msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Koha 18.05\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-12 12:52+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-18 06:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Onur Erdem \n" "Language-Team: Koha Translation Team\n" "Language: tr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1563432225.162799\n" "X-Pootle-Path: /tr/18.05/tr-TR-pref.po\n" "X-Pootle-Revision: 1\n" # Acquisitions msgid "acquisitions.pref" msgstr "Sağlama" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref Policy" msgstr "Politika" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref Printing" msgstr "Yazdırma" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# Create an item when" msgstr "Öge oluşturma" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# This is only the default behavior, and can be changed per-basket." msgstr "Bu yalnızca varsayılan davranıştır her sepet için değiştirilebilir." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# cataloging the record." msgstr "kayıt kataloglama." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# placing an order." msgstr "sipariş etme." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqCreateItem# receiving an order." msgstr "sipariş alma" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqEnableFiles# Do" msgstr "Yap" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqEnableFiles# Don't" msgstr "Yapma" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqEnableFiles# enable the ability to upload and attach arbitrary files to invoices." msgstr "faturalara isteğe bağlı dosyaları ekleme ve karşıya yükleme yetisini etkinleştir" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceiptIsCancelled# Upon cancelling a receipt, update the item's subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a=\"bar foo\")." msgstr "Makbuz iptal edilirken, eğer sipariş esnasında oluşturuldu ise materyalin alt alanlarını güncelleyin (ör. o=5|a=\"bar foo\")." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceived# Upon receiving items, update their subfields if they were created when placing an order (e.g. o=5|a=\"foo bar\")." msgstr "Materyalleri teslim aldıktan sonra, eğer alt alanları sipariş verilirken oluşturuldu ise alt alanlarını güncelleyin (e.g. o=5|a=\"foo bar\")." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# Show baskets" msgstr "Sepetleri göster" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# created or managed by staff member." msgstr "personel tarafından oluşturulan ya da yönetilen." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# from staff member's library." msgstr "personel kullanıcının kütüphanesinden." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqViewBaskets# in system, regardless of owner." msgstr "sistem içerisinde, sahibi gözetilmeksizin." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice# Do not warn" msgstr "Uyarma" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice# Warn" msgstr "Uyar" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice# when the librarian tries to create an invoice with a duplicate number." msgstr "Kütüphaneci, duplike numaraya sahip bir fatura oluşturmaya çalıştığında." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#BasketConfirmations# When closing or reopening a basket," msgstr "Sepet kapatıldığında veya yeniden açıldığında," # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#BasketConfirmations# always ask for confirmation." msgstr "doğrulama için her zaman sor." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#BasketConfirmations# do not ask for confirmation." msgstr "doğrulama için sorma." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#ClaimsBccCopy# Don't send" msgstr "Gönderme" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#ClaimsBccCopy# Send" msgstr "Gönder" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#ClaimsBccCopy# blind copy (BCC) to logged in user when sending serial or acquisitions claims notices." msgstr "Süreli yayın veya sağlama talep bildirimleri gönderirken oturum açan kullanıcıya görünmez kopya (BBC)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# 360 000,00 (FR)" msgstr "360 000,00 (FR)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# 360'000.00 (CH)" msgstr "360'000.00 (CH)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# 360,000.00 (US)" msgstr "360,000.00 (US)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#CurrencyFormat# Display currencies using the following format" msgstr "Para birimini şu formatta görüntüle" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#EmailPurchaseSuggestions# Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: " msgstr "Yeni satın alma önerilerinin gönderileceği e-posta adresini seçin:" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#EmailPurchaseSuggestions# EmailAddressForSuggestions" msgstr "EmailAddressForSuggestions" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#EmailPurchaseSuggestions# If you choose EmailAddressForSuggestions you have to enter a valid email address: " msgstr "EmailAddressForSuggestions tercihini seçerseniz geçerli bir e-posta adresi girmeniz gerekir:" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#EmailPurchaseSuggestions# KohaAdminEmailAddress" msgstr "KohaAdminEmailAddress" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#EmailPurchaseSuggestions# None" msgstr "Hiçbiri" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#EmailPurchaseSuggestions# email address of branch" msgstr "şubenin e-posta adresi" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcFieldsToOrder#
For example:
price: 947$a|947$c
quantity: 969$h
budget_code: 922$a" msgstr "
For example:
price: 947$a|947$c
quantity: 969$h
budget_code: 922$a" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcFieldsToOrder# Set the mapping values for a new order line created from a MARC record in a staged file." msgstr "Aşamalı dosya içerisindeki bir MARC kaydından oluşturulmuş yeni bir sipariş satırı için eşleştirme değerlerini ayarlayın." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcFieldsToOrder# You can use the following fields: price, quantity, budget_code, discount, sort1, sort2" msgstr "Aşağıdaki alanları kullanabilirsiniz: fiyat, miktar, bütçe_kodu, iskonto, tür1, tür2" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcItemFieldsToOrder#
For example:
holdingbranch: 975$b
itype: 975$9|975$z" msgstr "
holdingbranch: 975$b
itype: 975$9|975$z" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcItemFieldsToOrder# Set the mapping values for new item records created from a MARC record in a staged file." msgstr "Hazırlanan bir dosyadaki bir MARC kaydından oluşturulan yeni materyal kayıtlarının eşleme değerlerini ayarlayın." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#MarcItemFieldsToOrder# You can use the following fields: homebranch, holdingbranch, itype, nonpublic_note, public_note, loc, ccode, notforloan, uri, copyno, price, replacementprice and itemcallnumber. Special fields: quantity and budget_code" msgstr "Aşağıdaki alanları kullanabilirsiniz: homebranch, holdingbranch, itype, nonpublic_note, public_note, loc, ccode, notforloan, uri, copyno, price, replacementprice ve itemcallnumber. Özel Alanlar: quantity ve budget_code" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# English 2-page" msgstr "İngilizce 2-sayfa" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# English 3-page" msgstr "İngilizce 3-sayfa" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# French 3-page" msgstr "Fransızca 3-sayfa" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# German 2-page" msgstr "Almanca 2-sayfa" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# Use the" msgstr "Kullanın" # Acquisitions > Printing msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPdfFormat# layout when printing basket groups." msgstr "sepet grupları yazdırılırken sayfa düzeni." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPriceRounding# Determines whether full precision values or rounded values should be used in price calculations" msgstr "Fiyat hesaplamalarında tam hassasiyet değerlerinin mi yuvarlanmış değerlerin mi kullanılacağını belirler." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPriceRounding# Don't round" msgstr "Yuvarlamayın" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPriceRounding# Round" msgstr "Yuvarlayın" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#OrderPriceRounding# to nearest cent.
