Koha 3 - the next-generation release of the award-winning Koha open-source integrated library system. Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System. Developed initially in New Zealand by Katipo Communications, Ltd and first deployed in January of 2000 for the Horowhenua Library Trust, it is currently maintained by a team of software providers and library technology staff from around the globe. Learn more about the Koha project at http://koha.org. INSTALLATION ============ Koha 3 comes with a new installer, based on MakeMaker, the tool that is usually used to install CPAN modules. This means that if you know how to customise CPAN-installed modules, the same things should work for you with Koha. If not, don't worry. If you want to customise the installation more than described below, run "man ExtUtils::MakeMaker" You need to have a server running Perl 5.8, MySQL 5 or PostgreSQL 8.2.5, Zebra 2.0.22 or greater and a webserver (preferably Apache2) before installing Koha. MySQL 5: Create a database called 'koha,' owned by 'kohaadmin' user, with a password set. Note: kohaadmin must have at least the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER, and LOCK TABLES. PostgreSQL 8.2.5: Create a database called 'koha,' owned by 'kohaadmin' user, with a password set. Note: kohaadmin must be a superuser. You must also add plpgsql to the koha database. NOTE: PostgreSQL support in Koha is experimental and should not be attempted for production systems without a heavy investment in testing Default installation instructions: 1. perl Makefile.PL (you will be prompted to answer a number of questions and you will need to install some Perl dependencies) WARNING: 1.1 A Perl library Koha depends on, MARC::File::XML may not work with Perl 5.10, see: http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2309), 1.2 recent versions of CGI::Session have caused some issues for users; as of this release date, we suggest downloading the CGI::Session::serialize::yaml tarball direct from CPAN and install it directly rather than using the cpan command 2. make 3.(optional) make test 4. sudo make install 5. sudo ln -s /etc/koha/koha-httpd.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/koha (note that the path to koha-httpd.conf may be different depending on your installation choices) 6. sudo a2enmod rewrite 7. sudo a2ensite koha && /etc/init.d/apache2 reload 8. sudo zebrasrv -f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml (note that you will want to run Zebra in daemon mode for a production system) 9. Browse to http://servername:8080/ and answer the questions OR if you want to install all dependencies from CPAN and are root, you can replace steps 1-3 with "perl install-CPAN.pl" but this is non-standard and may not be safe. Nevertheless, it's pretty cool when it works. The defaults will install Koha to places that follow relevant standards, such as the File Hierarchy Standard. If you want to install Koha to a different directory like /opt/koha, then replace step 1 with (for example): 1. perl Makefile.PL INTRANET_CGI_DIR=/www/cgi-bin You can change most of the defaults in a similar way, such as DB_HOST. For full instructions on how to override the default settings, run $ perldoc rewrite-config.PL UPGRADE ======= If you are upgrading from a previous installation of Koha 3, you can use the following: perl Makefile.PL --prev-install-log /path/to/koha-install-log make make test sudo make upgrade IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS ==================== IF THIS IS A PRE-RELEASE TREE: please contact developers by email via http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/koha-devel or http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.education.libraries.koha.devel IF THIS IS A RELEASED VERSION: please see the support pages at http://www.koha.org/ Released versions usually have three-digit numbers, like 3.00.01, while other version number styles are usually snapshots or previews. DEVELOPER NOTES =============== For instructions on how to package releases, run perldoc Makefile.PL