//Clear all form cookies
jQuery.removeCookie("form_serialized", { path: '/'});
jQuery.removeCookie("form_serialized_limits", { path: '/'});
- jQuery.removeCookie("num_paragraph", { path: '/'});
jQuery.removeCookie("search_path_code", { path: '/'});
[% END %]
$('#advsearch form').submit(function() {
jQuery.cookie("form_serialized_limits", form_serialized_limits,{ path: '/'});
[% IF ( expanded_options ) %]
- var numPar = $("#booleansearch fieldset p").size();
- if (numPar > [% search_boxes_count | html %]){
- jQuery.cookie("num_paragraph", numPar,{ path: '/'});
- }else{
- jQuery.removeCookie("num_paragraph", { path: '/'});
- }
jQuery.cookie("search_path_code", 'exs',{ path: '/'});
[% ELSE %]
jQuery.cookie("search_path_code", 'ads',{ path: '/'});
- jQuery.removeCookie("num_paragraph", { path: '/'});
[% END %]
$template->param( sort_by => $default_sort_by );
- # determine what to display next to the search boxes (ie, boolean option
- # shouldn't appear on the first one, scan indexes should, adding a new
- # box should only appear on the last, etc.
- my @search_boxes_array;
- my $search_boxes_count = 3; # begin with 3 boxes
- $template->param( search_boxes_count => $search_boxes_count );
- if ($cgi->cookie("num_paragraph")){
- $search_boxes_count = $cgi->cookie("num_paragraph");
- }
- for (my $i=1;$i<=$search_boxes_count;$i++) {
- # if it's the first one, don't display boolean option, but show scan indexes
- if ($i==1) {
- push @search_boxes_array,
- {
- scan_index => 1,
- };
- }
- # if it's the last one, show the 'add field' box
- elsif ($i==$search_boxes_count) {
- push @search_boxes_array,
- {
- boolean => 1,
- add_field => 1,
- };
- }
- else {
- push @search_boxes_array,
- {
- boolean => 1,
- };
- }
- }
my @advsearch_limits = split /,/, C4::Context->preference('OpacAdvSearchOptions');
my @advsearch_more_limits = split /,/,
uc( C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") ) => 1, # we already did this for UNIMARC
advsearch => 1,
- search_boxes_loop => \@search_boxes_array,
OpacAdvSearchOptions => \@advsearch_limits,
OpacAdvSearchMoreOptions => \@advsearch_more_limits,