" msgstr "en yakın kuruşa.
" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#PurgeSuggestionsOlderThan#
NOTE: This system preference requires the misc/cronjobs/ cronjob. Ask your system administrator to schedule it." msgstr "
NOT: Bu sistem tercihi misc/cronjobs/ cronjob'u nu gerektirir. Sistem yöneticinizden ayarlamasını isteyin." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#PurgeSuggestionsOlderThan#
WARNING: Leave this field empty if you don't want to activate this automatic feature." msgstr "
UYARI:Bu otomatik özelliği etkinleştirmek istemiyorsanız bu alanı boş bırakın." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#PurgeSuggestionsOlderThan# Keep accepted or rejected purchase suggestions for a period of" msgstr "Kabul edilen veya reddedilen satın alma önerilerini bir süre için saklayın" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#PurgeSuggestionsOlderThan# days. Example: [30] Sets purgation of suggestions for those older than 30 days." msgstr "Örnek: [30] 30 günden eski olanlara yönelik önerilerin tasfiye edilmesini ayarlar." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#UniqueItemFields# (separated by a space)" msgstr "(bir boşlukla ayrılmış)" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#UniqueItemFields# The following database columns should be unique in an item:" msgstr "veritabanı sütunlarıbir materyalde özgün olmalıdır:" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords# the framework 'ACQ' for bibliographic records fields" msgstr "bibliyografik kayıt alanları için 'ACQ' çerçevesi" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords# Don't use" msgstr "Kullanma" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#UseACQFrameworkForBiblioRecords# Use" msgstr "Kullan" # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#gist# . Enter in numeric form, 0.12 for 12%. The first item in the list will be selected by default. For more than one value, separate with | (pipe)." msgstr "Sayısal biçimde girin, % 12 için 0.12 gibi. Listedeki ilk materyal varsayılan olarak seçilmiş olacaktır. Birden fazla değer için, | (boru) işareti ile ayırın." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#gist# Please note: The database will only accept values up to 4 decimals precision, further values will be rounded." msgstr "Veri tabanı yalnızca 4 ondalık hassasiyetteki değerleri kabul eder, başka değerler yuvarlanır." # Acquisitions > Policy msgid "acquisitions.pref#gist# Tax rates are" msgstr "Vergi oranları" # Administration msgid "admin.pref" msgstr "Yönetim" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref CAS authentication" msgstr "CAS kimlik koğrulaması" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref Google OpenID Connect" msgstr "Google OpenID Bağlanmak" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref Interface options" msgstr "Arayüz seçenekleri" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref Login options" msgstr "Oturum açma seçenekleri" # Administration > SSL client certificate authentication msgid "admin.pref SSL client certificate authentication" msgstr "SSL istemcisi sertifika kimlik doğrulaması" # Administration > Search Engine msgid "admin.pref Search Engine" msgstr "Arama Motoru" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref Share anonymous usage statistics" msgstr "Anonim kullanım istatistiklerini paylaş" # Administration > SSL client certificate authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPKIAuth# Common Name" msgstr "Ortak Ad" # Administration > SSL client certificate authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPKIAuth# Field to use for SSL client certificate authentication: " msgstr "SSL istemci sertifikası kimlik doğrulaması için kullanılacak alan:" # Administration > SSL client certificate authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPKIAuth# None" msgstr "Hiçbiri" # Administration > SSL client certificate authentication msgid "admin.pref#AllowPKIAuth# emailAddress" msgstr "emailAddress" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# Link to library administration" msgstr "Kütüphane yönetimi bağlantısı" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# Require staff to log in from a computer in the IP address range specified by their library (if any): " msgstr "Personelin, (varsa) kütüphaneleri tarafından belirtilen IP adresi aralığı içindeki bir bilgisayardan giriş yapmasını gerektir:" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#AutoLocation# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# All" msgstr "Tümü" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# How much debugging information to show in the browser when an internal error occurs: " msgstr "Bir iç hata oluştuğunda tarayıcıda ne kadar hata ayıklama bilgisi gösterilecek:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# None" msgstr "Hiç biri" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DebugLevel# Some" msgstr "Bazıları" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryCircRules# All libraries" msgstr "Tüm kütüphaneler" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryCircRules# Default view when editing circulation rules: " msgstr "Dolaşım kuralları düzenlenirken varsayılan görünüm:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryCircRules# The logged-in library" msgstr "Oturum açılan kütüphane" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryNoticesSlips# All libraries" msgstr "Tüm kütüphaneler" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryNoticesSlips# Default view when editing notices and slips: " msgstr "Bildirimler ve slipler düzenlenirken varsayılan görünüm:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryNoticesSlips# The logged-in library" msgstr "Oturum açılan kütüphane" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers# All libraries" msgstr "Tüm kütüphaneler" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers# Default view when editing overdue notice/status triggers: " msgstr "Gecikme bildirimleri/durum tetikleyicileri düzenlenirken varsayılan görünüm:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers# The logged-in library" msgstr "Oturum açılan kütüphane" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOAuth2ClientID# Google OAuth2 Client ID: " msgstr "Google OAuth2 İstemci Kimliği:" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOAuth2ClientSecret# Google OAuth2 Client Secret: " msgstr "Google OAuth2 Gizli İstemci:" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnect# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnect# Use Google OpenID Connect login: " msgstr "Google OpenID Connect girişini kullanın:" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnect# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnect# You will need to select OAuth2 when creating an app in the google cloud console, and set the web origin to your_opac_url and the redirect url to your_opac_url/cgi-bin/koha/svc/auth/googleopenidconnect ." msgstr "Google bulut konsolunda bir uygulamayı oluştururken OAuth2 seçmeli, ve web kökenini your_opac_url için ayarlamalı ve url'nizi your_opac_url/cgi-bin/koha/svc/auth/googleopenidconnect için yeniden yönlendirmelisiniz." # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister# Allow" msgstr "İzin ver" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister# Don't Allow" msgstr "İzin verme" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister# users logging in with Google Open ID to automatically register." msgstr "otomatik olarak kaydolmak için Google Open ID ile giriş yapan kullanıcılar." # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultBranch# Use this branch code when automatically registering a Google Open ID patron." msgstr "Otomatik olarak bir Google Open ID kullanıcısı kaydettirirken bu birim kodunu kullanın." # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultCategory# Use this category code when automatically registering a Google Open ID patron." msgstr "Otomatik olarak bir Google Open ID kullanıcısı kaydettirirken bu kategori kodunu kullanın." # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnectDomain# Google OpenID Connect Restrict to domain (or subdomain of this domain): " msgstr "Google OpenID Connect Etki alanıyla kısıtla (veya bu alanın alt etki alanıyla):" # Administration > Google OpenID Connect msgid "admin.pref#GoogleOpenIDConnectDomain# Leave blank for all google domains" msgstr "Tüm google etki alanları için boş bırakın " # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranches# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranches# Prevent staff (but not superlibrarians) from modifying objects (holds, items, patrons, etc.) belonging to other libraries: " msgstr "Personelin (superlibrarian hariç) diğer kütüphanelere ait nesneleri (ayırtılanlar, materyaller, kullanıcılar, vb.) değiştirmelerini önleyin :" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranches# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesPatronModifications# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesPatronModifications# Prevent staff (but not superlibrarians) from viewing and approving/denying patron modification requests for patrons belonging to other libraries." msgstr "Personelin (superlibrarian hariç) diğer kütüphanelere ait kullanıcılar için kullanıcı değişiklik isteklerini görmelerini ve onaylama / reddetmelerini engelleyin." # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesPatronModifications# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesTransfers# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesTransfers# Prevent staff (but not superlibrarians) from transfering items to other libraries" msgstr "Personelin (superlibrarian yetkilerine sahip olanlar hariç) materyallerin diğer kütüphanelere aktarmasını engelleyin" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#IndependentBranchesTransfers# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#KohaAdminEmailAddress# (This is the default From: address for emails unless there is one for the particular library, and is referred to when an internal error occurs.)" msgstr "(Bu, belirli kütüphane için bulunmadığı sürece e-postalar için varsayılan Kimden: adresidir ve dahili bir hata oluştuğunda belirtilir.)" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#KohaAdminEmailAddress# Email address for the administrator of Koha: " msgstr "Koha yöneticisi için e-posta adresi:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#ReplytoDefault# Email address to be set as the replyto in emails: " msgstr "E-postalarda cevap olarak ayarlanacak e-posta adresi:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#ReturnpathDefault# If you leave this empty, the From address will be used (often defaulting to the admin address)." msgstr "Bunu boş bırakırsanız, Kimden adresi kullanılır (genellikle varsayılan yönetici adresidir)." # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#ReturnpathDefault# Return path or bounce address for undeliverable mail messages: " msgstr "Teslim edilemeyen posta iletileri için dönüş yolu veya geri dönüş adresi:" # Administration > Search Engine msgid "admin.pref#SearchEngine# Elasticsearch" msgstr "Elasticsearch" # Administration > Search Engine msgid "admin.pref#SearchEngine# Use following search engine: " msgstr "Aşağıdaki arama motorunu kullanın:" # Administration > Search Engine msgid "admin.pref#SearchEngine# Zebra" msgstr "Zebra" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#SendAllEmailsTo# (Leave this field empty to send messages to their normal recipient)" msgstr "(Mesajları normal alıcılarına göndermek için bu alanı boş bırakın)" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#SendAllEmailsTo# Email to redirect all messages to: " msgstr "Tüm mesajları yönlendirmek için e-posta:" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionRestrictionByIP# (Disable only when remote IP address changes frequently.)" msgstr "(Uzak IP adresi sık sık değiştiğinde devre dışı bırakın.)" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionRestrictionByIP# Enable check for change in remote IP address for session security: " msgstr "Oturum güvenliği için uzak IP adresindeki değişikliği kontrol et:" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionRestrictionByIP# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionRestrictionByIP# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# Memcached server" msgstr "Memcached sunucusu" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# MySQL database" msgstr "MySQL veritabanı" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# PostgreSQL database (not supported)" msgstr "PostgreSQL veritabanı (desteklenmiyor)" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# Storage of login session information: " msgstr "Oturum açma bilgilerinin depolanması:" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#SessionStorage# Temporary files" msgstr "Geçici dosyalar" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats# . Website where usage statistics are published: Hea Koha community website." msgstr ". Kullanım istatistiklerinin yayınlandığı web sitesi: Hea Koha community website." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats#
NOTE: The other \"UsageStats\" preferences have no effect if this preference is set to \"No\"." msgstr "
NOT:Diğer \"UsageStats\" tercihlerinin, bu tercih \"Hayır\" olarak ayarlanırsa, hiçbir etkisi yoktur." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats#
NOTE: This system preference requires the misc/cronjobs/ cronjob. Ask your system administrator to schedule it." msgstr "
NOT: Bu sistem tercihi misc/cronjobs/ cronjob'unu gerektirir. Sistem yöneticinizden ayarlamasını isteyin." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats# Share anonymous Koha usage data with the Koha community: " msgstr "Anonim Koha kullanım verilerini Koha topluluğuyla paylaşın:" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStats# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# " msgstr "." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry#
NOTE: This value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"." msgstr "
NOT:UsageStats sistem tercihi \"Paylaşma\" olarak ayarlanmışsa, bu değerin etkisi yoktur." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Afghanistan" msgstr "Afganistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Albania" msgstr "Arnavutluk" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Algeria" msgstr "Cezayir" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Angola" msgstr "Angola" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Antigua & Deps" msgstr "Antigua & Deps" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Argentina" msgstr "Arjantin" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Armenia" msgstr "Ermenistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Australia" msgstr "Avustralya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Austria" msgstr "Avusturya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azarbeycan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamalar" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Bahrain" msgstr "Bahreyn" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladeş" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Belarus" msgstr "Belarus" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Belgium" msgstr "Belçika" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Belize" msgstr "Belize" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Benin" msgstr "Benin" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Bhutan" msgstr "Butan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Bolivia" msgstr "Bolivya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Bosnia Herz." msgstr "Bosna Hersek" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Botswana" msgstr "Botsvana" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Brazil" msgstr "Brezilya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Brunei" msgstr "Brunei" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaristan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Burkina" msgstr "Burkina" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Cambodia" msgstr "Kamboçya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Cameroon" msgstr "Kamerun" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Canada" msgstr "Kanada" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Cape Verde" msgstr "Yeşil Burun Adaları" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Centr. Afr. Rep" msgstr "Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Chad" msgstr "Çad" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Chile" msgstr "Şili" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# China" msgstr "Çin" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Colombia" msgstr "Kolombiya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Comoros" msgstr "Komorlar" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Congo" msgstr "Kongo" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Costa Rica" msgstr "Kosta Rika" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Croatia" msgstr "Hırvatistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Cuba" msgstr "Küba" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Cyprus" msgstr "Kıbrıs" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Czech Republic" msgstr "Çek Cumhuriyeti" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Denmark" msgstr "Danimarka" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Djibouti" msgstr "Cibuti" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Dominica" msgstr "Dominika" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Dominican Rep." msgstr "Dominik Cumhuriyeti" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# East Timor" msgstr "Doğu Timor" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Ecuador" msgstr "Ekvador" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Egypt" msgstr "Mısır" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# El Salvador" msgstr "El Salvador" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Equator. Guinea" msgstr "Ekvator Ginesi" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Eritrea" msgstr "Eritre" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Estonia" msgstr "Estonya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Ethiopia" msgstr "Etiyopya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Fiji" msgstr "Fiji" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Finland" msgstr "Finlandiya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# France" msgstr "Fransa" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Gabon" msgstr "Gabon" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Gambia" msgstr "Gambiya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Georgia" msgstr "Gürcistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Germany" msgstr "Almanya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Ghana" msgstr "Gana" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Greece" msgstr "Yunanistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Guinea" msgstr "Gine" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Gine-Bissau" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Guyana" msgstr "Guyana" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Hungary" msgstr "Macaristan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Iceland" msgstr "İzlanda" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# India" msgstr "Hindistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Indonesia" msgstr "Endonezya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Iran" msgstr "İran" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Iraq" msgstr "Irak" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Ireland" msgstr "İrlanda" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Israel" msgstr "İsrail" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Italy" msgstr "İtalya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Ivory Coast" msgstr "Fildişi Sahili" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Jamaica" msgstr "Jamaika" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Japan" msgstr "Japonya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Jordan" msgstr "Ürdün" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazakistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Kenya" msgstr "Kenya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Korea North" msgstr "Kuzey Kore" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Korea South" msgstr "Güney Kore" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Kosovo" msgstr "Kosova" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Kuwait" msgstr "Kuveyt" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kırgızistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Laos" msgstr "Laos" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Latvia" msgstr "Letonya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Lebanon" msgstr "Lübnan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Lesotho" msgstr "Lesotho" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Liberia" msgstr "Liberya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Libya" msgstr "Libya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Liechtenstein" msgstr "Lihtenştayn" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Lithuania" msgstr "Litvanya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Luxembourg" msgstr "Lüksemburg" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Macedonia" msgstr "Makedonya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Madagascar" msgstr "Madagaskar" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Malawi" msgstr "Malavi" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Malaysia" msgstr "Malezya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Maldives" msgstr "Maldivler" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Mali" msgstr "Mali" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Malta" msgstr "Malta" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Marshall Isl." msgstr "Marshall Adaları" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Mauritania" msgstr "Moritanya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Mauritius" msgstr "Mauritius" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Mexico" msgstr "Meksika" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Micronesia" msgstr "Mikronezya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Moldova" msgstr "Moldova" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Monaco" msgstr "Monako" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Mongolia" msgstr "Moğolistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Montenegro" msgstr "Karadağ" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Morocco" msgstr "Fas" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Mozambique" msgstr "Mozambik" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Namibia" msgstr "Namibya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Nepal" msgstr "Nepal" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Netherlands" msgstr "Hollanda" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# New Zealand" msgstr "Yeni Zelanda" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Nicaragua" msgstr "Nikaragua" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Niger" msgstr "Nijer" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Nigeria" msgstr "Nijerya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Norway" msgstr "Norveç" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Oman" msgstr "Oman" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Palau" msgstr "Palau" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Panama" msgstr "Panama" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Papua N. Guinea" msgstr "Papua Yeni Gine" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguay" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Peru" msgstr "Peru" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Philippines" msgstr "Filipinler" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Poland" msgstr "Polonya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Portugal" msgstr "Portekiz" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Qatar" msgstr "Katar" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Romania" msgstr "Romanya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Russian Fed." msgstr "Rusya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Rwanda" msgstr "Ruanda" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Saint Vincent" msgstr "Saint Vincent" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# San Marino" msgstr "San Marino" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Sao Tome" msgstr "Sao Tome" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Suudi Arabistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Serbia" msgstr "Sırbistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Seychelles" msgstr "Seyşeller" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierra Leone" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Singapore" msgstr "Singapur" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Slovakia" msgstr "Slovakya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Slovenia" msgstr "Slovenya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Solomon Islands" msgstr "Solomon Adaları" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Somalia" msgstr "Somali" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# South Africa" msgstr "Güney Afrika" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Spain" msgstr "İspanya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Sri Lanka" msgstr "Sri Lanka" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# St Kitts & Nev." msgstr "Saint Kitts ve Nevis" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# St Lucia" msgstr "Saint Lucia" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Sudan" msgstr "Sudan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Suriname" msgstr "Surinam" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Swaziland" msgstr "Svaziland" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Sweden" msgstr "İsveç" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Switzerland" msgstr "İsviçre" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Syria" msgstr "Suriye" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Taiwan" msgstr "Tayvan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Tajikistan" msgstr "Tacikistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Tanzania" msgstr "Tanzanya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Thailand" msgstr "Tayland" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# The country where your library is located to be shown on the Hea Community website: " msgstr "Kütüphanenizin bulunduğu ülke Hea Topluluğu web sitesinde gösterilecek:" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# This will be shown on the Hea Koha community website." msgstr "Bu, Hea Koha community web sayfası üzerinde gösterilecektir." