personnel Mozilla pour la connexion" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#ReplytoDefault# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#ReplytoDefault# as the email address that will be set as the replyto in emails" msgstr "comme adresse courriel qui sera inscrite comme adresse dans le champ Réponse dans les courriels envoyés par Koha." # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#ReturnpathDefault# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#ReturnpathDefault# as the return path or bounce address for undeliverable mail messages. If you leave this empty, the From address will be used (often defaulting to the admin address)." msgstr "comme adresse courriel qui sera inscrite dans le champ Réponse automatique des courriels envoyés par Koha. Si vous laissez la case vide, l'adresse courriel de l'administrateur sera utilisée." # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionRestrictionByIP# Disable" msgstr "Désactiver " # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionRestrictionByIP# Enable" msgstr "Activer" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionRestrictionByIP# check for change in remote IP address for session security. Disable only when remote IP address changes frequently." msgstr "la vérification d'un changement dans l'adresse IP distante pour assurer la sécurité de la session. Désactiver seulement dans le cas où l'adresse IP distante change fréquemment." # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# Store login session information" msgstr "Enregistrer les sessions d'utilisation du logicel dans" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# as temporary files." msgstr "un fichier temportaire" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# in a memcached server." msgstr "dans un serveur memcached" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# in the MySQL database." msgstr "la base de données MySQL " # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# in the PostgreSQL database (not supported)." msgstr "la base de données PostgreSQL (pas encore supporté)" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats# Don't share" msgstr "Ne pas partager" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats# Share" msgstr "Partager" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats# anonymous Koha usage data with the Koha community. You can see the data on the Hea Koha community website. You have to run misc/cronjobs/ in a cronjob." msgstr "" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Note that this value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"" msgstr "Notez que cette valeur est sans effet si vous n'avez pas activé la préférence système UsageStats." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# The country where your library is located:" msgstr "Le pays où votre bibliothèque est situé:" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# This will be shown on the Hea Koha community website." msgstr ". Cette information apparaîtra sur le Site communautaire Koha Hea." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryName# If this field is empty data will be sent anonymously." msgstr "Si ce champ est vide, les données seront envoyées anonymement." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryName# Note that this value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"" msgstr "Notez que cette valeur n'a pas d'effet si la préférence système UsageStats est positionné à \"Ne pas partager\"." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryName# The library name" msgstr "Le nom de votre bibliothèque" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryName# will be shown on the Hea Koha community website." msgstr "sera affiché sur le site communautaire Koha Hea." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# Note that this value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"" msgstr "Notez que cette valeur est sans effet si vous n'avez pas activé la préférence système UsageStats." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# The library type" msgstr "Le type de la bibliothèque: " # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# academic" msgstr "académique" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# corporate" msgstr "entreprise" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# government" msgstr "gouvernementale" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# private" msgstr "privée" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# public" msgstr "publique" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# religious organization" msgstr "organisation religieuse" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# research" msgstr "recherche" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# school" msgstr "école" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# society or association" msgstr "entreprise ou association" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# subscription" msgstr "avec abonnement" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# will be shown on the Hea Koha community website." msgstr "sera affiché sur le site communautaire Koha Hea." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryUrl# Note that this value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"" msgstr "Notez que cette valeur n'a pas d'effet si la préférence système UsageStats est positionné à \"Ne pas partager\"." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryUrl# The library URL" msgstr "L'URL du site de votre bibliothèque" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryUrl# will be shown on the Hea Koha community website." msgstr "sera affiché sur le site communautaire Koha Hea." # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# CAS for login authentication." msgstr "CAS pour l'authentification" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# Don't Logout" msgstr "Ne pas se déconnecter" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# Logout" msgstr "Se déconnecter" # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# of CAS when logging out of Koha." msgstr "de CAS quand on se déconnecte de Koha." # Administration > CAS Authentication msgid "admin.pref#casServerUrl# The CAS Authentication Server can be found at" msgstr "Le serveur d'authentification CAS se trouve à" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# #'s" msgstr "#" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# Separate columns in an exported CSV file with" msgstr "" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# backslashes" msgstr "barre oblique inverse" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# by default." msgstr "par défaut." # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# commas" msgstr "virgule" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# semicolons" msgstr "point virgule" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# slashes" msgstr "barre oblique" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# tabs" msgstr "tabulation" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# Don't show" msgstr "Ne pas afficher" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# Show" msgstr "Afficher" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# itemtype icons in the catalog." msgstr "les images des types d'exemplaire dans le catalogue." # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#timeout# Automatically log out users after" msgstr "Déconnecter automatiquement les utilisateurs après" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#timeout# seconds of inactivity. Adding d will specify it in days, e.g. 1d is timeout of one day." msgstr "secondes d'inactivité. Ajouter 'd' pour spécifier un nombre de jour, ex: 1d sera un temps d'inactivité d'une journée." # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# Allow" msgstr "Autoriser" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# Don't allow" msgstr "Interdire" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# staff and patrons to create and view saved lists of books." msgstr "le personnel et les usagers de créer et de voir des listes enregistrées de livres." # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref" msgstr "Autorités" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref General" msgstr "Générale" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref Linker" msgstr "Validation" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthDisplayHierarchy# Display" msgstr "Afficher" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthDisplayHierarchy# Don't display" msgstr "Ne pas afficher" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthDisplayHierarchy# broader term/narrower term hierarchies when viewing authorities." msgstr "terme plus vaste/restreint, c'est la hierarchie des termes lors de la visualisation des autorités." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# When editing records," msgstr "Lors de l'édition des notices," # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# authority records that are missing (BiblioAddsAuthorities must be set to \"allow\" for this to have any effect)." msgstr "les notices d'autorités manquantes (BibliosAddsAuthorities doit être activé)" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# do not generate" msgstr "ne pas générer" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# generate" msgstr "générer" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# When editing records," msgstr "Quand on saisie une notice bibliographique" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# allow" msgstr "créer" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# don't allow" msgstr "ne pas créer" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# them to automatically create new authority records if needed, rather than having to reference existing authorities." msgstr "automatiquement les autorités si nécessaire (plutôt que d'avoir à faire référence à des autorités existantes)" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#CatalogModuleRelink# Do" msgstr "Permettre de" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#CatalogModuleRelink# Do not" msgstr "Ne pas" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#CatalogModuleRelink# automatically relink headings that have previously been linked when saving records in the cataloging module." msgstr "relier automatiquement les autorités au moment de la sauvegarde de la notice dans le module Catalogage." # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerKeepStale# Do" msgstr "Permettre de" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerKeepStale# Do not" msgstr "Ne pas" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerKeepStale# keep existing links to authority records for headings where the linker is unable to find a match." msgstr "garder les liens aux notices d'autorités même si elle ne sont pas valider." # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# Default" msgstr "par défaut" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# First Match" msgstr "Première concordance" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# Last Match" msgstr "Dernière concordance" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# Use the" msgstr "Utiliser le module " # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# linker module for matching headings to authority records." msgstr "pour la validation des notices d'autorités" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerOptions# (separate options with |)" msgstr "(séparer les options avec la barre verticale | )" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerOptions# Set the following options for the authority linker" msgstr "Utiliser les options suivante pour la validation des autorités" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerRelink# Do" msgstr "Permettre de" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerRelink# Do not" msgstr "Ne pas permettre de" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerRelink# relink headings that have previously been linked to authority records." msgstr "valider les autorités qui ont été préalablement validées." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#MARCAuthorityControlField008# Use the following text for the contents of MARC21 authority control field 008 position 06-39 (fixed length data elements). Do NOT include the date (position 00-05)." msgstr "Utiliser la valeur suivante par défaut dans la zone de contrôle 008 position 06-39 d'une notice d'autorité MARC21 (Éléments de données de longueur fixe). NE DOIT PAS inclure la date (position 00-05). " # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UNIMARCAuthorityField100# Use the following text for the contents of UNIMARC authority field 100 position 08-35 (fixed length data elements). Do NOT include the date (position 00-07)." msgstr "Utiliser la valeur suivante par défaut dans la zone de contrôle 100 position 08-35 d'une notice d'autorité MARC21 (Éléments de données de longueur fixe). NE DOIT PAS inclure la date (position 00-07). " # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# Don't use" msgstr "Ne pas utiliser" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# authority record numbers instead of text strings for searches from subject tracings." msgstr "les numéros des autorités à la place du texte pour le traçage des sujets." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#dontmerge# Do" msgstr "Mettre à jour automatiquement" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#dontmerge# Don't" msgstr "Ne pas mettre à jour automatiquement" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#dontmerge# automatically update attached biblios when changing an authority record. If this is off, please ask your administrator to enable the cronjob." msgstr "mettre à jour automatiquement les notices lors d'un changement d'un notice d'autorité. Si désactivé, demander à votre administrateur système de lancer le script" # Cataloging msgid "cataloguing.pref" msgstr "Catalogage" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref Display" msgstr "Affichage" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref Exporting" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref Importing" msgstr "Importation" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref Interface" msgstr "Interface" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref Record Structure" msgstr "Structure des notices" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref Spine Labels" msgstr "Etiquettes" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AcquisitionDetails# Display" msgstr "Afficher" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AcquisitionDetails# Don't display" msgstr "Ne pas afficher" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AcquisitionDetails# acquisition details on the biblio detail page." msgstr "les détails de l'acquisition du document dans la vue détaillée d'une notice." # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# When matching on ISBN with the record import tool," msgstr "Dans les opérations de concordances d'ISBN par l'outil d'importation de notices bibliographiques," # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISBNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISBN fields of already cataloged records. Note that this preference has no effect if UseQueryParser is on." msgstr "toutes les combinaisons possibles d'ISBN de la notice entrante. Notez que ceci n'a pas d'effet si UseQueryParser est activé." # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# do" msgstr "essayer" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# don't" msgstr "ne pas essayer" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# ." msgstr "." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# Display MARC subfield" msgstr "Afficher les sous zones MARC" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# as holdings information for records that do not have items (This can contain multiple subfields to look in; for instance 852abhi would look in 852 subfields a, b, h, and i.), with the subfields separated by" msgstr "en tant qu'information de localisation pour les notices qui n'ont pas d'exemplaires. Cela peut-être plusieurs sous zones, par ex. 999abhi les sous-champs a, b, h et i de 999, en séparant les sous-champs avec" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AuthoritySeparator# ." msgstr "." # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AuthoritySeparator# Separate multiple displayed authors, series or subjects with " msgstr "Séparer les multiples auteurs, collections et sujets avec " # Cataloging > Exporting # Cataloging > Exporting # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields#
" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# All values of repeating tags and subfields will be printed with the given BibTeX tag." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# Include following fields when exporting BibTeX," msgstr "" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# To specificy multiple marc tags/subfields as targets for a repeating BibTex tag, use the following format: BT_TAG: [TAG2$SUBFIELD1, TAG2$SUBFIELD2] ( e.g. notes: [501$a, 505$g] )" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# Use '@' ( with quotes ) as the BT_TAG to replace the bibtex record type with a field value of your choosing." msgstr "" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# Use one line per tag in the format BT_TAG: TAG$SUBFIELD ( e.g. lccn: 010$a )" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultClassificationSource# Use" msgstr "Utiliser" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultClassificationSource# as the default classification source." msgstr "comme source de classification par défaut." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultLanguageField008# Empty defaults to eng." msgstr "Vide par défaut" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultLanguageField008# Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see MARC Code List for Languages)" msgstr "Code de la langue par défaut pour la zone 008 position 35-37 d'une notice MARC21 (par exemple, eng, nor, ger, see Liste des codes MARC de langue)" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EasyAnalyticalRecords# Display" msgstr "Activer" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EasyAnalyticalRecords# Don't Display" msgstr "Désactiver" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EasyAnalyticalRecords# easy ways to create analytical record relationships" msgstr "Simplifie la créations de lien de notices analytiques" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#ISBD# Use the following as the ISBD template:" msgstr "Utiliser ceci en tant que modèle ISBD" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# By default, display biblio records in" msgstr "Afficher par défaut les notices bibliographique dans la vue" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# ISBD form (see below)." msgstr "ISBD" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# Labelled MARC form" msgstr "Formulaire étiqueté MARC" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# MARC form." msgstr "MARC" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# normal form." msgstr "Normale" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# Do" msgstr "Regrouper" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# Don't" msgstr "Ne pas regrouper" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# collapse repeated tags of the same type into one tag entry on the display." msgstr "les zones de même type qui sont répétées en une seule zone à l'affichage." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MARCOrgCode# Fill in the MARC organization code" msgstr "Utiliser le code MARC de l'établissement" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MARCOrgCode# by default in new MARC21 records (leave blank to disable)." msgstr "valeur par défaut dans les nouvelles notices MARC21 (laisser vide pour désactiver)" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
example: '001,245ab,600'" msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
  • all subfields of fields 600
  • " msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
  • subfields a and b of fields 245
  • " msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
  • value of 001
  • " msgstr "" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#