#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use JSON qw( from_json ); use C4::Service; use C4::ClassSplitRoutine::RegEx; our ( $query, $response ) = C4::Service->init( parameters => 'parameters_remaining_permissions' ); sub get_split_callnumbers { my $regexs = from_json( $query->param('regexs') ); my $c = $query->param('callnumbers'); my @callnumbers = split "\n", $c; use Data::Printer colored => 1; warn p $c; my @callnumbers_split; for my $callnumber ( @callnumbers ) { my @lines = C4::ClassSplitRoutine::RegEx::split_callnumber($callnumber, $regexs); push @callnumbers_split, { inline => $callnumber, split => \@lines }; } $response->param( split_callnumbers => \@callnumbers_split ); C4::Service->return_success( $response ); } sub update_translation { my $id = $query->param('id'); my $translation = $query->param('translation'); my $lang = $query->param('lang'); my $localization = Koha::Localizations->find( $id ); if ( defined $lang and $localization->lang ne $lang ) { $localization->lang( $lang ) } if ( defined $translation and $localization->translation ne $translation ) { $localization->translation( $translation ) } my %params; my $is_changed; if ( $localization->is_changed ) { $is_changed = 1; unless ( Koha::Localizations->search( { entity => $localization->entity, code => $localization->code, lang => $lang, localization_id => { '!=' => $localization->localization_id }, } )->count ) { $localization->store; } else { $params{error} = 1; $params{error_code} = 'already_exists'; } } $response->param( %params, id => $localization->localization_id, entity => $localization->entity, code => $localization->code, lang => $localization->lang, translation => $localization->translation, is_changed => $is_changed, ); C4::Service->return_success( $response ); } sub add_translation { my $entity = $query->param('entity'); my $code = $query->param('code'); my $lang = $query->param('lang'); my $translation = $query->param('translation'); unless ( Koha::Localizations->search({entity => $entity, code => $code, lang => $lang, })->count ) { my $localization = Koha::Localization->new( { entity => $entity, code => $code, lang => $lang, translation => $translation, } ); $localization->store; $response->param( id => $localization->localization_id, entity => $localization->entity, code => $localization->code, lang => $localization->lang, translation => $localization->translation, ); } else { $response->param( error => 1, error_code => 'already_exists', ); } C4::Service->return_success( $response ); } sub delete_translation { my $id = $query->param('id'); Koha::Localizations->find($id)->delete; $response->param( id => $id ); C4::Service->return_success( $response ); } C4::Service->dispatch( [ 'GET /', [ 'callnumbers', 'regexs' ], \&get_split_callnumbers ], );