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Togo" msgstr "Togo" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Trinidad & Tob." msgstr "Trinidad & Tob." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Tunisia" msgstr "Tunus" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Turkey" msgstr "Türkiye" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Turkmenistan" msgstr "Türkmenistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# UAE" msgstr "Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# USA" msgstr "Amerika Birleşik Devletleri" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Ukraine" msgstr "Ukrayna" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# United Kingdom" msgstr "Birleşik Krallık" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguay" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Uzbekistan" msgstr "Özbekistan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Vatican City" msgstr "Vatikan" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Vietnam" msgstr "Vietnam" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Yemen" msgstr "Yemen" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Zambia" msgstr "Zambiya" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsCountry# Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabve" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsGeolocation#
NOTE: This value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"." msgstr "
NOT:UsageStats sistemi tercihi \"paylaşma\" olarak ayarlanmışsa, bu değerin etkisi yoktur." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsGeolocation# Geolocation of the main library: " msgstr "Ana kütüphanenin coğrafi konumu:" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibrariesInfo#
NOTE: This value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"." msgstr "
NOT:UsageStats sistemi tercihi \"paylaşma\" olarak ayarlanmışsa, bu değerin etkisi yoktur." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibrariesInfo# Do not Share" msgstr "Paylaşma" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibrariesInfo# Share" msgstr "Paylaş" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibrariesInfo# libraries information (name, url, country)" msgstr "kütüphaneler bilgisi (ad, url, ülke)" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryName#
NOTE: This value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"." msgstr "
NOT: UsageStats sistemi tercihi \"paylaşma\" olarak ayarlanmışsa, bu değerin etkisi yoktur." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryName# If this field is empty data will be sent anonymously." msgstr "Bu alan boşsa, veri anonim olarak gönderilecektir." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryName# Use the following library name to be shown on the Hea Community website: " msgstr "Hea Topluluğu web sitesinde gösterilmek üzere aşağıdaki kütüphane adını kullanın:" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# " msgstr "." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType#
NOTE: This value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"." msgstr "
NOT: UsageStats sistemi tercihi \"paylaşma\" olarak ayarlanmışsa, bu değerin etkisi yoktur." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# The library type to be shown on the Hea Community website: " msgstr "Kütüphane türünün Hea Community web sayfası üzerinde görünmesi:" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# academic" msgstr "akademik" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# corporate" msgstr "tüzel" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# government" msgstr "devlet" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# private" msgstr "özel" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# public" msgstr "halk" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# religious organization" msgstr "dini organizasyon" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# research" msgstr "araştırma" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# school" msgstr "okul" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# society or association" msgstr "sosyal kuruluş ya da dernek" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryType# subscription" msgstr "abonelik" # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryUrl#
NOTE: This value has no effect if the UsageStats system preference is set to \"Don't share\"." msgstr "
NOT: UsageStats sistemi tercihi \"paylaşma\" olarak ayarlanmışsa, bu değerin etkisi yoktur." # Administration > Share anonymous usage statistics msgid "admin.pref#UsageStatsLibraryUrl# The library URL to be shown on the Hea Community website: " msgstr "Kütüphane URL'sinin Hea Community web sayfası üzerinde görünmesi:" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# Use CAS for login authentication: " msgstr "Oturum açma kimlik doğrulaması için CAS kullanın:" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref#casAuthentication# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# Logout of CAS when logging out of Koha: " msgstr "Koha oturumunu kapatırken CAS oturumunu da kapatın:" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref#casLogout# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > CAS authentication msgid "admin.pref#casServerUrl# URL of the CAS Authentication Server: " msgstr "CAS Kimlik Doğrulama Sunucusu URL'si:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# #'s" msgstr "ile" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# Default separator for columns in an exported CSV file: " msgstr "Dışa aktarılan bir CSV dosyasındaki sütunlar için varsayılan ayırıcı:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# backslashes" msgstr "sola yatık çizgi" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# commas" msgstr "virgül" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# semicolons" msgstr "noktalı virgül" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# slashes" msgstr "bölme işareti (/)" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#delimiter# tabs" msgstr "sekmeler" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# Show itemtype icons in the catalog: " msgstr "Katalogtaki materyal türü simgelerini göster:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#noItemTypeImages# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#timeout# Adding d will specify it in days, e.g. 1d is timeout of one day." msgstr "d ifadesinin eklenmesi gün olarak belirtecektir, ör. 1d, bir günlük zaman aşımıdır." # Administration > Login options msgid "admin.pref#timeout# Inactivity timeout in seconds to automatically log out users: " msgstr "Kullanıcıların otomatik olarak çıkış yapması için saniye olarak hareketsizlik zaman aşımı:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# Allow staff and patrons to create and view saved lists of books: " msgstr "Personelin ve kullanıcıların kaydedilmiş kitap listelerini oluşturmasına ve görüntülemesine izin verin:" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# No" msgstr "Hayır" # Administration > Interface options msgid "admin.pref#virtualshelves# Yes" msgstr "Evet" # Authorities msgid "authorities.pref" msgstr "Otoriteler" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref General" msgstr "Genel" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref Linker" msgstr "Otorite bağlantıları" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthDisplayHierarchy# Display" msgstr "Görüntüle" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthDisplayHierarchy# Don't display" msgstr "Görüntüleme" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthDisplayHierarchy# broader term/narrower term hierarchies when viewing authorities." msgstr "otoriteleri görüntülerken daha geniş terim/daha dar terim hiyerarşisi." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityControlledIndicators# Here auth1 and auth2 refer to the indicators of the authority record, tag is a biblio field number or an asterisk (*), and some_value is a fixed value (one character).
" msgstr "Burada oauth1 ve oauth2 yetki kaydının göstergelerini ifade eder, etiket bir biblio alan numarası veya bir yıldız (*), ve bir değer sabit bir değerdir (bir karakter).
" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityControlledIndicators# Lines starting with a comment symbol (#) are skipped. Each line should be of the form: (marc21|unimarc), tag, ind1:(auth1|auth2|some_value), ind2:(auth1|auth2|thesaurus|some_value).
" msgstr "Yorum sembolü (#) ile başlayan satırlar atlanır. Her satır aşağıdaki formda olmalıdır: (marc21 | unimarc), etiket, ind1: (auth1 | auth2 | some_value), ind2: (auth1 | auth2 | thesaurus | some_value).
" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityControlledIndicators# The MARC21 option thesaurus refers to indicators controlled by authority field 008/11 and 040$f." msgstr "MARC21 opsiyon eş anlamlıları, otorite alanı 008/11 ve 040$f tarafından kontrol edilen göstergeler anlamına gelir." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityControlledIndicators# Use the following text to edit how authority records control indicators of attached biblio fields (and possibly subfield $2).
" msgstr "Otorite kayıtlarının ekli bibliyografik kayıt alanlarının (ve muhtemelen $2 alt alanının) göstergelerini nasıl kontrol ettiğini düzenlemek için aşağıdaki metni kullanın.
" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityMergeLimit#
NOTE: This system preference requires the misc/migration_tools/ cronjob. Ask your system administrator to schedule it." msgstr "
NOT:Bu sistem tercihi misc/migration_tools/ cronjob'u nu gerektirir. Sistem yöneticinizden ayarlamasını isteyin." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityMergeLimit# When modifying an authority record, do not update attached bibliographic records if the number exceeds" msgstr "Bir otorite kaydını değiştirirken, eğer sayı aşılırsa ekli bibliyografik kayıtları güncelleştirmeyin." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityMergeLimit# records. (Above this limit, the merge_authority cron job will merge them.)" msgstr "kayıt. (Bu sınırın üstünde, merge_authority cron iob'u onları birleştirir.)" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityMergeMode# When updating bibliographic records from an attached authority record (\"merging\"), handle subfields of relevant bibliographic record fields in" msgstr "Eklenmiş bir otorite kaydından bibliyografik kayıtları güncellerken (\"merging\"), ilgili bibliyografik kayıt alanlarının alt alanlarını ele alın" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityMergeMode# loose" msgstr "loose" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityMergeMode# mode. In strict mode subfields that are not found in the authority record, are deleted. Loose mode will keep them. Loose mode is the historical behavior and still the default." msgstr "Strict modda, yetki kaydında bulunmayan alt alanlar silinir. Loose mod bu alanları koruyacaktır. Loose mod geçmişe dönük davranıştır ve yine de varsayılandır." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AuthorityMergeMode# strict" msgstr "strict" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# When editing records," msgstr "Kayıtları düzenlerken eksik otorite kayıtlarını" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# authority records that are missing (BiblioAddsAuthorities must be set to \"allow\" for this to have any effect)." msgstr "kayıp olan otorite kayıtları (bunun herhangi bir etkisi olması için BiblioAddsAuthorities'in \"izin ver\" olarak ayarlanması gerekmektedir)" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# do not generate" msgstr "oluşturma" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#AutoCreateAuthorities# generate" msgstr "oluştur" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# When editing records," msgstr "Kayıtları düzenlerken," # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# allow" msgstr "izin ver" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# don't allow" msgstr "izin verme" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#BiblioAddsAuthorities# them to automatically create new authority records if needed, rather than having to reference existing authorities." msgstr "gerekirse bunları otomatik olarak yerine mevcut yapılar referans yerine, yeni otorite kayıtları oluşturmak için." # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#CatalogModuleRelink# Do" msgstr "Gerçekleştir" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#CatalogModuleRelink# Do not" msgstr "Gerçekleştirme" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#CatalogModuleRelink# automatically relink headings that have previously been linked when saving records in the cataloging module." msgstr "Katalog modülünde kayıtları kaydederken önceden eşleştirilmiş başlıkları (headings) otomatik olarak yeniden eşleştir" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerKeepStale# Do" msgstr "Gerçekleştir" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerKeepStale# Do not" msgstr "Gerçekleştirme" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerKeepStale# keep existing links to authority records for headings where the linker is unable to find a match." msgstr "Eşleştirici, herhangibir eşleşme bulamadığında varolan otorite kayıt bağlantılarını sakla" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# Default" msgstr "Varsayılan" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# First Match" msgstr "ilk eşleşme (First Match)" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# Last Match" msgstr "Son eşleşme (Last Match)" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# Use the" msgstr "Kullan" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerModule# linker module for matching headings to authority records." msgstr "eşleştirme modülünü, başlıkları otorite kayıtlarına eşlerken." # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerOptions# (separate options with |)" msgstr "(seçenekleri | ile ayır)" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerOptions# Set the following options for the authority linker" msgstr "Otorite eşleyici için gelecek seçenekleri ayarla" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerRelink# Do" msgstr "Gerçekleştir" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerRelink# Do not" msgstr "Gerçekleştirme" # Authorities > Linker msgid "authorities.pref#LinkerRelink# relink headings that have previously been linked to authority records." msgstr "otorite kayıtlarına daha önceden bağlanan başlıkları yeniden bağlayınız." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#MARCAuthorityControlField008# Use the following text for the contents of MARC21 authority control field 008 position 06-39 (fixed length data elements). Do NOT include the date (position 00-05)." msgstr "MARC 21 otorite kontrolü alanı 008 konum 06-39 (sabit uzunlukta veri elemanları) içeriği için aşağıdaki metni kullanın. Tarih (konum 00-05) dahil ETMEYİN." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UNIMARCAuthorityField100# Use the following text for the contents of UNIMARC authority field 100 position 08-35 (fixed length data elements). Do NOT include the date (position 00-07)." msgstr "UNIMARC otorite alanı 100 konum 08-35 (sabit uzunlukta veri elemanları) içeriği için aşağıdaki metni kullanın. Tarih (konum 00-05) dahil ETMEYİN." # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# Don't use" msgstr "Kullanma" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# Use" msgstr "Kullan" # Authorities > General msgid "authorities.pref#UseAuthoritiesForTracings# authority record numbers instead of text strings for searches from subject tracings." msgstr "konu izlerindeki aramalardaki metin dizilimleri yerine otorite kayıt numaralarını" # Cataloging msgid "cataloguing.pref" msgstr "Kataloglama" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref Display" msgstr "Görüntüle" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref Exporting" msgstr "Dışa aktarma" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref Importing" msgstr "İçe aktarılıyor" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref Interface" msgstr "cataloguing.pref Arayüz" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref Record Structure" msgstr "Kayıt Yapısı" # Cataloging > Spine Labels msgid "cataloguing.pref Spine Labels" msgstr "Kitap Sırtı Etiketleri" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AcquisitionDetails# Display" msgstr "Görüntüle" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AcquisitionDetails# Don't display" msgstr "Gösterme" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AcquisitionDetails# acquisition details on the bibliographic record detail page." msgstr "bibliyografik kayıt detay sayfasındaki sağlama detayları." # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch# in the 'Additional fields' column of Z39.50 search results (use comma as delimiter e.g.: \"001, 082$ab, 090$ab\")" msgstr "Z39.50 arama sonuçlarının 'Ek alanlar' sütununda (sınırlayıcı olarak virgül kullanın ör.: \"001, 082$ab, 090$ab\")" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch# Display the MARC field/subfields" msgstr "MARC alan/alt alanlarını göster" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# When matching on ISBN with the record import tool," msgstr "ISBN üzerinde kayıt içe aktarma aracı ile eşleştirildiğinde," # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISBNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISBN fields of already cataloged records. Note that this preference has no effect if UseQueryParser is on." msgstr "Kataloglanmış kayıtların ISBN alanlarında bir ifade olarak içe aktarılmış kayıtlar içerisinde ISBN'lerin tüm varyasyonlarını deneyerek agresif eşleştirme yapmaya çalışır. UseQueryParser aktif halde ise bu tercihin bir etkisi olmayacağını unutmayın." # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# do" msgstr "işlemi gerçekleştir" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISBN# don't" msgstr "işlemi gerçekleştirme" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISSN# When matching on ISSN with the record import tool," msgstr "Kayıt içe aktarma aracıyla ISSN üzerinde eşleştirme yaparken," # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISSN# attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISSNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISSN fields of already cataloged records. Note that this preference has no effect if UseQueryParser is on." msgstr "Aktarılan kayıttaki ISSN'lerin tüm varyasyonlarını önceden kataloglanmış kayıtların ISSN alanlarındaki bir cümle olarak denemek suretiyle agresif bir şekilde eşleştirme girişiminde bulunun. UseQueryParser açıksa, bu tercihin hiçbir etkisi olmadığını unutmayın." # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISSN# do" msgstr "Gerçekleştir" # Cataloging > Importing msgid "cataloguing.pref#AggressiveMatchOnISSN# don't" msgstr "Gerçekleştirme" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# ." msgstr "." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# Display MARC subfield" msgstr "MARC altalanını göster" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#AlternateHoldingsField# as holdings information for records that do not have items (This can contain multiple subfields to look in; for instance 852abhi would look in 852 subfields a, b, h, and i.), with the subfields separated by" msgstr "Alt alanlarla ayrılan, materyalleri olmayan kayıtlara yönelik koleksiyon bilgisi ( Bu, arama yeri için birden fazla alt alan içerebilir; örneğin 852abhi 852 alt alanlarında a,b,h ve i olarak bakılabilir)" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AuthoritySeparator# ." msgstr "." # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#AuthoritySeparator# Separate multiple displayed authors, series or subjects with " msgstr "Birden çok olan yazarlar, seriler veya konuları bu işaretle ayırın" # Cataloging > Exporting # Cataloging > Exporting # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields#
" msgstr "
" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# All values of repeating tags and subfields will be printed with the given BibTeX tag." msgstr "Yinelenen tag'lerin ve alt alanların tüm değerleri verilen BibTeX etiketi ile yazdırılacaktır." # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# Include following fields when exporting BibTeX," msgstr "BibTeX dışa aktarılırken aşağıdaki alanlar dahil edilecektir," # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# To specificy multiple marc tags/subfields as targets for a repeating BibTex tag, use the following format: BT_TAG: [TAG2$SUBFIELD1, TAG2$SUBFIELD2] ( e.g. notes: [501$a, 505$g] )" msgstr "Yinelenen bir BibTex tag'i için hedef olarak birden fazla marc tag/alt alanı belirtmek için aşağıdaki biçimi kullanın: BT_TAG: [TAG2$SUBFIELD1, TAG2$SUBFIELD2] ( e.g. notes: [501$a, 505$g] )" # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# Use '@' ( with quotes ) as the BT_TAG to replace the bibtex record type with a field value of your choosing." msgstr "bibtex kayıt türünü seçtiğiniz bir alan değeri ile değiştirmek için, BT_TAG olarak '@' (tırnak işaretleri ile) kullanın." # Cataloging > Exporting msgid "cataloguing.pref#BibtexExportAdditionalFields# Use one line per tag in the format BT_TAG: TAG$SUBFIELD ( e.g. lccn: 010$a )" msgstr "BT_TAG formatında tag başına bir satır kullanın: TAG$SUBFIELD ( e.g. lccn: 010$a )" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultClassificationSource# Use" msgstr "Kullan" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultClassificationSource# as the default classification source." msgstr "varsayılan sınıflandırma kaynağı olarak." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultCountryField008# Empty defaults to xxu for United States." msgstr "ABD için boş varsayılanlar xxu'dur." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultCountryField008# Fill in the default country code for field 008 Range 15-17 of MARC21 - Place of publication, production, or execution. See MARC Code List for Countries" msgstr "MARC21 Yayınlanma, üretim veya uygulama yeri 15-17 aralığı 008 alanı için varsayılan ülke kodunu giriniz. Bkz:Ülkeler için MARC kodu listeleri" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultLanguageField008# Empty defaults to eng." msgstr "varsayılan boş Eng." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#DefaultLanguageField008# Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see MARC Code List for Languages)" msgstr "MARC21 kayıtları 008 alanı 35-37 aralığı için varsayılan dili doldurun. (örn. eng, nor, ger, bkz Diller için MARC kod listesi)" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EasyAnalyticalRecords# Display" msgstr "Görüntüle" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EasyAnalyticalRecords# Don't display" msgstr "Gösterme" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EasyAnalyticalRecords# easy ways to create analytical record relationships" msgstr "analitik kayıt ilgililik oluşturmanın kolay yolları" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor#
NOTE:" msgstr "
NOT:" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor# Currently does not include support for UNIMARC or NORMARC fixed fields." msgstr "Şu anda UNIMARC veya NORMARC sabit alanları için destek içermemektedir." # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor# Don't enable" msgstr "Etkinleştirme" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor# Enable" msgstr "Etkinleştir" # Cataloging > Interface msgid "cataloguing.pref#EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor# the advanced cataloging editor." msgstr "gelişmiş kataloglama düzenleyici" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#ISBD# Use the following as the staff ISBD template:" msgstr "Personel ISBD şablonu olarak aşağıdakileri kullanın:" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# By default, display bibliographic records in" msgstr "Varsayılan olarak, bibliyografik kayıtları şurada göster" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# ISBD form (see below)." msgstr "ISBD formu (aşağıya bakınız)" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# Labelled MARC form" msgstr "Etiketlenmiş MARC formu" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# MARC form." msgstr "MARC formu." # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#IntranetBiblioDefaultView# normal form." msgstr "normal form." # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# Do" msgstr "Gerçekleştir" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# Don't" msgstr "Gerçekleştirme" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#LabelMARCView# collapse repeated tags of the same type into one tag entry on the display." msgstr "aynı tipteki tekrarlayan tagları tek tag altında göster." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MARCOrgCode# Fill in the MARC organization code" msgstr "Doldur MARC organizasyon kodu" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MARCOrgCode# by default in new MARC21 records (leave blank to disable). This can be also set on libraries level." msgstr "Yeni MARC21 kayıtlarında varsayılan olarak (devre dışı bırakmak için boş bırakın). Bu, kütüphaneler düzeyinde de ayarlanabilir." # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldDocURL# For example{MARC}&field={FIELD}&language={LANG}" msgstr "Örneğin{MARC}&field={FIELD}&language={LANG}" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldDocURL# If left empty, the format documentation on (MARC21) or (UNIMARC) is used." msgstr "Boş bırakılırsa, (MARC21) veya (UNIMARC) üzerindeki biçim dokümantasyonu kullanılır." # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldDocURL# Possible substitutions are {MARC} (marc flavour, eg. \"MARC21\" or \"UNIMARC\"), {FIELD} (field number, eg. \"000\" or \"048\"), {LANG} (user language, eg. \"en\" or \"fi-FI\")." msgstr "Olası ikameler {MARC} (marc flavour, eg. \"MARC21\" or \"UNIMARC\"), {FIELD} (field number, eg. \"000\" or \"048\"), {LANG} (kullanıcının dili, örn. \"en\" veya \"fi-FI\")." # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldDocURL# Use" msgstr "Kullanın" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldDocURL# as the URL for MARC field documentation." msgstr "MARC alan belgelerinin URL'si olarak." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldForCreatorId#
NOTE: Use a dollar sign between field and subfield like 123$a." msgstr "
NOT: alan ve alt alan arasında 123$a gibi bir dolar işareti kullanın." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldForCreatorId# Store record's creator borrowernumber in MARC subfield" msgstr "Kaydı oluşturanın okuyucu numarasını MARC alt alanında saklayın" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldForCreatorId# Store record's last modifier borrowernumber in MARC subfield" msgstr "Kaydı son değiştiren borrowernumber'ı MARC alt alanında depolayın." # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldForCreatorId# and record's creator name in MARC subfield" msgstr "ve kaydı oluşturan kişinin adını MARC alt alanında depolayın" # Cataloging > Record Structure msgid "cataloguing.pref#MarcFieldForCreatorId# and record's last modifier name in MARC subfield" msgstr "ve kaydı son değiştiren kişinin adını MARC alt alanında depolayın" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
example: '001,245ab,600'" msgstr "
örnek: '001,245ab,600'" # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
  • all subfields of fields 600
  • " msgstr "
  • 600 alanlarının tüm alt alanları
  • " # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
  • subfields a and b of fields 245
  • " msgstr "
  • 245 alanlarının a ve b alt alanları
  • " # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#
  • value of 001
  • " msgstr "
  • 001 değeri
  • " # Cataloging > Display msgid "cataloguing.pref#MergeReportFields#